The day after the match was a day off.

Daro was lying on the bed, feeling so tired from backache.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't because of the match yesterday afternoon.

It was because there were so many customers in the pub last night that Daro and Lu Jiu were busy entertaining customers all night.

This was the norm during the qualifying rounds. During the day, everyone was watching the match, and there was no customer in the pub.

At night, the audience and gamblers swarmed into the pub again, looking for some entertainment.

"I can't stand it."

Daro's cocktail glass was almost broken last night, and he could barely handle so many customers.

"It seems I have to hire a helper." Daro thought to himself.

During the day, he has to participate in competitions and command bets, and at night he has to help mix drinks in the tavern. If he continues like this, he might get Parkinson's disease, and he will tremble when he pulls the trigger.

But it is not easy to find a helper.

It is impossible to find someone who can mix drinks right away, and he must be reliable, otherwise he will run away after Daro teaches him how to mix drinks, which is a huge loss.

Let's not talk about the helper for now.

Daro has something to do today. The shells and grenade components that were customized at the firearms shop have been made. Daro will go there later to take them away first.

Those special grenade components are very important and are related to the development of Daro's new moves.

After eating the fruit, Daro found that the compression fruit ability has a big disadvantage.

That is, the activation time of the move is long, and it takes a lot of time to compress the material when the ability is activated on the spot.

For this reason, Daro wants to use the long-term maintenance characteristics of the fruit ability to compress various substances in advance.

At that time, this will avoid the embarrassment of using abilities for a long time in front of the enemy during the battle.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Darrow went out excitedly.

Today, Darrow plans to find a place to experiment after getting the grenade component.

Therefore, he will be outside all day today. Fortunately, he told Lu Jiu about it last night, and Lu Jiu even prepared a lunch box for him.

After a few pleasantries with the owner of the firearms store, Darrow paid the money and took the goods, and finally got what he had been thinking about.

After leaving the store, after a rough inspection, Darrow put the things away, then took out the map that had been prepared long ago, and began to search on the map.

Every time he arrived at a place, Darrow would buy a map first. This map was also bought when he first came to Lezibart.

This is a good habit, which can prevent panic when an accident occurs.

The reason for using the map is that Darrow did not find a suitable place for practice near this city.

Now, if you want to develop your own new moves, you must find a remote place.

After all, your ability is very loud. The compression fruit can compress various substances, and it will cause a great explosive force when the compression is released.

For example, the seawater bullet that compresses seawater will explode after hitting the enemy. At the same time, it has the characteristics of seawater and can suppress the devil fruit ability user.

And this time, what Darrow wants to experiment is to use the fruit ability to compress more substances to make special grenades. Compared with the bullets made after compression, it will be more powerful. If you don’t find a hidden place, it will attract a lot of people’s attention.

"Found it." Darrow said, looking at the map.

Following the place where Darrow pointed, it is the west coast of Lezibart, where there is an abandoned shipyard. It is said that it was once the largest shipyard on the island.

Unfortunately, it went bankrupt due to poor management, and the shipbuilding area is not small.

In fact, in order to facilitate the acquisition of materials, a forest was planted next to the shipyard and a supporting timber factory was built.

The most important thing is that the location is remote and deserted, so it doesn't matter how much noise Darrow makes.

However, remoteness is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The shipyard is 40 kilometers away from here. If there is no means of transportation, it will take some time to get there.

Fortunately, Darrow has another way.

After putting the map back into his pocket, Darrow walked to a remote street corner and slowly compressed the surrounding air around him.


After feeling that the amount of compressed air behind him was enough to support him to reach the shipyard, Darrow began to control the compressed air to slowly release it behind him.

[Rainbow Drive]

This skill was originally developed to shake off the enemy or break through the enemy's siege.

But later,

Darrow found that this move was also very convenient for traveling.

Six compressed air blocks were entrenched behind Darrow, slowly released backwards, and sprayed a stable airflow to the rear. The huge reaction force drove Darrow to fly at a low altitude.

