The teahouse was full of ashes, and the tea was served.

Daro pushed open the wooden door of the teahouse and walked in.

In the teahouse, a middle-aged man was kneeling in front of the tea table to make tea.

He placed the tea bowl in front of the silk gauze, and then began to brew it with rigorous and elegant movements.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Daro began to look at Izumi Ji in front of him.

He had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, wearing a white kimono, a fist-wide black belt around his waist, and two red scabbards, one long and one short, on the belt.

"Mr. Daro, please sit down."

Izumi Ji spoke first, motioning Daro to sit down.

Sitting Darrow did not speak in a hurry, but quietly watched Izumi Ji brewing tea in front of him, as if he was not here to ask for an explanation today, but just to meet an old friend and taste tea.

After a while, the fragrance of tea wafted, filling the entire tea room.

"The tea is ready, please."

Izumi Ji handed the tea bowl to Darrow.

Taking the tea bowl with both hands, Darrow took a sip gently.

Hmm, a little bitter.

Darrow, who was used to drinking, was a little unaccustomed to the taste of this tea, which was too bland. Sure enough, wine was better, and drinking tea in the pirate world was really a little weird.

"Mr. Darrow, it was so lively in the sword hall today. Is there anything?" Seeing that Darrow had finished drinking, Izumi Ji slowly spoke.

Although his tone was not harsh and his speech speed was not fast, he asked the question first, giving Darrow a hat of unreasonable trouble.

Da Luo put the tea bowl back on the tea table and said, "I just arrived and opened a new tavern on this island. But for some reason, the disciples of your sword hall came to my tavern to cause trouble, causing heavy losses to my tavern. I came here today to ask if there is any misunderstanding?"

"Oh, my disciples went to your tavern to cause trouble, I didn't know."

"Old fox, you want to get yourself out of it with just a few words." Da Luo didn't believe that Izumi Ji didn't know about this. He complained in his heart, without his instructions, would the apprentices of the sword hall dare to be so arrogant?

"Master, you don't know that I just opened a tavern opposite the Kanesada Sword Hall. Yesterday, people from your sword hall came to my tavern for no reason and caused trouble. Not only did the business suffer, but it also caused heavy losses."

"I heard that your sword hall and the Kanesada Sword Hall have always had grievances. The people from the sword hall were also instructed to come and cause trouble. Some of the disciples behaved perversely and used the name of the master to do evil. My tavern was just affected."

Daro pointed it out directly, and in his words, he also secretly pointed out that the apprentices were instigated to make trouble.

"So that's it. I neglected to discipline them and caused trouble for Mr. Daro." Izumi Ji said with a face full of shame. At the same time, he supported the red long sword hanging on his waist with both hands and secretly pointed the handle of the sword at Daro's head.

This little action certainly did not escape Daro's eyes. Daro adjusted his sitting posture and avoided his vital points.

This is not a superfluous move by Darrow. In the final analysis, Japanese kendo is a killing skill, and there is murderous intent everywhere.

Even sneak attacks are not uncommon in kendo, and have become a school, namely the famous Iai.

Iai is a trick to win in an instant by striking and cutting the opponent from a sitting static position or a standing dynamic position. It sounds good, but in fact it is just a sneak attack that catches the opponent off guard.

Therefore, when facing a swordsman, you must always pay attention not to reveal any flaws, otherwise the opponent will suddenly jump up and hit you with a knife, and you will have no place to cry.

Fortunately, Darrow has this powerful observation Haki, and this little move cannot escape Darrow's perception at all.

"Huh." Seeing that his test didn't work, Izumi Ji exclaimed, and then slowly said: "The Kanesada Sword Hall was originally my family's ancestral property. It's a pity that Izumi Riken relied on his slick words to deceive my father and swindled the family sword hall and sword manual.

"Later, I was really angry and wanted to go to his house to ask for an explanation, but he stayed at home. I had no choice but to let my apprentices block him at the door and force him out."

"I didn't expect that my apprentices were so unruly that they affected Mr.'s tavern. It's really wrong."

Daro didn't come to listen to the story. The problem of the tavern must be solved, so he said: "Since this is the case, there is a head for injustice and a master for debt. Please ask the owner to restrain his apprentices and avoid harming innocent people."

"That's natural."


Since I got Izumi Ji's promise, Daro didn't want to stay here. After a while,

After that, he stood up and said goodbye.

Da Luo really couldn't stand Izumi Nori's hypocritical look. After living in the pirate world for 16 years, his personality was also subtly changed by this world, becoming bold and direct.

Compared with his previous life, when he needed to use a hypocritical face to protect himself in the steel jungle, Da Luo preferred his current straightforward appearance.

When he walked out of the door of the sword hall, Da Luo noticed that Miss Suzuki was not at the front desk.

"This old fox."

