The game was played in the middle of a long tunnel.

Two days later, the match between Darro and Tim announced that the qualifying round had reached its final stage.

In the final stage, the remaining four players will go through two rounds of semi-finals and finals to determine the final champion.

Before the semi-finals, there will be a three-day off-season, which allows the players to adjust to the best state and present a wonderful game to the audience. Of course, this is just a superficial rhetoric.

In fact, as the finale of the gambling industry every year, the semi-finals and finals are almost always a carnival for gamblers every year, and in order to maximize the benefits, there is a three-day off-season.

So that local tourists or gamblers have time to come, and so that each handicap can receive more bets.

Although it was a break, Darrow was not idle during the offseason. He has now become a big star on the island, so much so that the customers in the past two days almost trampled the tavern to the ground.

However, to Darrow's surprise, Tim, who was defeated by Darrow, has been patronizing the tavern these days, and even with bandages on, he would discuss shooting techniques with Darrow.

Darrow did not hide anything and told Tim some ways to practice observation in the original book, and Darrow also learned a lot of shooting techniques from Tim.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

In the morning, Tim came over to say hello and planned to go back to the Principality of Banxi. He said that he would practice well and move towards a deeper level of gunners, and that he would have another battle with Darrow at that time.

"Autumn is really a good season for parting." Darrow said while sitting at the bar, stroking the revolver in his hand.

First, he left Batlila Island and said goodbye to Lao Qiaoxi and Dutch. After arriving at Lezibath, he said goodbye to Garp and Roger on the same day. Now Tim has also left.

For this opponent who is obsessed with the way of the gunman, Darrow also admires the purity of the other party.

Of course, if the gun in Darrow's hand at this moment is regarded as a plus point, Darrow's appreciation of Tim will turn into love.

That's right, when Tim left, he also left the golden revolver, saying that it was a thank you gift from Darrow for letting him see the higher realm of the gunman, and asked Darrow to take this gun to become famous in the world.

"What a guy who is hard to hate." Darrow said.

Darrow slowly picked up the golden revolver in his hand, looked at it carefully under the light, and at the same time pressed the buckle in front of the magazine with his fingers. Soon the magazine was withdrawn and fell into Darrow's hands.

In fact, Darrow had seen both the style and the gun. In Dutch's "Sharpshooter's Notebook", there is a detailed record of it.

Well, how to describe it, it can be said to have a great origin.

This revolver with extremely fast bullet change comes from the Principality of Banxi. It is said that it is a unique revolver equipped by a famous musketeer team. It was improved by their leader Banxi in battle after battle, and finally improved into this appearance.

It is through this improvement that the firepower of the musketeer team has become very amazing. They have been invincible in many battles and have made many military exploits. A few years later, Banxi, the leader of this musketeer team, has become a great general in the kingdom.

Even this buckle structure has become a top secret of the Principality of Banxi. Even every gun equipped by the musketeer team has a number, which is strictly controlled and never passed on.

As for this gun, it has an even greater origin.

Banxi, who became a great general, soon became a hero of the entire kingdom.

That's right, the Principality of Bansi was still a kingdom at that time.

It's just that the king at that time didn't know what was wrong with him. He actually believed the slander of the ministers, saying that as long as there was that kind of pistol, the kingdom's army would be invincible, and it didn't matter who was the general.

So, Bansi, who was so powerful that he shocked the king, was summoned to the palace. The king even threatened Bansi's wife and wanted Bansi to be killed.

But she never thought that Bansi's wife was a fierce woman. She didn't want her husband to die for her, so she ran directly into the soldier's spear and died on the spot.

Seeing his wife dead, Bansi was furious and led the musketeers to flatten the entire palace and personally executed the king. This gun was the predecessor of the revolver in Darrow's hand at this moment.

Later, Bansi became king for decades. Because he and his wife had no children, Bansi did not remarry. After he died without descendants, he gave up the hereditary system.

The kingdom was also made a principality, and the monarch was selected through elections. This move also made the Banxi Principality the most powerful in the South China Sea.

One of the most powerful countries.

In order to commemorate this great monarch, people later took out the revolver that killed the monarch, gathered the strength of the craftsmen of the whole country, modified and improved the revolver, plated it with a layer of gold, and named the gun after Banxi's wife.