Let's go to the shipyard.

Darrow turned into a blue light and flew all the way on the island. After a while, he arrived at the door of the shipyard.

It took Darrow 27 minutes to travel 40 kilometers. The speed was not fast, just about the same as the speed of cars in his previous life.

The main reason was that he wasted too much time on the road in the city. Even if he was confident in his control, Darrow did not dare to "drive fast" in the bustling downtown area.

The sight turned to Darrow.

After pushing open the decayed gate, the main dock of the shipyard came into view.

Walking into the dock, on Darrow's left hand side were some piled wood, and next to it was an old cutting machine.

On the right side is a huge crane. All these antiques in front of him are telling the glory of the shipyard in the past.

Daro didn't come here to feel sad. He put the bullets and grenade components on the pile of wood, took out a grenade component, and activated his ability.


The air gathered in Daro's palm again, gradually condensing into a block-shaped entity.

Fill the grenade with this air block as gunpowder, and then assemble the grenade trigger and fuse components according to the [Sharpshooter's Notes] given by Old Dutch.

Finally, install the safety, and a special compressed air grenade is made.

"Try how powerful it is."

This is the first time to make this kind of grenade, and I don't know how powerful it is. I have to try it out so that I can have a bottom line in my heart, so Daro threw the grenade in his hand with all his strength.


A loud noise sounded in the empty shipyard, and the huge blasting force set off a sky-high wave.

Not only that, after the grenade exploded, countless wind blades were shot out, leaving cutting marks on the cutting machine next to it.

"It worked." Seeing the power of this grenade, Darrow was delighted.

I didn't expect it to succeed on the first try, and it was so powerful. The power was almost the same as Sam's [Compressed Air Cannon].

But you have to know that Sam's [Compressed Air Cannon] needs to be charged for about three seconds to start, while this grenade explodes as soon as it is thrown, and there is no gap for attack at all.


The explosion just now occurred around the cutting machine, and the air wave swept up the remaining wood powder on the cutting machine.

The dust stirred up made Darrow very uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable it was, it was not as happy as Darrow at the moment.

Because this is not just a move that has been successfully developed. Based on this form, Darrow can develop a series of new moves.

So, in the following time.

Darrow was very busy.

Ignite the wood pile, compress the burning flames to make incendiary grenades;

Collect wood chips, compress the wood chip powder to make smoke grenades;

Draw out seawater, compress the seawater to make seawater grenades, the nemesis of devil fruit ability users;

In less than two hours.

Daro has successfully experimented with more than ten new grenades, including smoke grenades, flame grenades, seawater grenades and air grenades.

So far, Daro has gained a lot, but he is still not satisfied, because he feels that simply compressing matter can only be regarded as the entry point of this series.

"We have to think of a way to increase the power." Daro pondered while putting away the finished grenades.

In his current conception, the C series of grenade moves should have at least four levels.

C1 level: compressing a large amount of matter in a grenade will not only explode but also have the characteristics of the compressed matter, such as burning after compression of flames;

C2 level: the compression volume is ten times that of a C1 grenade, and the compressed matter is almost condensed into substance. The large amount of matter is enough for Da Luo to create a variety of skill forms;

C3 level: various compressed substances cooperate with each other to form a chain reaction, just like the various escape techniques that complement each other in the previous life of Naruto.

As for the later C4, Da Luo has no idea for a while.

The grenades currently developed can only be regarded as C1 at most. It is okay to clear the small fish on weekdays, but it is definitely not enough if you meet a strong person.

As a supplement to one's own combat power, the new moves have a very important tactical position and may even become the main way to activate one's fruit ability.

C1 alone cannot satisfy Da Luo.

Fortunately, after spending some effort, two new moves of the C2 series were also successfully developed by Da Luo.

One is the [C2 Air Cage] that Daro has used before, and the other is a brand new grenade [C2 Explosive Red


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