The show for the Celestial Dragons is over, and the people are leaving.

Garp will rush to the New World to help the navy, and the Roger Pirates are also preparing to leave and continue their adventure.

An unknown island, facing the coast in the direction of Lezibart.

A navy warship and a pirate group are docked side by side on the shore.

"Brother Darrow, let's say goodbye here!" Roger said, put the straw hat on his head, and walked onto the pirate ship without looking back.

On the deck of the pirate ship, Rayleigh, Jabba and others were waiting.

"Brother Darrow, goodbye!!" Jabba said enthusiastically to Darrow. This guy was so enthusiastic even when he was leaving. It was really unbearable.

"Brother Darrow, please say goodbye to Trek and Miss Luju for me. Goodbye." Rayleigh was more polite and said goodbye to Darrow formally.


Hearing Darrow's response, Jabba and Roger waved on the deck, and the ship also raised the sail and sailed towards the distant sea.

When the mast disappeared at the end of the sea level, the sadness of parting also dissipated immediately


Roger had just left, and Garp had also finished his preparations. After counting the number of people, Garp also got on the ship. It can be seen that he was really anxious.

After saying goodbye to Darrow, the navy warship was about to leave the shore.

Suddenly, Garp on the deck seemed to remember the conversation with Matt when he first went to the tavern, and also remembered Darrow's joke that he could see the future, and asked a question for some reason.

"Darrow boy, do you think there will be true justice in the future navy?"

Darrow was also confused when he heard Garp suddenly ask this, but suddenly remembered Coby, Smoker, Fujitora and others, and answered.

"Of course there will be, but it will be a long time later."

"A long time later! Haha."

Garp standing on the deck laughed. Although he still didn't believe Darrow's nonsense that he could see the future, he was still very happy to hear the affirmative answer.

"However, it will be too late if it's a long time later."

"Let this era see it!"

"My Garp's justice."


After saying goodbye to the two, Darrow didn't stay on the island any longer. He happened to meet Major General Matt who came to salvage Bode and the other two, so he borrowed a favorable boat and went back together.

Bode and the other two were not dead. As spectators who witnessed Garp's pursuit of Roger's pirates, they had to stay alive and report the information to the Celestial Dragons, so that Rector would be safe and Garp would have a reason to return to the Navy Headquarters.

Back in the tavern, Darrow said hello to Luju and went back upstairs to rest, because he had another regular season game to play in the afternoon, and his opponent was still the musketeer named Tim, so he had to conserve his energy.

On the other hand, Rector was stunned for a moment when he heard that Roger's pirates and Garp had left, and murmured, "Did they leave?"

Recalling this happy time, Luju on the side said gently, "Everyone is a very good person."

I don't know if it was because the people of Roger's pirates left, the tavern became quiet and seemed a little deserted, and the atmosphere was still a little low until lunch.

But in the afternoon, Darrow didn't think so.

The heated atmosphere of the game instantly pulled Darrow back to the duel arena. Because Tim had killed the giant bear Cousins ​​with a bounty of 100 million in the previous game, Darrow's odds in this game were not low, 1.3.

The later the game is, the larger the principal will be, and the more money will be earned. After calculation, if he wins this game, his funds will reach an astonishing 170 million Baileys.

"Can't lose!"

Darrow stretched his arm that was hurt by the stone in the morning, and walked towards the competition arena on his own.

Behind, Tim, who was on the preparation table, watched Darrow leave, solemnly took off the backpack behind him, and held a gold-plated revolver in his hand.

After loading the bullets into the golden revolver one by one, Tim murmured, "Darrow, right? I hope you are qualified to be defeated by this gun."

After that, Tim also walked slowly into the player channel.

The audience seats were already full of people, and it was obvious that the audience had been looking forward to this game for a long time.

"Come on, Tim!"

"Daro, kill that arrogant bounty hunter!"

The cheers of the two people rang out one after another, probably because Daro and Tim had played together in the previous game.

The performance was too brilliant, but after this stage of the game, each of them received a lot of crowds.

Fortunately, the referee did not let the audience wait too long.

"Ring, ring, ring."

The bell rang and the game began.

Or rather, the game started before the bell rang. At the moment when the last bell fell, Darrow and Tim jumped to the right at the same time.

The two of them aimed at the opposite side with dual revolvers in the air.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Countless bullets flew between Darrow and Tim, and each bullet was so tricky. The bullets collided and intertwined in the air, and only a few escaped and flew to the other side.

