The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

The sky battlefield belonged to Rector and Kuili.

One of them turned into a burning ball of wine vapor, and the other turned into an owl with wings spread out to fight in the sky.

Thanks to the elemental ability similar to the Nuo Nuo fruit, the originally wounded Rector seemed to be at ease against Kuili, who didn't even master the armed color domineering. After all, the opponent couldn't cause effective damage at all, but let him succeed one after another.

"This damn guy!" Kuili waved his scorched wings and cursed angrily.

At this moment of distraction, Rector seized the opportunity and threw out a [Dry Red Spear] with all his might, hitting the bull's eye directly, turning Quili into a big fireball blooming in the air, and falling to the ground like a meteorite.


On the side, on the roof of a residential building, the licking dog Burdo, who was fighting with Izumi Riqian on the roof, let out a wail, stomped his feet on the ground, and teleported to Quili with [Shave], repelling Rector who wanted to finish him off.

But even so, Quili, who fell to the ground with her upper body burned to charcoal, was already "breathing out, but not breathing in", and died completely after struggling on the ground for two times.


The licking dog Burdo looked at the dead Quili and wailed. In anger, he kicked into the sky with a [Moon Step], trying to knock Rector down.

But before the claws he had just swung fell on Rector, they were intercepted by a reddish-brown flying slash from a distance.

The next moment, a man in white arrived as promised, and the blade with white light stabbed straight at Burdeau's face at an extremely tricky angle.

"Your opponent is me!"

Izumi Reiken's voice was still as calm as spring water, but from his slightly opened eyes, it can be seen that he has awakened his Shura personality at this time.

The cold eyes like a beast fell on Burdeau, making him feel like he was immersed in water, and his hair stood on end.


After feeling the murderous aura, Burdeau, who was sensitive to perception, resolutely left behind the dead Kuili behind him, and wanted to rush to the direction of Bode with a [Instant Step].

But how could Izumi Reiken let him do as he wished? He sheathed the sword and then drew it out quickly like lightning.

[My Style: Oborozuki]

A crescent-shaped sword energy the size of a millstone gradually formed along the edge of the sword, and it continued to grow during the flight. When it flew in front of Burdoo, the flying slash was already more than ten meters long.


The whistling sound produced by the slash breaking through the air made Burdoo's back cold, as if the scythe of the god of death was on his neck, and his whole body was stiff.

But the instinct to save his life forced him to use his armed color to defend himself before the slash fell.

With a swish, the combat power fell.

The huge sword energy submerged Burdoo like a huge wave, and the violent cutting force burst out layer by layer, as if it was going to cut the smoke and dust into two pieces, and Burdoo, who was in the center, was also cut off from life and lay in a gully dozens of meters long.

Izumi Reiqian, who won with one blow, took a long breath, made a handsome sword flower, and neatly put Izumi Mamoru Kanesada into the sheath. The whole set of movements was smooth and full of the "White Shura".

After sheathing the sword, the murderous eyes returned to their soft squinting eyes.

Just as he slowly turned around and was about to leave, an inopportune voice sounded.

"Um, can you help me?" Rector, who was dragging a broken body behind him, said as he staggered.


With the help of Izumi Rikken, Rector walked to a high platform next to him with difficulty, and looked at the direction where Darrow and Bode were fighting with concern.

"Captain, he should be able to deal with that guy." Rector muttered to himself as he looked at the thick smoke and raging fire rising from the dock.

"It should be no problem. Mr. Boss is still very strong." Izumi Rikken said comfortingly.


On the battlefield.

The battle between Darrow and Bode has intensified. Most of the entire platform extending from the dock has been blown away, and the rest is full of deep pits, crumbling and about to sink into the sea at any time.

In the billowing smoke, the collision sounds of fists and feet and the roars of grenades exploding came one after another, like a soul-stirring symphony.

Suddenly, the two people in the smoke launched a new round of attack at the same time. Darrow pulled the trigger towards the position where the dead eye was locked, and

Then he emptied the magazine.

Those powerful compressed air bullets landed on the thick-skinned Bode, leaving several deep dents, but he ignored them and just rushed forward, forcing Darrow to get close.

[Hai Ti Kuang Blow]

Bode, wearing sackcloth, swung his fists vigorously, and countless fists attacked Darrow like a rainstorm.

Darrow could only raise his arms to resist, but how could Darrow, who had not even mastered the Armament Haki, compare with Bode's Armament Haki that had been trained for more than ten years and tempered after countless battles.

Ribs, internal organs, muscles, limbs, Darrow was attacked more and more, and the severe pain from all over his body burst out all at once, making him feel like he was run over by a car hundreds of times.

As his injuries continued to worsen, Darrow's condition became more and more dangerous.

The strength shown by Bode far exceeded his inference of the combat power of the CP0 organization through the description of the organization in the comics of his previous life.

In the comics of the previous life, even Lucci, the leader of CP0, was killed instantly by Gear 5 Luffy. This made Darrow misjudge the combat power of CP0. He didn't expect that only Bode had such a strong combat power.

Despite this, Darrow never thought of running away.

How could a man who wants to become a legend on the sea flee before going out to sea?

Never retreat!

Another fierce punch with intense wind pressure came towards him. Darrow, whose eyes were already a little blurred, roared, and at the same time squeezed all the strength in his body, raised his right leg and kicked straight at Bode's heavy punch.


The violent impact spread rapidly, and Darrow's right foot was like kicking on an iron plate, and his right leg bone was also broken to a certain extent, but fortunately the opponent was not in good condition either.

Bode wailed in pain, staring at Darrow in front of him with bloodshot eyes, and was surprised.

