The news spread quickly on the sea. The information that the Darrow Pirates had annihilated CP0 was not only placed on Steel Bone Sora's desk, but also spread widely on the sea.

Rector walked into the store with the newspaper delivered by the news bird, took a look at it, and then pressed the newspaper on the bar and handed it to Darrow.

Darrow took it with one hand, picked it up and took a look: "The New Overlord of the South China Sea: The Strongest Rookie-Darrow Pirates, Completely Annihilating the Celestial Dragons' Minions".

Such a bluffing title and the shocking tone of the text directly envisioned the Darrow Pirates, which had just been established for less than two days, to be the overlord of the sea. The degree of bragging was no less than the company's prospectus before going public.

In the main text, Darrow became a young muscular devil with a burly figure, inverted triangle eyes, dark skin, and heavy artillery. He killed several CP0s in a few blows, and also wiped out the dock that contributed a huge GDP to Lezbart.

Izumi Liqian was even more bizarre. The author of the report should have referred to the rumors of Port Shura. The mature writing style was both down-to-earth and down-to-earth, and directly described Liqian as not belonging to the world of the living.

Rector referred to the famous work "Prince's Revenge" by the famous writer Shabiya in the pirate world, and directly described it as the revenge of the red wine prince on the Celestial Dragons. The main theme was "Thirty years in the east and thirty years in the west, don't bully the poor young man."

The end of the article showed that this was reported by a reporter named Aisha. Darrow felt a little strange. He had clearly used his observation color to sense it at the time, and there was no one around the battlefield. How did the other party know the specific details of the battle?

At the same time, after the discussion of the bigwigs in the Navy meeting room, the bounty for the Darrow Pirates has been freshly released. Unsurprisingly, there are not only bounties for Darrow and Rector, but also bounties for Izumi Reiken.

Portgas D. Darrow, nickname: Death Gunner, bounty: 150 million berries;

Izumi Reiken, nickname: White Shura, bounty: 110 million berries;

Rector, nickname: Drunkard, bounty: 320 million berries (including an additional 250 million for beatings).

Just from the bounty, it can be seen that the Navy attaches great importance to the Darrow Pirates. The bounty for Darrow alone is equivalent to the bounty for the entire Giant Cannon Pirates at that time.

The navy rarely gives a bounty of over 100 million to pirates in the four seas, especially the first bounty is directly over 100 million, which is unique to Scorpion Shit. But this is not accidental, but the result of strength, the editor of the news newspaper exaggerating, and the anger of the Celestial Dragons.

And this result directly led to the situation that the Dalo Pirates now have only three people, but have a bounty of 700 million.

"Oh my, the bounty has increased again." Rector looked at his bounty and said depressedly.

In recent years, because of the outrageous bounty, he has suffered a lot, especially his strength is still a long way from the pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, otherwise it would not be so difficult to fight a Kuili who has not even mastered the armed color.

And the bounty of up to 300 million has made many powerful pirates aim at his head.

Darrow, who had read the comics, naturally knew that the Navy's bounty was not only based on strength, but also on whether the opponent had caused great damage. And Rector, the guy who beat up the Celestial Dragon, was naturally "extremely evil" in the eyes of the Navy.

"Not bad, it seems that the Celestial Dragon was beaten badly by you, and the bounty is actually higher than the sum of me and Li Qian." Darrow looked at the three bounty slips and joked to Rector on the side.

"Haha, it was really fun to fight at that time." Rector raised his eyebrows, and his words were full of pride.

It can be seen that after having a stable home, Rector is no longer the bitter and vengeful look before, but gradually restored his previous generous and cheerful personality.

While the two were talking and laughing, a noisy sound came from outside the door.

"Major General Matt, take care!" Miss Suzuki escorted Matt, who was drunk until three o'clock in the afternoon, out of the sword hall, shouting at the top of her voice, but her eyes kept drifting towards the tavern.

"You kid, why are you so startled?"

Major General Matt, who was still drunk, was frightened by Suzuki. After saying a word, he didn't blame him much, and walked towards the naval base with his coat of justice on.

At this time, Matt was still immersed in the taste of wine, and had no idea what happened in his base.

It must be said that Izumi Ji, the old fox, is really good. Thanks to his "sexy operation"

"Work", so that the navy stationed in Lezbart could not rush to the battlefield in the first time.

It even gave Darrow and the other two time to rest after the war, so that they would not rush to sea with injuries.

After seeing Major General Matt disappear at the end of the street, Suzuki rolled up his sleeves and rushed to the tavern, anxiously saying to the two: "You are crazy! Why don't you leave now?"

"What's the hurry? Where's Li Qian?" Darrow still sat on the high chair without any hurry, not at all anxious.