The bullets fired by Darrow were even more tricky. Under the lock of the dead eye, the opponent had almost no escape. The few surviving bullets that passed the barrage flew to Tim at an unexpected angle, but Tim dodged with an unexpected roll.

If Darrow's bullets are fierce and tricky, Tim's bullets are more. In the same time flying in the air, Tim fired a full 6 more bullets than Darrow. In order to avoid Darrow, he could only use [Blue Bird] and use the second stage of flying to avoid.

In the first round, the two fought evenly.

"You can feel it?" Tim stood up from the ground and said to Darrow.

"What?" Darrow was a little confused by this sudden question.

"You can sense the enemy's movements, right?" Tim seemed to know that the question he asked was ambiguous, and he explained it again.

"Well, so what." Darrow replied, and he realized that this guy should be talking about the observation Haki.

"That's great!" After hearing Darrow's affirmative answer, Tim sighed.

Although Tim didn't know what the observation Haki was like, and didn't even know what it was called, he knew that it was what he was pursuing, the higher realm of the sharpshooter.

"What's going on?" Darrow muttered.

Maybe Darrow was born with the awakening of Observation Haki, or maybe he spent a long time with Roger Garp and the others these days, which made him feel that Observation Haki was nothing big.

In fact, it was not. Observation Haki in the Four Seas was an ability of another dimension.

Tim felt deeply about this. Being a gunman was painful, not only because he was afraid of being approached, but also because the power of the gun was too small, and it was difficult to cause effective damage to the enemy.

In order to make up for this, he has been practicing gunmanship, trying to make up for these shortcomings through gunmanship, but no matter how high he pushed his shooting skills, he could not go any further.

He even suspected that this was the pinnacle of the gunman, and he would never be as good as those who practiced swordsmanship, let alone those fruit ability users.

Until one day, he visited a legendary gunman in the South China Sea. The red-nosed legendary gunman told him that the next realm of gunmanship was a stronger perception and anticipating the enemy's moves.

Tim was overjoyed to know that there was still a road ahead of him that he had not yet set foot on. He began to wander around, looking for people who had reached this realm, but after many years, he had no results.

This is why he was so excited when he saw that every bullet of Darrow was so accurate as if it was predicted that day, and even took out his treasured revolver.

"But I won't lose."

Tim raised his revolver and poured his endless firepower at Darrow again. Darrow was also unambiguous and raised his gun to shoot.

Darrow and Tim were like cowboys in a duel in the West, rolling and moving, raising their guns and shooting, and bullets flew up and down on the field, causing the audience to cheer.

Finally, the two of them caught a flaw in the other party at the same time, and planned to solve the other party with the last blow.

"Let you see my determination."

Tim raised his hands and aimed the two revolvers at Darrow again, and saw countless bullets pouring out of the barrels.

[Symphony · Twenty-four Quartet]

Especially the golden revolver, the speed of the bullet triggering is simply amazing, but this is not the point. The point is that after firing the bullets in the magazine, Tim gently pressed a buckle on the golden revolver, and the empty magazine quickly ejected.

Ejecting the magazine, changing the magazine, loading, firing, a series of actions only took place in a short fraction of a second, making it impossible for people to react at all, as if the golden revolver had unlimited bullets.

"Too many."

Looking at the countless bullets attacking him, Darrow's scalp was numb. This firepower coverage made him unable to believe that it could be done with a revolver.

In desperation, Darrow had to use [Instant Body] to pull to the side and avoid this round of bullets.

At the same time, Darrow kicked his feet and rushed towards Tim, trying to get close to him and end the battle with one blow.

But Tim didn't dodge

Without dodging, he stood straight on the ground, only raising the muzzle to aim at Darrow. What confidence he had. If he missed the shot, then after being approached by Darrow, Tim would completely lose the ability to resist.

Can he hit it?

Tim's answer was yes. In countless life-and-death battles, facing those opponents who tried to approach him, Tim always used this life-threatening move to deal with them.

What was the result?

He was still alive, that was the answer.

The bullet flew out at a mysterious angle and shot at Darrow flying in the air.


As if it had been predicted, Darrow just tilted his head and dodged the fatal blow. When he came to Tim, Darrow seized the opportunity and kicked Tim's waist hard.

"Uh, is this the next level of the gunman?" This was the only thought in Tim's mind after he was kicked in the air.

With a bang, Tim fainted directly after landing.

The referee walked over and confirmed that Tim was completely unconscious, then shouted: "Incapable of fighting."

"The winner is Darrow."

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