The Grand Line, the Navy Headquarters - Marinford.

In the bright and clean Navy meeting room, a burly old man with a mohawk hairstyle knocked on the table and said to a circle of Navy generals wearing justice coats:

"There are two main reasons for holding this meeting urgently today. The first reason, I believe everyone knows it well, is that some time ago, we won a great victory in the New World and successfully annihilated part of the wings of the Rocks Pirates."

After the voice fell, everyone looked at Garp, who was sitting at the side of the conference table. Everyone knew who was the biggest hero of this war - Garp first stopped the Golden Lion in the Calm Belt, and then taught a lesson to the young teacher Kaido in the New World, and gave him a lot of trouble.

Garp was completely unaware that he had become the focus of the meeting. His right hand was in a plaster cast, and his left hand was restlessly taking out senbei from Sengoku's arms and putting them into his mouth, filling the conference table with crumbs.

"What I want to commend most here is Sengoku and Garp..."

"Crackle, crackle..."

When old man Kong just opened his mouth to take credit for Sengoku and Garp and accumulate some achievements to pave the way for the next topic, he heard the crisp sound of Garp chewing senbei.


Konggu Kong was about to get angry, but stopped halfway through his words. As his old boss, he naturally knew everything about Garp's behavior and described it in a simple sentence: "I was wrong this time, I will dare to do it next time."

Fortunately, Sengoku and Tsuru, who were sitting on both sides of Garp, gave Garp a slap, which stopped the annoying crackle.

Being interrupted by Garp, Kong gave up the idea of ​​praising him and turned around to continue talking about the second topic.

"Although we successfully defeated Rocks and forced them back to the Beehive Island, they have retained most of their manpower and will come back sooner or later. The Navy needs to strengthen its strength as soon as possible to prepare for emergencies."

"First of all, I plan to recruit soldiers in the four seas and set up a boot camp to increase the manpower and young forces of the Navy. Zefa, you will be responsible for leading this matter." Steel Bone Sora turned his head and said to a purple-haired strong man beside him.


Unlike the careless Garp, the young Admiral Zefa is a man with a very upright manner. After hearing the marshal's order, he immediately stood up from his seat.

Seeing Zefa's serious and upright attitude, Steel Bone Sora nodded slightly, and at the same time, he looked at Garp, who was chewing senbei carefully and exerting his super body control ability to avoid making noise, with resentment on his face.

How can the gap between people be so big!

Full of resentment, Kong cleared his throat and continued, "The second thing is to nominate Vice Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp as admirals, increasing the number of admirals to three."

Before he finished speaking, the originally quiet conference room became noisy. The navy was not monolithic. The doves who sought stability and the radical hawks each had their own interests and needs, and often quarreled over the same thing.

As the representative of the top combat power of the navy, the admirals would undoubtedly be the target of the two factions' efforts to win over. The addition of two admirals would have a huge impact on the party struggle within the navy.

As the admiral of the navy, Kong Kong naturally understood these twists and turns. He patted the table, cleared the meeting room, and then began to explain:

"The Rocks Pirates have many masters, especially high-end combat power. They not only have veteran strongmen such as Shiki the Golden Lion and Whitebeard Newgate, but also young forces such as Kaido and Charlotte Linlin."

"In comparison, the number of admirals representing the top combat power of the navy is pitifully small, so I propose that Sengoku and Garp, who performed outstandingly in this battle, be promoted to admirals of the navy." Kong Kong said, with both hands on the conference table, looking around.

He knew the virtues of his subordinates very well. They were humble on the surface but actually arrogant. Although Garp and Sengoku were not inferior in strength and achievements.

But after all, they had just come to Marinford for less than three years, and they were promoted all the way to admiral, which would definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people.

"I agree!" Vice Admiral Vole, who had four wisps of beard on both sides of his cheeks and was leaning on a cane, spoke first.

In the battle with Rocks just now, seeing that Sengoku and Crane defeated the Silver Axe Pirates, Vole was very optimistic about Sengoku. Not to mention that if Garp hadn't come to the rescue, then he would have been very successful against Kai.

If he does, he may stay in the New World forever.

Vole represents not only himself, but also the entire hawkish faction of the Navy. Unlike the conservative doves, the hawks are more aggressive and seek change.

"If no one objects, then this matter is settled." After looking at Vole, Kong Ganggu glanced at all the vice admirals present, and confirmed that everyone had no objection, he took the board.

It must be said that Kong Ganggu is indeed an old fox.

At the beginning, he arranged for Zhan Guo, Crane and a group of vice admirals to go to the New World together, and sent two people to intercept Yinfu and others at a critical period, which made Zhan Guo have enough qualifications.

After Garp came to help, he was immediately arranged by Kong to deal with Kaido. Before that, it was the vice admirals who faced Kaido and Charlotte Linlin. Voles and others were prepared to die...

Under Kong Kong's calculations, everything went smoothly for Garp and Sengoku's promotion. Just when Kong Kong wanted to make a final decision, an untimely voice sounded.

"I object!"

At the same time as the voice fell, everyone's attention was attracted to the owner of the voice-Garp.

"Garp, what are you doing?" Sengoku poked Garp and said in disbelief.

And this expression of disbelief also appeared on the faces of everyone present. No one would believe that someone would refuse to become a navy admiral.

"Marshal Kong, if you become the admiral of the navy, you must protect those Celestial Dragons, right? And then I won't be able to drive around in a warship."

"I don't want to!" Garp used a very "convincing" reason to refute everyone present.

Of course, if you ignore the idiotic looks of everyone present.

"Garp, do you know what you are talking about?" Steel Bone Kong was a little uneasy, rubbing his buzzing temples with both hands, and said tiredly.

There is a reason why he made so many twists and turns. Since Sengoku was transferred to Marinford and entered his field of vision, he has been very optimistic about Sengoku and secretly listed him as his successor in his heart.

This battle allowed Garp and Sengoku to accumulate military merits in order to promote the two to be quickly promoted to admirals. At that time, even if he retired, Garp could become a great help to Sengoku.

"Sorry, Marshal Kong." Garp, whose brain circuits are directly connected to the large intestine, naturally didn't understand these twists and turns, and refused directly.


After being interrupted by Garp, the conference room fell into silence, and no one spoke.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

After getting permission, a soldier pushed the door in panic and saluted, saying at a very fast speed: "Report to the Marshal, I just got the news that the CP0 sent to the South China Sea Lezibart to capture the slave was attacked by pirates and the whole army was wiped out."

"Was it done by the Roger Pirates?"

Sora pondered for a moment, and searched for the pirates with names in the South China Sea in his mind. He didn't find a pirate group with the strength to annihilate CP0, so he suspected Roger who had been stationed in the South China Sea before.

"No, it's a brand new pirate group."

"Daro Pirates."

At this moment, the name of the Daro Pirates also resounded on the sea for the first time.

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