The sun was setting.

Under the setting sun.

There were violent roars coming from the dock of Lezibat, and the gravel on the ground rolled up, as if it had been plowed over.

No, it was just plowed over.

Bode, who turned into a wild boar, showed his fangs shining with black light and rushed around the field, as unstoppable as a bulldozer. Wherever he went, he would leave deep marks on the ground. Even if Darrow kept using various grenades to interfere, he could not do anything to him.

The powerful C2 grenade fell in front of Bode, who had the power of armed color, life return, and was also an animal-type fruit ability, and could only leave some wounds on the opponent.

Darrow was quite confident at first, but after seeing that the thick-skinned Bode was hit by Darrow's [C2·Directional Flame Blast], but only left a few burns on the surface, Darrow understood...

This is trouble.

What's more troublesome is that Burdo has been harassing from the side.

This guy's [Storm Kick] has been cultivated to a superb state. Every time he swings his four-clawed front legs, he can bring out four sharp flying slashes, and each sword wave is wrapped with terrifying cutting power.

As long as Darrow relaxes a little, the deadly flying sickle will fall on him, and the killing range is very large, so he can only dodge with [Instant Step].

One is harassing from a distance, and the other is attacking from close range. The two attacks one after another, without stopping.

"Damn it, we must get rid of that guy first."

Daro looked at Bode who was wreaking havoc with an ugly face. After making up his mind, he pressed a special bullet in his arms into the barrel of the gun, raised the gun head, aimed, and fired.

The bullet streaked through the sky like a meteor, and in the process of shooting, it continuously condensed the surrounding air, and kept compressing and rotating like the eye of a storm...

Finally, it formed a violent spiraling air spear.

[Slaying Star·Wind King Spear]

After Bode sensed the danger, he instantly flashed out with [Shave], but it happened to flash to the position predicted by Daro's [Dead Eye].

The spear with huge power hit it right on target.

The constantly circling gun tip rushed forward like an electric drill, and the force became more and more intense.

This was not over yet. The compressed air at the tail of the spear was in the form of a jet. The huge thrust directly pushed the rotating Bode out and dragged a blood trail of dozens of meters on the ground.

"Ugh!" Bode, who was shot in the abdomen, spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, he felt as if his internal organs were crushed by a crusher. The severe pain from inside to outside made his brain shut down directly. His eyes rolled back and he lay on the ground gasping for breath.

And Darrow was not feeling well either. In order to deal with Bode who had been running wildly in the field, he was hit directly by Buldo while shooting. The four slashes shining with a pitch-black luster fell directly on his body, and blood bloomed directly.

Not only that, Buldo, who had scored a goal with one strike, took advantage of the situation to chase, activated [Shave] to teleport in front of Darrow, and then swung his claws covered with color domineering with all his strength.

Darrow felt like he was hit head-on by a train moving at full speed. His chest was numb at first, and then the surrounding scenery quickly retreated.

Darrow, who was directly knocked away by this blow, smashed several houses in succession, directly turning this large area into ruins, and gravel and dust fell down, spreading a cloud of dust.

"Boy, the pirate game is over."

Buldo, who switched to the half-orc form, slowly walked towards the ruins where Darrow was. When he got close, he swung a [Storm Kick] and directly broke the broken wall pressing on Darrow into several pieces, exposing Darrow lying in a pile of rubble and chair wreckage.

Darrow looked very pessimistic at the moment. He lay motionless in the ruins, blood kept flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his long black windbreaker had already turned into rags.

Darrow, who was unable to move, barely raised his head and looked at Buldo who was walking towards him, but his fingers were hooked in the pin of a grenade on his waist.

[C3 Purgatory Furnace]

Darrow knew the power of this grenade made of aluminum thermite reaction. The reason why he didn't use it just now was because Darrow couldn't find the opportunity in the crazy attack of Bode and Buldo.

And now, even if he could use this grenade in such a bad state, he would definitely be affected by the violent explosion, killing 1,000 enemies and losing 800 of his own.

But right now, I'm afraid I can't care so much...

Two seconds later, Burdo walked up to Darrow and looked at Rector who was fighting with Quili not far away.

"That kid is working hard, but that's it."

"See you in hell." Buldo said with a grim smile as he walked in front of Darrow, and then he clenched his right fist like a bow.