Da Luo recalled that it seemed that everything today was arranged by Izumi Nori from the beginning. This Suzuki was not a front desk at all. I'm afraid that Izumi Nori specially arranged to wait for him after receiving the news yesterday.

But it's also true. If Miss Suzuki was just a front desk, the apprentices wouldn't be so afraid of her, let alone leading Da Luo to Izumi Nori's private residence.

However, this also makes sense. Why was Da Luo arranged to be under Michiki after signing up? In this way, that Sanqiao should also be arranged by Izumi Nori, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

If he lost to Michiki and Sanbashi, he would have to leave in disgrace. Fortunately, he defeated Sanbashi, otherwise he would not even be able to see Izumi Nori.

Moreover, in the tea room, although Darrow did not fight with Izumi Nori directly, the competition in secret never stopped.

Since he sat down, Izumi Nori has been testing him. While drinking tea, Darrow noticed that Izumi Nori's left hand was always adjusting the two knives on his waist, and at the same time, he was always trying to catch his flaws.

Fortunately, Darrow has the blessing of observation Haki, always paying attention to his small movements and adjusting his posture, otherwise Izumi Nori might suddenly draw his knife while talking.

Then it is unlikely that he will suddenly attack and hurt people, but if he uses the excuse of cutting mosquitoes to let Izumi Nori put the knife on Darrow's neck to give himself a warning, then the subsequent negotiations will not be so smooth.

He will not promise to restrain his apprentices as he does now, but fortunately Darrow is alert and perfectly resolves these calculations.

The matter of the tavern should come to an end here.

I have already explained the situation to Izumi Ji. If there are still people who come to make trouble and affect the business of my tavern in the future, it will be because he failed to discipline them. Don't blame Da Luo for being rude then.

As for Izumi Ji, the old fox, Da Luo has also signed up for the Niu Jiao qualifying competition. He will meet him sooner or later in the qualifying competition. He will meet him then.

Now, it's not the right time.

Not long after Da Luo left, Izumi Ji still stayed in the tea room to drink tea.

"Come in." After a while, Izumi Ji called Suzuki into the Japanese-style room, and then slowly spoke. "What do you think of his strength?".

"Terrible speed, terrible strength, but his kendo skills don't seem to be very good. I only saw him use one move of Tangzhu." Suzuki responded after watching Da Luo's two duels in the training room.

"Humph, kendo, he doesn't know kendo at all. That kid should be a master of using guns." Izumi Ji snorted coldly.

"Gunman, that's impossible." Suzuki was surprised to hear that Darrow was actually a gunman.

Because guns in the pirate world are generally used to intimidate the weak, and it is difficult to pose a threat to the real strong. Only people who have no ambitions will use guns for self-defense.

"How is it impossible? There are calluses all over the knuckles and index fingers of his hands. He must be a gunman." Izumi Ji said affirmatively. He had been looking at Darrow since he entered the back house, not missing any details.

"Go and call Michiki and Mihashi." Izumi Ji ended the topic, and after thinking for a while, he ordered Suzuki.


After a while, Michiki and Mihashi came to the Japanese-style room. At this time, they looked like elementary school students who had caused trouble in school.

After scolding, Izumi Ji immediately asked the two about the specific situation of the incident.

Michimu didn't dare to hide anything and told everything about what happened yesterday, especially the situation of being trapped yesterday. However, he still believed that the [Air Prison] that trapped him all night yesterday was just a trap set by Daro.

"Trap? Humph, stupid!" Izumi Ji is well-informed and of course knows about the Devil Fruit. Thinking of his repeated attempts today, but being resolved one by one by Daro, he couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that this Leizibart is really a big shot."

"What should we do in the future? Will we go to the Kanesada Sword Hall?" Hearing that even the hall master was amazed by Daro, Sanbashi next to him asked.

"Go, why not? The Gyu-Kaku ranking competition will start in a few days. Izumi Rikiken has not made a move for 5 consecutive years.

If you don't participate this year, you will lose your qualification to become a Menkyo Kaiden, and you won't even be qualified to recruit apprentices."

"But wait for two days, and don't conflict with the tavern owner for the time being." Izumi Ji said with some fear, thinking of the several rounds of confrontation between him and Darrow just now.


After Doki and Mihashi left, Izumi Ji's voice was heard again in the tightly locked tea room.

"Suzuki, where are you going?" Izumi Ji asked Miss Suzuki who hurried out with a lunch box.

"To deliver food to Xiaoqian." Suzuki responded with a smile, and then asked hesitantly, "Can't you talk to Xiaoqian?"

"It's not that I don't talk to him, it's that his obsession is too deep and he won't communicate with me." Izumi Ji responded, and then waved his hand and continued, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, go."

"Okay. "After answering, Miss Suzuki took the lunch box and went out.

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