The first time.

This was the first time he was forced into such a situation after many years of missions. It was not in the new world where monsters were rampant, but in the weak South China Sea.

Even Bourdo and Owen, who were weaker than him, had been killed here.

"Boy, you are indeed a tough opponent. It's a pity that you met me. Otherwise, if you were really sent to the sea, you might really become a huge threat." Bode clenched his fist and looked at Darrow with a grim face.

"Your two companions have been defeated. Why don't you go to hell together to reunite." Darrow, who was at a disadvantage in the battle, didn't want to fall into a disadvantage.

Bode shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent, "After I get rid of you, I will also let your two companions go to hell together to reunite."

While speaking, Darrow looked down and saw that there were only a few grenades left on his belt that was originally full of grenades. It was estimated that another round of confrontation would completely run out of ammunition and food.

Bode was not feeling well either. He had been using the power of the Animal Fruit to heal his wounds, but his strength was exhausted. His chest was pumping up and down like a bellows.

"That's it, kid. I'll finish you off with the next blow." Bode laughed grimly. He planned not to delay any further and directly use the last blow to finish off this tricky kid.

"Just what I want." Daro's resolute voice was very clear in the noisy dock.

After saying that, the momentum of the two continued to rise, and when the momentum reached its peak, the two moved at the same time.

Daro spread his hands, and the air around him surged violently like a river and sea, forming a five-story tornado that kept spinning in front of Daro.

Daro roared, put his hands together and pushed hard, and at the same time threw out all the grenades on his body. Several sawdust grenades and burning grenades instantly ignited the cyclone into a fire tornado, and flew straight towards Bode.

"Fancy moves." Bode snorted disdainfully. Daro's various grenades caused him a lot of trouble, but that was all.

So he didn't avoid them, and rushed straight towards Daro, trying to use his physical strength to resist the fire tornado, exchange injuries for injuries, and fight Daro.


With a strange cry, Bode rushed in front of Daro, stomped heavily on the ground and threw a punch with all his strength. The originally fragmented earth was stepped out into a deep pit, and the blow with infinite power was about to fall on Daro's head.

Fortunately, all of Bode's movements were predicted by Daro's dead eyes. Daro narrowly avoided the blow with a [Flash Step] and left a white grenade on the spot.

[C3·Heaven Embers]

The white grenade shot into the sky like a firework, and continued to rise along the trajectory of the tornado, lifting it above Bode's head.


The grenade exploded instantly, and the huge roar caused the ground to shake.

, countless burning white phosphorus spread out like ghost fires, and were concentrated and bombed downwards under the restraint of the tornado.

Accompanied by the bright light as bright as day, countless white phosphorus ghost fires with a temperature of thousands of degrees concentrated on Bode in the eye of the storm, and the flames from hell devoured everything.

After the fire.

There was no body left where Bode was, only a charred ground, and even the ground was directly pierced, revealing deep pits like honeycomb coal.

Not far away, Darrow's figure was swaying, and he seemed to fall to the ground with all his strength.

"I won."

The scarred blond man muttered to himself, and waved to the other two companions who were waiting not far away.


The sunset had completely fallen, and the lights of thousands of houses emitted the light of the world. Accompanied by the evening breeze, the three teenagers supported each other and walked towards the tavern.

At the entrance of the Porter Tavern.

"Mr. Boss, I owe you a favor, so I'll repay you."

Izumi Liqian put down Rector, who was supporting him, and said to Darrow, then turned around and walked towards the sword hall.

"Well, Liqian, I plan to go out to sea tomorrow, do you want to... be our companion?"

Darrow made a formal invitation to Izumi Liqian. If this powerful and well-informed person could become a companion, Darrow would welcome him ten thousand times.

"Me?" Izumi Liqian pointed at himself dully, obviously not expecting Darrow to talk about this topic, "Let me think about it."

"Tomorrow, at this time tomorrow, our ship will be parked at the No. 7 berth on the east side of the pier." After Darrow finished speaking, he didn't say anything more, and helped Rector into the Porter Tavern.

In the Porter Tavern, Lu Jiu was sitting on the dining table and chair near the door, and it seemed that she had been waiting here.

After seeing Darrow and Rector come back, Lu Jiu stood up, quickly helped Rector, and asked Darrow: "Are you all okay?"

"Yeah, it's all resolved, it's okay." Darrow nodded lightly.

"That's great." Lu Jiu sighed, as if a heavy burden was put down in her heart.


The same plot was also playing out at the sword hall.

After seeing Li Qian come back, Suzuki, who was waiting in the yard, went out to greet him excitedly: "Xiao Qian is back? Are you injured?"

"I had a fight, it's nothing serious." Izumi Li Qian scratched his head, a little uncomfortable with Suzuki's enthusiasm, and changed the subject: "Where's my senior brother?"

"Humph, he's drinking with someone in the Japanese-style room, he should be drunk now." Suzuki pouted and said, obviously she was very dissatisfied with Izumi Ji drinking at this time.

Before he finished speaking, the door of the Japanese-style room slowly opened. When Izumi Ji, who was drunk and had a red face, saw Izumi Liqian, he said in a very calm tone: "Are you back?"

"Yeah." Izumi Liqian nodded in response, and walked into the room to wash up and rest.

Seeing Izumi Liqian leave, the door of the Japanese-style room closed again.

In the Japanese-style room, Izumi Ji picked up the sake on the low table and poured himself a glass. Opposite the low table was Major General Matt, who had already passed out.

"I'm sorry, old friend." Izumi Ji drank the wine in one gulp, and took off his coat and put it on Matt.

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