The golden revolver that killed the monarch - Leonie

This gun is also famous for its extremely fast loading speed, smooth design and super high accuracy.

It ranks fifth in Old Dutch's "The Sharpshooter's Notebook". Of course, Darrow doesn't know if there is any shady deal, because this ranking is made by Old Dutch himself, and it should not be so authoritative.

"It would be great if everyone was as enthusiastic as Tim."

Darrow thought of Cap and Roger who had left. Tell me, why is there such a big difference in people.


On the deck of the navy warship, Cap sneezed loudly, as if he felt someone was saying bad things about him.

In order to speed up, Garp did not choose to enter the Grand Line from the Upside-Down Mountain and then reach the New World, but chose to go directly through the Calm Belt.

Because the seastone is arranged under the navy warship, it can directly pass through the Calm Belt without attracting harassment from the Sea King.

"Vice Admiral Garp, Vice Admiral Sengoku's phone call."

At this time, the adjutant came to Garp with a Den Den Mushi and handed it over.

"Moses Moses, this is Garp."

"Garp, are you still in the South China Sea?"

Sengoku didn't even ask Garp how the Celestial Dragon's mission was completed. The first sentence he asked about Garp's location, which shows how urgent the war situation was.

"No, I'm in the Calm Belt now, and I should be in Marinford soon."

Garp was no longer as playful as usual. He heard the anxiety in Sengoku's words and knew that this was not the time to joke.

"Great, come here now, we are in a bit of a bad situation here."

Hearing that Garp was almost halfway there, Sengoku was relieved and asked in confusion.

"Um, is the Celestial Dragons' mission completed?"

"No, no, but it shouldn't matter now." Garp said, and then told Sengoku everything about Daro's idea.


After hearing this, Sengoku was so shocked that he couldn't speak. This pirate and the navy teamed up to deceive the Celestial Dragons.

Which devil came up with this idea?

However, Sengoku was also thankful at this time. Fortunately, there was Daro's plan. Otherwise, if Garp was still in the South China Sea, he might not be able to make it in time. By then, I'm afraid that not many people in the navy would be able to return to Marinford alive.

"Well, the Celestial Dragons shouldn't be able to find any problems, and Marshal Kong will help you deal with it by then." Sengoku thought about it and had no intention of pursuing Garp's self-willed decision.

Now is not the time to get entangled in those minor details.

"That's good."

Hearing Sengoku's answer, Garp was also very happy. In his opinion, it was perfect to get rid of the Celestial Dragons and exempt the Navy from punishment.

Sengoku on the other end of the phone was a little curious about the enthusiastic tavern owner mentioned by Garp. In his opinion, only people who knew the Navy system very well could come up with such an idea.

The Navy now boils down to one sentence.

Many things are not impossible to do, but there is a lack of a reason to shut others up.

It's ridiculous, but it's true.

"Oh, by the way, we intercepted their Den Den Mushi and got information that the Hiku Pirates are in the South China Sea, and the line should be similar to yours."

"If you see it, you must stop that lion."

Sengoku suddenly thought of the Den Den Mushi intercepted on the Silver Axe Pirates ship, and said to Garp on the other end of the phone.

According to the news received by Sengoku, Shiki seemed to have gone to the South China Sea to chase Roger.

In this case, Shiki should also be in the South China Sea. In addition, Shiki's flying fleet can fly. In this case, the route should be straight, and there is a high probability that Garp will encounter him.

"Well, you mean Shiki, he should be above my head now..."

Garp glanced at the sky. A huge flying island was hovering in the sky, blocking the sky and the sun, so Garp thought it was a huge cloud at first.

"I'll call you later." Garp hung up the Den Den Mushi and then tightened his justice windbreaker.

He tightened his feet and then pushed hard, and the whole person flew vertically upward like an ordinary rocket.

The huge impact force acted on the naval warship at the same time, causing the still sailing warship to stop directly, and the hull suddenly sank, and the draft was several meters deeper.


Garp in the air let out a roar that resounded through the sky.

Then he pulled

He punched the largest flying island, causing countless pieces of rubble to fall onto the sea.

A big battle was about to break out.

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