The old man was killed in a car accident.

The Grandet Pirates are the most notorious pirate group in the South China Sea in recent years.

Pirate Captain Grandet was said to be a shrewd and greedy businessman, but was robbed by pirates during a business trip.

After being robbed, Grandet seemed to have found some business opportunities. He disbanded the Chamber of Commerce and joined the pirate group that robbed him.

After all, what business is more profitable than robbing?

With extraordinary forbearance and scheming, in just a few years, Grandet, together with several other crew members, threw the old captain into the sea to feed the fish and became the new captain.

After becoming the captain, Grandet became even more greedy.

Soon he developed a new way of looting - letting his men pretend to be "merchants" to investigate the wealth of various places, and by placing large orders, he let the other party borrow money or stock up on a large scale, and then invaded in a group to harvest the accumulated wealth in one wave.

In this way, Grandet quickly plundered a lot of wealth, but he was still not satisfied and wanted more wealth urgently.

He wanted to become, not surpass his idol, the "Golden Thief" - Wu Nan, so he had a bigger plan, and even changed the principle of only spending money, swaying money to recruit many vicious people, and purchased a lot of guns and cannons.

"Hahaha, after destroying this Solbe Kingdom, we will enter the Grand Route to find a country, destroy it and become the king myself!"

Grandet, with a rooster head and big gold teeth, stood on the deck and laughed weirdly, as if he had seen himself sitting in the golden palace and calling the wind and rain.

Soon, the lookout on the high ground sent a message: "Captain, we can see Aragon (the merchant), he should be in front!"

"Young men, take up your weapons! After we conquer this kingdom, we will set out for the Grand Line. When we conquer a kingdom, I will make you all nobles." Grandet raised his arm and painted a big picture for his brothers.

The pirates on the ship also responded one after another, waving their swords and rubbing their hands, looking at the island ahead with ferocious faces, as if they were going to do a big fight.

Perhaps, this is the real appearance of pirates, Luffy and Roger are just exceptions after all.

On the other side.

Sopo, who had just completed the transaction and arrived at the "Royal Palace", had also received the news from the front, and immediately gathered the guards at a very fast speed, and marched towards the sea at a rapid pace.

After arriving.

Next to Sopo, the bald adjutant with a mustache, Bourne, held a long telescope and saw the skull flag with two eyes in the shape of gold coins hanging on the mast of the attacking ship. He said with an unpleasant face:

"Damn it, it's the Grandet Pirates!"

Bourne's words made Sopo, who was always carefree, look serious. As the king of Solbe, he had carefully investigated the surrounding forces that might pose a threat to Solbe.

Among them, the Grandet Pirates left a deep impression on him.

Vicious, greedy, and cunning.

The villages, towns and countries targeted by them often cannot escape the fate of destruction.

But he didn't understand why the other party targeted such a poor kingdom as Solbe. You know, ordinary pirates don't like Solbe, a piece of lean meat.

Before Sopo could wonder for long, Bourne gave the answer: "Damn it, it's that merchant, he's the one who's doing the trick."

After saying that, he handed the telescope to Sopo who was standing by.


Sopo took the telescope and took a look. Sure enough, he saw that the merchant ship was meeting Grandet's pirate ship.

"It seems that the other party is well prepared. Get ready for battle!" Sopo, who didn't have time to think too much, gave the final order to the people behind him.

Soon, the guards on the coastline formed a defensive formation, and they all looked at the pirates who were about to land in a serious state.

But the next second, the disciplined guards began to stir.

The pirate ship slowly swung sideways, and a row of black gun muzzles on the side deck just pointed at the guards.

"Hurry up, retreat first!" The experienced Sopo ordered people to evacuate as soon as he saw the artillery.

"Boom!" Sparks flashed, and countless shells cut through the air and shot at the crowd.

Although they had been evacuated in advance, the large number of shells still caused heavy casualties to the guards. One round of shelling reduced the number of guards by three levels.

"Haha ...


Seeing the powerful ships and cannons he had bought at a high price, Grandet laughed with satisfaction, and went down the ladder from the deck to the beach, confronting Sopo and the others from a distance.

"Aragon, look, who took my money?" Grandet asked, pulling the merchant forward, and at the same time scanning the crowd with greedy eyes.

"It's him!" Aragon used his mouse-like small eyes to scan the crowd, recognized Sopo, and pointed at him and shouted.

"You! Hurry up and take my money back!"

Grandet's eyes, red with greed, stared at Sopo and said, his words full of resentment, as if the other party had really robbed his money.

Sopo did not speak, but a simple and honest uncle next to him asked angrily: "But isn't that the payment for the transaction? At that time, it was agreed that the money and goods were settled!"

"The money and goods are settled, hahaha! "The Grandet Pirates laughed as if they had heard a big joke.

"Humph, what a bunch of fools."

"The goods are mine; the money is mine, and not only that, this kingdom is mine now!"

Grandet said arrogantly with his mouth wide open, revealing his golden teeth. After that, he drew out the gilded dagger from his waist and waved it heavily in the direction of Sopo: "Catch them for me."

As soon as the words fell, a large number of pirates rushed over waving swords.

"Retreat to the town! !" Sopo turned around and ordered a group of soldiers, and at the same time raised his long whip, and led the brothers of the guard army to retreat to the forest behind, and fled in the direction of the town under the cover of trees.

"The pirates are coming! Run! "

Soppo and his guards, who arrived first, have returned to the town and told the women and children left behind to leave as soon as possible. As for how many people can leave... they can only leave it to fate.

Soppo rushed to the palace as soon as possible, found Bear, Queen and Aisha, and asked them to take the payment and run away.

He knew very well that the pirates' main target was the payment. If they succeeded, the other party would definitely launch artillery fire and destroy the entire town.

After explaining, Sopo returned to the town entrance as soon as possible and formed a defensive line with many guards again, but this time, there was no way out.

"Kill! ! "

The two sides did not waste time talking and fought directly. The disciplined guards met the vicious and warlike pirates who fought on their own, and it was hard to tell who was who.

But on the pirate side, several powerful cannons still caused great trouble to the guards, and the guards could only pay with their lives.

Suddenly, a cannon aimed at Sopo.

Just as the barrel turned red and the shell was about to be fired.

A young figure rushed over, and the waving right fist sent out a shock wave like a bear's paw, knocking the cannon away.

"Bear! What are you doing?" Sopo looked at his child in front of him with surprise.

Bear did not answer, but just panted, and behind him, Aisha also ran over in small steps.

"What's wrong with you! Didn't I tell you to run? "

Soubo was also angry when he saw the two of them. He knew better than anyone that the Guards could not hold back the pirates for long.

Here... they are courting death.

"Twenty minutes!" Aisha bent down and supported her knees, panting as she said to Sopo.

Soubo: "What twenty minutes?"

"As long as we can hold on for twenty minutes, Big Brother will come back and save us!" Xiong clenched his fists, staring at the pirates rushing towards him, and explained to Sopo.

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