The next moment, the fist covered with strong and domineering power was about to fall on Darrow's head.


A bright slash circled the ground like a crescent moon, swept across a distance of several hundred meters, and slashed directly on Buldo's right hand.

If Buldo had not reacted quickly and used [Iron Block] and Armament Haki at the same time, Darrow believed that with just this one blow, Buldo's right hand would have been cut off at the wrist.


Buldo, whose good deeds were ruined, suddenly turned around and looked at the corner of the street, and at the same time activated [Life Return] and the healing ability of the Animal Fruit to recover from his injuries. The cut that was still bleeding instantly scabbed.

On the other side, Izumi Reiken walked out from the corner of the street slowly. In fact, his condition was not very good. He had just experienced a hard battle yesterday, and his wounds had not healed yet.

"Izumi Reiken!!" Da Luo looked at the white-clothed man walking out of the corner of the street and said with some surprise.

"Mr. Boss is really embarrassed." Izumi Reiken ignored Da Luo's surprise, but joked about Da Luo's situation at the moment.

"You guy, really..." Da Luo complained speechlessly. He wanted to thank the other party for coming to the rescue, but he was choked before he said it.

"There is actually an accomplice!"

Bourdo on the side looked at Izumi Reiken solemnly, his eyes full of fear. Just from the slash just now, he judged:

This person... is very strong.

On the other side.

Bode, who was hit hard by Da Luo's big move, also recovered with the healing power of the animal-type fruit ability and stood up steadily from the ground.

"I'm going to tear you apart!!"

Bold was like a madman at this time. His skin became black and hard, and his hair began to grow wildly. His body suddenly rose to three meters, exuding a terrifying aura like a peerless beast.

"This guy..." This appearance that seemed like the descent of the devil made Darrow a little shocked. Just from the momentum, it brought him a huge sense of oppression.

A new round of fighting started again.

But this time, Burdo was restrained by Izumi Liqian, and Rekt on the other side also succeeded in several rounds of confrontation with Kuili, basically establishing a winning position.

"Then, as long as we gnaw off this hard bone, it should be no problem." Darrow moved his shoulder and muttered to himself.

At the same time, he exhaled suddenly, ignoring the pain from all parts of his body and began to squeeze out the last bit of strength.

After adjusting his status, Darrow reloaded his bullets, and looking at Bode who looked like a monster, he said provocatively: "You turned into this ugly appearance, are you trying to scare me to death!"

Although Darrow's voice was not loud, the words with strong provocation still made Bode furious.

"Sharp-tongued guy!" Bode shouted fiercely.

Having eaten the animal-type wild boar fruit, he was already concerned about his appearance. After being teased by Darrow, he completely fell into madness...

The muscles around him began to wriggle and swell, the fingers of both hands became sharp and ferocious, and the fangs at the corners of his mouth bent and extended into demonic goat horns.

"Die, kid!" Bode roared like thunder, and then the whole person turned into a black whirlwind, rushed to Darrow with an extremely domineering attitude, and threw a punch covered with armed color.

And Darrow did not dare to show weakness, he went forward, raised his right leg and kicked hard, the power of the compression fruit continued to gather at the tip of his toes.

[Falling Kick·Basnake]

One punch and one kick exploded with huge impact force like a comet hitting the earth, and the compressed air continued to burst out, wearing away the Armament Haki on Bode's fist.

The fist was exhausted.

The huge impact force caused Bode and Darrow to retreat quickly, and dragged two deep grooves on the ground.

"There is a man like you in the mediocre Four Seas!" Bode shook his arm that was numb from the compressed air and said in surprise.

Obviously he was very surprised that Darrow could be evenly matched with him in close combat. After all, in terms of close combat ability alone, he has already squeezed into the ranks of the strong with the combination of Armament Haki, Animal System, and Life Return.

"What a terrible talent! If a man like you enters the sea, he will definitely be a big threat in the future."

At this moment, Bode felt very lucky to have discovered this rising star who had not yet grown up in the South China Sea.

"But, that's it, kid. Die with endless despair." Bode roared, he wanted to completely strangle this threat that had not yet grown up.

Kill at the starting line.

Raising the revolver again, Darrow looked at Bode with burning eyes, and his tired tone was filled with unparalleled determination:

"If you can do it, come and try."

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