It would be fine if Izumi Li Qian was not mentioned, but Suzuki was not happy when he was mentioned, his face was long, and his two beautiful eyes stood up:

"What do you want to do, guy? I tell you, Xiao Qian will definitely not go to sea with you."

Looking at Suzuki who was like a hen protecting her cubs, Darrow felt a little funny, and pointed to the bounty on the bar without saying anything.

"No way, Xiao Qian is wanted. "After picking up the bounty of Izumi Reiken, Suzuki covered his mouth in disbelief, as if unwilling to accept this fact.

"It's not a small amount, 110 million." Darrow shrugged, smiled at Suzuki and joked.

"You bastard..."

Suzuki jumped up like a fox whose tail was stepped on. Before he could say anything bad, he heard a voice behind him.

"Suzuki, don't be unreasonable." Before Izumi Ji entered the tavern, the voice was already coming from outside the door.

After hearing the voice, Suzuki ran behind Izumi Ji and complained as if he had found his backbone.

"Director Izumi. "Daro bowed and greeted him.

This person is not the little fox Suzuki, but a very important person. Although the two seem to be at odds in the past few years, in fact, whether Hequan Liqian will leave or stay really depends on what Hequan Ji thinks.

Not to mention, Hequan Ji is not very talented, but in terms of strategy and character, he is the best. Hequan Liqian is a stupid person and is completely taken advantage of by others.

It's not easy to deal with.

"Boss Daro, you don't think that Xiaoqian has to go to sea with you after the bounty is offered, right?" Hequan Ji seemed to have heard the conversation between Daro and Suzuki, and his tone was full of the meaning of calling for punishment.

"Director Hequan is joking. I was just joking with Miss Suzuki just now. Of course, I sincerely invited Liqian to become our partner. "Daro explained with a big smile on his face, and at the same time issued a formal invitation again.

After hearing Daro's answer, Izumi Ji nodded with satisfaction, and his tone became gentle: "Then please, Captain Daro, take good care of our Xiaoqian."

Having said this, Daro's heart was relieved. He took such a big risk and waited for a long time in Leiziba, just to wait for Izumi Liqian to get on board.

These days, it is not easy to find a companion who is strong and worthy of life.

While talking, the main person of today also came late, and a white package like a small hill squeezed out of the gate of the sword hall with difficulty.

"This... is a bit exaggerated." Daro looked at Izumi Liqian and the package behind him that seemed to be able to hold the entire sword hall, and said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.

"Necessities of life must be prepared, otherwise it will be very troublesome to go to sea. "Suzuki, who was hiding behind Izumi Ji, said in a serious tone.

Daro really didn't understand how many daily necessities needed such a large package, so he said in a tactful tone: "Daily necessities, I have prepared them on the boat."

"A poor family is rich on the road, do you understand?"

Suzuki glanced at Daro angrily, and then told Izumi Liqian like an old woman: "Xiaoqian, remember to put your tea leaves in a cool and dry place, and..."

And Izumi Liqian looked like a student listening to a class, and even cooperated and repeated it over and over again, as if he was afraid that he would forget.

"I give up." Daro slapped his forehead and reluctantly accepted the fact that he would have to show off with this "white hill" later.

Daro looked at the time and felt that it was almost time, so he called a few people to come to the dock together. After carrying Izumi Liqian's amazing luggage onto the boat, he said goodbye to everyone at the dock.

"That's great! "

Rect leaned on the railing of the boat, looking at Darrow who was hugging Lu Jiu and saying goodbye, and Izumi Liqian who was being talked about like an old woman, and sighed.

There was once such an old man who would talk to him for a long time when he was leaving, and told him to bring more clothes...

"But, grandpa, I have found a companion who is worthy of trust..."

Rect glanced at the top of the tie on his chest, the red and white stripes, which were once engraved

On the red wine bottle, the glory of Chateau Latour.


A few minutes later, a noisy sound came from the other side of the dock.

After returning to the naval base, Major General Matt was scolded on the Den Mushi for more than half an hour, and finally understood what happened in Lezbart.

"Fuck, Izumi Ji, dare to plot against me!!" Major General Matt cursed, and led a group of soldiers to the dock.

No, it should be said...

"Fuck, how come there is only half of my dock left." Matt looked at the half-destroyed dock and almost cried.


"It's almost time to go."

Daro, who boarded the pirate ship, said his final goodbye to everyone, and at the same time, he waved his hand and the air around him became restless, blowing up the sails.

On the dock, Lu Jiu and Izumi Ji, who waved, watched the ship gradually move away, and not far away were Major General Matt and a group of navy officers who rushed over.

"I'm here, the sea." Daro murmured in his heart.

Just like that, with everyone's blessings.

The great journey of the Dalo Pirates.


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