The creature of the audience master has always been a horse in the mouth.

For them, it is difficult for a character to portray well and please them.

And I want the audience to love this character, and even worship it, and even spontaneously give this character an atmospheric nickname… That’s even harder than climbing to the sky!

Our Metkay, nicknamed Kaihuang, is exactly such a character!

Kai Huang, who opened six doors, was wrapped in a thick fighting qi, looking like an alien visitor.

Well…… Thinking about it this way, Kamui seems to be an alien visitor.

Not to mention who the alien visitor was, Kai at this time made everyone present feel pressure.

Even Kamui is no exception.

Liumen Kai, in this ninja world, can already be properly ranked into the super line, Xiao Li just take a member out, it is difficult to win Liumen Kai!

In Kai’s mode, Kakashi didn’t even have the mind to strike.

Unless he uses a kaleidoscope, what else does he take to fight Kai?

Mouse macros?

“Amazing, I want to learn the eight doors of Dun Jia when I see it.” Kamui praised.

“You really are not simple to be able to talk and laugh under my six doors!” Matt Kay said loudly.

“However, if you want to win my state, you can’t do it now!”

Saying that, Kai’s figure instantly disappeared in place.

In the next instant, his whole person had already appeared above Shenwei’s head, and he smashed under his legs and slashed at Shenwei’s head fiercely!

Seeing Kamui’s smile and unresponsive look, Sasuke was a little nervous: “Kamui senior!” ”

“Don’t panic…”

Kamui smiled and said these two words.

Then he raised his hand to meet Kai’s smashed leg.


The unmatched terrifying power pressed Shenwei’s entire person, and half of his body directly drilled into the ground!

Change to something else, under this power, it has long exploded into pieces, which shows how terrifying Shenwei’s flesh 1 body is!

Kai’s attack did not pause in the slightest, after one smashed, the other leg swept half a circle in the air, and a sweep swept towards Kamui’s head!

“Beckoning and smacking in the face… This is really. With a smile on his face, Kamui raised the hand that had just blocked the smashing leg and just caught the instep that Kai kicked horizontally.

Then, under the action of this terrifying huge force, the whole person was directly pulled out of the soil and flew out into the distance!


After breaking a few trees, Kamui rolled over and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Sakura, Naruto and they all looked nervous: “Kamui-kun can’t be dead, right?” ”

Matkai, Kakashi, and Hinata Ninji were not worried at all.

Kamui stood there quietly, still smiling, as if everything that had just happened had nothing to do with him.

“Tried it a little… The strength has indeed increased a lot, and if I continue to raise it like this, I am afraid that I will lose. ”

“Do you still have any hole cards?” Matkay said in amazement.

Kamui chuckled and slowly opened his eyes.

That azure blue, always with a faint smile, never the slightest mood swing eyes, at this time became blood-red!

The pure blue pupils seemed to turn into a silent sea of blood at this time!

There was still no emotion in his eyes, but it was this silence that made people feel even more frightened.

“What is he going to do?!” Hinata Ninji asked with a surprised swallow.

Kamui held the umbrella in his hand and gently drew an arc beside him.

In the next second, the land around him burst neatly and soared into the sky!


“Just such a gentle movement, forming such a powerful shock wave?!”

Kamui smiled faintly.

“Night Hare Kamui… See on! ”

The moment he said the last word, his smile was already widespread.

Seems…… The bloodthirsty beast came out of the cage and launched a hunt that belonged only to him!

“Be careful!!” Metkay shouted and rushed towards Kamui!

“Lie down for me!” Kamui laughed and clenched his fists and slammed out!

The air was directly smashed out of the air burst circle!

Matkai saw it in his eyes and was shocked, but as the initiator of the competition, he would not admit defeat at this time!

“Six doors… Towards the peacock!!!! ”

His fists kept swinging forward one after another, the frequency, the force, and the speed could only be described as exaggerated!

Under his unreasonable fist, the air was burned by his rubbing, forming fireballs one after another, whistling and rushing towards Shenwei——

“Too slow!!!!”

Shenwei roared, the whole person’s body was distorted in midair, and all the power was directly concentrated into the fist, and a punch was smashed out!


Kai’s chest 1 punched in front of it, the whole person seemed to fall backwards, limbs stretched forward 1 out, back extended back, flew out hundreds of meters upside down, only to crash into the trunk of a large tree and fall to the ground!

“Drink!!” Shenwei’s figure had already chased up in an instant, just like Kai just now, a raised whip leg slammed down fiercely!

“!!!!” Kai looked at this scene in surprise, it was too fast, Kamui’s speed was too fast, he didn’t have time to react!

In this case…

“The seventh gate…”


Just before the whip leg was about to smash Kai’s head, he suddenly retracted his leg, and the whole person forcibly changed posture in the air and landed aside.

And where he was just now, a bitter whirlwind wrapped in a blue chakra flew by, silently passed through the trunk of a large tree, and was nailed into a rock!

Following the direction where Ku Wufei came, Shenwei looked over.

A few ninjas are rushing towards this side.

“Hey… Play anxious ah this is. He laughed.

============================ Separator ======================================================================================================================================================================

I see that some readers say that I like to write about dead fire… This is really 23333

I really don’t like to write about the sea of dead fire, and the god of death is okay, and the sea of fire is a subject that I have no fandom to want.

Why do you keep writing about these topics… No one reads anything else (falling

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