Kakashi looked solemn.

There is no doubt that Tang Yuan is not lying, the Dusk Brigade is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

As a cadre, Tang Yuan’s strength is naturally nothing, far beyond the combat effectiveness of the upper ninja level, it is estimated that even Lord Hokage will be difficult to fight with one.

And this Kamui is just an ordinary member, who doesn’t even have a position, and can also fight with Konoha’s elite Shinobi Matkai!

What kind of organization is this that can recruit so many powerful members?

Compared to Kakashi’s bad mood, Matkai is happy now.

The two attacked each other one after another, neither of them was injured, and it seemed that the situation was fine.

“Hurry! Refreshing! I haven’t had such a good time in a long time! Kamui, you are really a pure master, compared to you, Kakashi’s moves are like embroidery! He exclaimed in appreciation.

Kamui smiled and didn’t say anything, but Kakashi twitched out of the corner of his eye, feeling the urge to slaughter Kai.

“Konoha Whirlwind!!” Matkai kicked Kamui towards Kamui.

“Typhoon Konoha!!” Kamui also kicked back.

When the two of them faced each other, Kai’s expression changed greatly: “Whirlwind vs. typhoon… Didn’t I lose on the name of the move?! ”

“Don’t care about that inexplicable place!!!” Hinata Ninji on the side was going crazy.

Then, he suddenly found that Kai’s expression was a little wrong, and the posture of standing on the ground was a little strange.

He rolled his eyes and looked over.

At this look, his pupils suddenly shrank.

It seems that there are back and forth, and the two who have fought five or five, the physical condition is completely different!

Shenwei is the same as at the beginning, at most, it has exercised for a while, and the qi and blood are smoother.

And Kai’s side, there are bruises everywhere in his limbs, and even the bones have a little sign of bone cracking!

“How could it be… Mr. Kai’s flesh 1 body training is very in place, not to mention this level of fighting, even if you have been kicking and hitting stones, you will not be injured like this! ”

Seeing Kai’s appearance, Shenwei shrugged: “It seems that you can’t continue to fight, it’s really disappointing.” ”

“Ha, who said, the blood of youth, but it is boiling in my body!” Kai said with a grin.

Hinata Ninji stood up: “Kai-sensei, you can’t fight anymore!” Your bones are broken! ”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Kakashi looked at Kai incredulously.

How strong Kai’s physical body was, he couldn’t be clearer, how could he be hurt because of this battle?

Could it be… What did Kamui do?

He turned his head to look at Kamui.

Shenwei shook his hand: “This is martial arts, normal people’s fists and feet can only cause damage on the surface of other people’s bodies, and when the power is transmitted inside, they have been dispersed, but my fists and feet… Some of the power will directly penetrate the enemy’s body without any diffusion at all, which is why you feel that you are hurting so quickly. ”

“Martial arts… Is it? Kai read these two words, revealing a solemn expression.

He nodded: “Shenwei, you are a powerful and respectable warrior, but I, Metkai, am not a man who will easily admit defeat, even if I will be injured, I will carry out this battle to the end.” ”

“I can’t ask for it.” Kamui carried the umbrella on his shoulder and beckoned.

Under everyone’s gaze, Kai took a deep breath and crouched down.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia, Third Gate, Shengmen, Open!”


A green fighting qi rushed up on Metkai!

“Teacher Kai’s Eight Doors Dun Jia! Did you actually use this trick! Li Locke shouted with bright eyes.

“Idiot! What are you messing around with there! “I was angry every day, the eight-door Dun Jia is not a good thing, while hurting the enemy, I can’t stand it!”

Kamui’s eyes opened slightly.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia… It’s a little interesting, but what does it mean to only open three doors, look down on the Night Hare family?! ”

With that, he suddenly disappeared in place!

Kai was startled and quickly sensed the position of Kamui.

In the next instant, he suddenly raised his arms above his head!


Under everyone’s incredulous gaze, Kamui appeared above Kai’s head as if teleporting, and the purple paper umbrella in his hand slammed on Kai’s arms-

Kai’s whole person directly sank to a depth of half a leg, and the earth was directly stepped on by him!

“This, what kind of strange power is this!?” Kakashi’s eyes widened, he had seen Princess Tsunade’s battle before, and he had some understanding of strange magic, even if Tsunade was personally there, he might not be able to deliver a blow of this magnitude!

In the flying rubble, Shenwei smiled and maintained the posture of waving the umbrella to split, and the whole person stopped in mid-air.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia, if you don’t open it, open it… Just show me something. ”

Kai gritted his teeth and grinned, “Boy… Don’t be sorry!! ”

A terrifying momentum rushed out from Kai’s body.

“Eight Gate Dun Jia… The sixth gate…”

“Jingmen, open!!”

============================ Separator ======================================================================================================================================================================

In fact, Young Master Shenwei was really high at the beginning, but unfortunately, as soon as I saw him fighting with the warriors on the earth, I immediately felt that it was not very hanging…

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