The new life is a dream, but the truth is that the old life is not a dream.

[Portgas D Darrow] Portgas D Darrow

Nickname: Death Gunner

Fruit: Compression Fruit

Heroic: Rare Observation Haki [Dead Eyes], Domineering Haki (Unawakened), Armament Haki (Unawakened)

Affiliation: Darrow Pirates

Position: Captain (temporarily working as a gunner and chef)

Ship: Mermaid Anthem (ship purchased in Chapter 70, later remodeled)

Personality: Mature, stable, optimistic and cheerful;

In addition, he is a bit treacherous and likes to use words to tease his opponents in battle to achieve his own goals; he protects his shortcomings.

Age: 16 years old

Height: 1.87 meters

Blood type: S type

Birthday: January 15th (Ace is January 1st, which means that you can avoid the first day, but not the fifteenth)

Birthplace: Nanhai

Likes: Collecting bullets, guns, grenade components, good at drinking.

Dislikes: Sweet food, being arranged and unable to choose.



① Parahuman system - Compression Fruit, a rare parahuman devil fruit with contact characteristics. Mastering the rules of compression, the ability user can compress the contacted substances (physical or non-physical), and release the corresponding substances when releasing.

Current ability limitations: 1. Temporary compression of substances requires a certain casting time (the time will be shortened as the fruit ability increases); 2. Concepts (time, space, distance, pain, feeling) cannot be compressed before awakening.

② Special Observation Haki [Dead Eye], extremely powerful perception ability, especially in terms of dynamic capture and position prediction, can capture the flaws caused by the enemy's actions. This flaw refers to the opponent's inability to defend in time when attacking this point, or attacking this point can cause the opponent's action to be unbalanced or other chain reactions.

Current development progress: can capture the opponent's flaws and predict the opponent's position within three seconds (not directly seeing the future like Katakuri, but only the position information, and the enemy's actions inferred from the position).



Category 1: Physical Skills

① [Kui Niu] - Gather all the strength of the body to the legs and send out a powerful kick. The lethality increases as Darrow's physical fitness improves.

② [Falling Kick·Basnake] - Based on [Kui Niu], activate the fruit ability to compress the surrounding air and condense it in the legs. The compressed air can be detonated while kicking, generating a huge impact force.

③【Instant Step】——Similar to Shave, with the ability of the compression fruit, the speed is faster than Shave and the distance is farther.

④【Bluebird】——Similar to Moon Step, with the ability of the compression fruit, the air under the feet can be compressed and the reaction force can be used to stay in the air for a long time.

⑤【Rainbow Drive】——Use the ability of the fruit to form multiple compressed cyclones behind the back. The force generated by the cyclones can be used to propel Darrow to move long distances.

⑥【Bai Ze】——The combat adaptation version of Rainbow Drive, which uses cyclones to continuously adjust the position in battle to achieve unconventional displacement, similar to the paper painting in the six styles, but more superior.

Category 2: Grenade Series

【C1·Seawater Bomb】——Compressed seawater has a miraculous effect on ability users; 【C1·Flame Bomb】, 【C1·Compressed Air Bomb】, 【C1·Sawdust Smoke Bomb】, 【C1·Iron Spike Bomb】.

【C2·Multiple Air Walls】——Defense skills, the number and thickness of air walls can be increased according to actual conditions.

[C2·Directional Flame Wave]——Use compressed air and flames to release a large amount of flames in a directional manner. When released, it is fan-shaped and has medium lethality.

[C2·Explosive Red Lotus]——Flames compressed to almost liquid form, with huge single-target lethality.

[C2·Iron Thorn Feather]——Release compressed iron nails at once to cover an entire area, suitable for clearing out miscellaneous soldiers.

[C2·Air Prison]——A sealed space formed by four compressed air walls to restrict the enemy.

[C3·Red Hall]——Use air prison to form a closed space, and set up multiple sawdust smoke bombs inside to form high-density dust. Then, the dust inside is ignited by flames, causing an extremely powerful dust explosion. At the same time, the ignited sawdust will adhere to the enemy, causing secondary damage.

[C3·Heaven Embers]——A powerful range grenade made by burning white phosphorus. The white phosphorus bombs formed at high altitude can destroy everything below from top to bottom, and the white phosphorus ghost fire will burn everything.

[C3·Purgatory Furnace]——Use thermite reaction to produce a violent reaction of thousands of degrees, which is as powerful as a volcanic lava eruption, and the damage is enough to directly wipe out everything covered, comparable to a natural disaster.

Category 3: Shooting Skills

[Eighteen-shot Killing Bullet·Flame Star]——Use the characteristics of the golden revolver to quickly reload and change bullets, and quickly empty the bullets of the left and right revolvers. At the same time, the golden revolver can shoot six more bullets. The eighteen bullets include sawdust bullets and flame bullets. The sawdust bullets can cause smoke to confuse the opponent, and the flame bullets can ignite the sawdust.

[Killing Star·Wind King Spear]——Bullet skills, compress a large amount of air to make it an air spear with powerful spiral cutting ability. When the spear hits the target, it will generate huge spiral power. At the same time, the compressed air at the tail is continuously released to help the spear advance.

[Slaying Star·Song of the Flame Dragon]——Bullet skill, compresses the flame to form a flame bullet. During the bullet shooting, it will transform into a giant flame dragon and rush directly to the opponent. The range and lethality are very strong, similar to Ace's fire fist that destroyed five ships.

Category 4: Ability Skills

[Air Defense·Tao Ku]——Compress and absorb the surrounding air into the hand continuously, generating a huge attraction, sucking the opponent in, pinching it in the hand and detonating the compressed air bullet in the hand, generating a huge single lethality.

[Air Defense·High Sky Corridor]——Use the ability of the compression fruit to generate an air pipeline with propulsion, continuously push the ships and people in the pipeline, so that they can move in the sky.

[Water Defense·Gonggong's Wrath]——Compress a large amount of seawater and gather it into a huge water ball, and throw it directly at the enemy. The huge amount of water will directly submerge the enemy or ship like a flood. The powerful sea skill can also be released behind the ship and generate thrust to push the ship forward.

[Ame-no-Minaka·Tornado]——Compress the surrounding air to form a huge tornado. At the same time, you can continuously throw grenades and ammunition into the tornado to increase its power and form tornadoes with various attributes. It is extremely powerful.

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