The time goes back to when the pirates just entered the village.

Some pirates with loose discipline have begun to rob in the village. They waved their blades and forced women and children who did not have time to evacuate to hand over their money.

Any resistance was met with axes and swords, and the scene was quite bloody.

"No way." Elsa said, covering her mouth.

Just in front of her, a group of dozens of pirates were marching towards the richest place in the town, which was the palace where they were.

"Sister Elsa, you take the queen mother first." Xiong said to Elsa, and waved his palms at the pirates in the front.

The bouncy pads of the bear's flesh instantly exploded with great elasticity, and a shock wave the size of a palm suddenly appeared in the bear's palm, attacking a pirate directly.

"Swish." In a flash, the pirate's head was smashed like a watermelon, and red and white were scattered all over the ground.

Seeing such a strange scene, the other people did not dare to move forward and fled one by one.


"No way! Bear, are you so strong?" The queen was full of disbelief. She didn't expect that the child she spent every day with would have such a terrible ability.

And Elsa had a completely different reaction. After seeing the bear suddenly show his power, the whole person jumped up and said, "Bear, come a few more times and smash all these pirates."

While saying this, Elsa also compared the action of the bear's palm wave just now.

The bear didn't say anything, just shook his head: "No, I can't activate my abilities for many times, run quickly."

"No, let's go together." The queen couldn't bear to leave her child here to die, so she pulled the bear hard and was about to go out

"Wait! I have a way, give me a few minutes." Elsa seemed to remember something, rushed into the palace, and locked herself in the guest room.

"Please, don't go beyond the range! Don't go beyond the range!" Elsa sat on the bed, took off the baseball cap on her head, and exposed the third eye on her forehead.


Elsa's third eye emitted a faint red light, and her eyeballs kept turning, as if searching for something.

If you can enter Elsa's perspective, you can see that her vision has become gray at this time, but it almost covers the entire Solbe Kingdom, and it is still expanding...

Ten nautical miles... Twenty nautical miles... Thirty nautical miles...

Elsa keeps searching in this range, taking in everything.

Soon, forty nautical miles northwest of Solbe, she found the fast-moving pirate ship, the Mermaid Anthem.


Elsa activated the special ability of her third eye, which can link the consciousness of all people who have seen her third eye within the range.

As the light from the eyes changed from red to blue, the field of vision began to shrink until it locked onto the Mermaid Anthem.

She looked at the pirate ship curiously. Although she could only see black and white, the exquisiteness of the ship could be seen from the luxurious decoration.

"It's quite enjoyable!" Elsa pouted and complained, but she didn't forget her purpose. She pulled her vision to the deck and saw a light spot shining with three colors.

Elsa and the others slowly focused their attention on the three-color light spot, and their consciousness immersed in it like diving.

"Daro, help us! There is a pirate invasion!" Elsa sent the information to Daro from the subconscious level.

At the same time, Daro on the deck also responded.

"Who?" Darrow, who was taking a nap on the beach chair, suddenly stood up and looked around. He only saw Rector holding the rudder.

"Rector, did you hear a woman's voice?" Darrow asked Rector.

"Huh? Captain, you are not having an erotic dream, are you?" Rector gave the most reasonable explanation.

"Damn you, didn't you hear it? A clear and ethereal woman's voice?" Darrow spat and asked again.

"No!" Rector touched his head and answered affirmatively.

Suddenly, Darrow seemed to think of something and suddenly asked the surrounding air: "Elsa? What happened?"

"Pirates, a group of pirates invaded Solbe, please, come back and save this country." Elsa's voice sounded from Darrow's heart again.

"..." Darrow did not answer immediately, but thought about it for a while.

Suddenly, among the supplies piled on the deck, the three

The bearskin coat entered Darrow's field of vision.

"Okay, I'll go back now. It will take forty minutes... less than twenty minutes." Darrow replied to Elsa subconsciously.

"Rect, turn around, let's go back to Solbe." Darrow told Rect.

After that, Darrow raised his hands, and a strong updraft rose from the huge sea, lifting the Mermaid Anthem into the air.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rect, who was standing by, had just digested the news of the sudden return, and saw the entire ship rising in the air.

"It's too slow to sail! Let's fly back!" Darrow grinned, and at the same time, he put his hands together, and a huge air corridor slowly emerged in the air.

[Sky Guardian·High Sky Corridor]

The huge driving force acted on the tail of the Mermaid Anthem, pushing it to move forward along the pipeline. The entire ship was like Apollo's sun god car, speeding in the air at a very fast speed.

On the ship.

Although the captain's order did not need to be questioned, Darrow took the initiative to explain to the two crew members: "Solbe should have been invaded by pirates, let's go back and take a look!"


Just as Darrow was rushing back, Xiong and Aisha had already arrived at Sopo's side to resist the pirates together.

The previous pirates saw that they had been unable to attack for a long time, so they chose to use artillery and numbers to fight a positional war.

This hard-and-fast fighting method is quite disadvantageous for Sopo and his men. After all, if they are not defeated one by one, the guards are simply not the opponents of the pirates.

"Hoo-hoo!" Xiong panted heavily, looking at the artillery in front of him with an ugly face, but he could do nothing.

After all, he is not the powerful tyrant Xiong in the future. At the age of eight, he can't play the true power of the meat ball fruit at all. Not only is the power small, but he even needs to spend some time to recover his strength after each swing.

"Bear, if it doesn't work...! "Soppo panted and said to the bear. He had reached his limit at this time, and his chest rose and fell like a bellows.

The bear shook his head and said nothing. At this moment, he felt that his throat was in great pain as if it was on fire.

"I haven't taken them down yet. I don't know how much ammunition I will waste later." Grandet, who was hiding behind the pirates, looked at the battle with a sullen face.

In his opinion, this was all money.

"Damn it, all the artillery is on me." Grandet waved his hand, looking like he was going to have a hard time, and under his command, all the artillery aimed at the remaining dozens of guards.

"It's over. "Elsa looked at the shells aimed at this place, her heart was full of despair, and the others had the same expression.

Countless artillery fired at the same time, as if to completely wipe out Sopo and the others from the world.

Sopo looked at the shells and immediately pulled Xiong behind him. In his opinion, even if he died, the father should be one second earlier than his son.

And Elsa had already closed her eyes, as if she had accepted the fact of her own death.

A few seconds later, the imagined explosion did not happen.

"It seems that we came at the right time!" Daro's light voice sounded like heavenly music in the ears of Elsa and others at this moment.

Elsa, Sopo: "Daro!"

Bear: "Big brother!"

Everyone looked at Daro in surprise.

Daro smiled, touched Xiong's head, and said: "You can hold on for so long, you did a good job."

After that, Daro turned his head and said to Izumi Liqian, who came the slowest: "Liqian, trouble you."

"Okay. "

Izumi Reiken squinted his eyes and smiled in response, but his smile looked like a devil in the eyes of the Grandet Pirates.

Although the Grandet Pirates were not weak in the South China Sea, this pirate group that relied solely on numbers and equipment was like a crop of grain in front of Izumi Reiken.

With a few simple cuts, they were all killed.


The next day.

It was still the same beach, and the Daro Pirates set out on their journey again.

Only this time.

There were two new crew members - intelligence officer Aisha and trainee Xiong.

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