The money was spent, but it was not easy to make money.

Nine million, plus the principal of 10 million, Darrow now has nearly 20 million Baileys.

In just a few minutes of a game, Darrow's personal assets doubled.

However, this is only limited to this time. Seeing that Darrow showed his prowess in his first competition, Darrow's odds in various handicaps will be greatly reduced in subsequent games.

In other words, it will not be so easy to make money in the future.

However, Darrow is not completely without countermeasures. Isn't there a good buddy Hequan Liqian?

Speaking of this, Darrow remembered that the third game in the afternoon is the game with Hequan Liqian. Darrow must watch it carefully at that time to prevent this kid from working without effort.

The second game on the field has not yet been finished, but Darrow is already thinking about how much money he can make from Izumi Liqian in the third game.

"This kid has always been hiding his weakness. What if he does something weird to me in the first game, I will be broken." Darrow secretly calculated in his heart.

Although Izumi Liqian is quite strong, who knows what he is thinking now? What if Izumi Liqian loses the first game directly, I will not even have the principal.

It is safer to keep some principal. If I lose to Izumi Liqian, I can still turn the tables with the remaining principal.

So, Darrow called Sanniruo next to him and said to him: "The next game is Izumi Liqian's game. Let's bet 10 million again."

"Yes, I'll go now."

At this time, Sanniruo was as obedient as an obedient student. After listening to Darrow's words, he immediately left the venue and bet on various odds.

Why is he so obedient? Because he can make money.

In the match with Darrow just now, Sonny made a lot of money. The commission of 20,000 yuan that day was just a small part. The biggest part was the commission.

In the first match with Darrow just now, Sonny made more than 200,000 yuan in commission. This also made Sonny sure that as long as he worked hard with Darrow, Bailey would not be without him.

Finally, the final bell of the second match rang. It was soon the match of Izumi Reiken. I had to supervise him carefully.

Nearing three o'clock in the afternoon, the players of the third match began to enter the venue. Izumi Reiken was naturally in the team. Today, he was still dressed in the same outfit, but the swords on his waist became two.

One real sword, one wooden sword.

Seeing this scene, Darrow's mentality was a little unstable. Could this guy use a wooden sword to play himself?

I bet 10 million on him.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon. Like Darrow, Izumi Liqian walked through the preparation area and the player channel to the competition area, and his opponent was already ready.

"Get ready to tear this weakling into pieces." This is what Izumi Liqian's opponent was thinking at the moment.

Unlike his ferocious opponent, Izumi Liqian was very calm at the moment, like an old monk who cultivated his body and mind. It was hard to imagine that a young man of seventeen or eighteen would have such a mentality.

Izumi Liqian drew the wooden sword from his waist and took a mid-section stance, while his opponent was also ready to win with one blow.

Seeing that Izumi Liqian was using a wooden sword, the audience immediately booed.

"This guy is acting again."

"It's really a weakling, why not admit defeat."

"Go to hell."

And those who bet on Izumi Liqian cursed, and all kinds of ugly curses were heard. Of course, Darrow was not included.

Darrow was very calm at this moment, because it was related to his plan to make a fortune. As early as when the two people entered the field, Darrow had been observing Izumi Reiken and his opponent with his dead eye.

From the actions of the two people at this time, it can be seen that the difference in strength between the two is huge.

Although Izumi Reiken is also in the middle stage at this moment, the wooden sword in his hand is swinging at a very small amplitude, causing the flaws on his body to change constantly in the perspective of the dead eye, and the speed of change is extremely fast.

As for his opponent, although his lower body is solid, he is a little too strong and not flexible enough, resulting in the flaws on his body, especially the flaws in the upper body, which are always exposed.

Looks bluffing, but in fact it is vulnerable.

"As long as this kid plays seriously, the game should be over in one round." After seeing the difference in strength between the two, Darrow silently said.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The opening bell of the third game rang.

Sonny, who happened to be out on business at this time, returned to the audience, squeezed through the crowded crowd, came to Darrow, and said breathlessly: "Luckily I made it in time.

Boss, everything is ready. As you ordered, 10 million. "

The reason for the rush is that the bell that just rang is not only the opening bell, but also the closing bell for betting on various odds.

When the last bell rings, betting stops, and the constantly changing odds are based on the odds of the last second.

"What are the odds?" Darrow asked Sonny while watching Izumi Reiken on the field.

"2.1." Sonny replied with a heavy breath before he could catch his breath.

"So high!" Darrow was a little surprised. Under normal circumstances, the odds of the odds opened by the odds are rarely above 2.

"This is normal. After all, Izumi Reiken had a bad reputation before, and I don't know why his odds suddenly rose before the odds closed." Sonny explained.

"I see. "

Daro understood that the bad reputation that Izumi Reiken had accumulated in the past few years had caused all the odds to be high, and the sudden surge in odds before the deadline should be the moment when Izumi Reiken drew out the wooden sword.

"This..." Sunny, who had recovered his breath, also saw Izumi Reiken holding the wooden sword on the field, and looked at Daro worriedly. After all, his income was linked to Daro's income. If he lost the 10 million, he would only have the 20,000 commission today.

"Don't worry."

As if to respond to Daro's words, the outcome of the game was about to be revealed.

Izumi Reiken held the wooden sword in one hand and stroked the blade with the other hand. He slowly walked forward two steps and then suddenly accelerated. He took three consecutive steps to approach his opponent and slowly raised his sword-holding hand.

"Kanesada-ryu, False Slash. ”

It was the slash that Sanqiao used when Da Luo was making trouble in Wuding Sword Hall, but compared with Sanqiao, Izumi Reiken's false slash was obviously more advanced.

The two slashes from the left and the right made it impossible to tell which one was real and which one was fake.

"Little devil, go to hell."

Sure enough, Izumi Reiken's opponent was fooled, and used his left hand to defend the feint attack on the left, while his right hand reached forward to Izumi Reiken.

But was there enough time? Of course not. Before the man's right hand touched Izumi Reiken, the slash on the right had already fallen, and the wooden sword fell heavily on the opponent's right shoulder.

"The winner is decided. "Daro muttered silently.

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, Izumi Reiken's opponent slowly fell down on the field, and the entire duel field fell into a deathly silence. After a while, the referee announced loudly.

"The winner is Izumi Reiken."

Ignoring the noise in the duel field, Daro led Sonnyruo out of the field.

Along the way, Sonnyruo was still a little dazed. After the two games today, Daro made a total of 30 million Baileys, including principal and interest, and he would also receive a commission of 600,000.

Calculating today's income, Daro couldn't help his inner joy, but he didn't show it on his face like Sonnyruo.

"You did a good job today. In the future, when you go to the duel field to watch the game, don't buy a seat ticket. Book a private room. The fee will be deducted from the income. "

Daro remembered that it would be difficult for Sonny to squeeze in the crowd today, and it would be easier to find him after he finished the game if he booked a private room.

Unlike now, the two of them were staying in the aisle...

After saying goodbye to Sonny, Daro walked back to the tavern alone. Maybe it was because he made money, Daro felt that the sunset was particularly beautiful, and the brilliant sunset made Daro shine with golden light.

Today was indeed a day of fortune.

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