Naruto’s face flashed with anger, in his eyes, Nagato was actually just deceived, and now Nagato was actually killed by the person in front of him after knowing the truth, and one of them was the initiator of the whole incident!

This made him no longer able to endure, he jumped directly high and rushed towards Madara, at this time a spiral pill appeared in his hand, directly towards Madara, and Madara directly blocked the fan in his hand in front of him, and forced the opponent’s attack, but such a blow did not happen.

A sneer appeared on Uchiha’s face, while Naruto showed a surprised expression, “Why…”

He didn’t understand why his spiral pill didn’t have any effect, while Madara jerked the fan handle in his hand with his movements, “Uchiha rebounded!” With his voice, the huge rebound wave directly knocked Naruto out, and Tang Yuan jumped up directly to take Naruto down~.

Madara said slowly, “Bring the soil to pick up this yellow-haired brat, and I’ll deal with the guy who used fire and the Nine Tails.” ”

“Got it.” Obito nodded and stood up directly, “Admit defeat, if you are serious, you are definitely not my opponent!” Saying that, Obito stretched out a hand, and then Tang Yuan felt the space around him distort, and at the same time Madara had already rushed towards Naruto.

Maybe Naruto himself is a super first-class ninja, but in the face of the existence of Madara’s level, he is just an existence like a schoolboy, Madara just grabbed Naruto’s arm in an instant and poured it on the ground, and with the other party’s movements, Naruto spat out a large mouthful of blood.

The flow of this world is not like the original Hokage, Naruto has not had enough time to develop until now, and he is still too immature at this time.

Tang Yuan didn’t take care of Naruto, if he came here, the overall plot was now developing towards the process in the original plot. In this way, Tang Yuan’s purpose was achieved…

Tang Yuan forced Obito back with a sword at this time, and then quickly rushed towards Uchiha Madara, but sure enough, although Michael at this time was able to easily defeat the shadow-level ninja, this guy Madara had obviously surpassed the existence of the shadow level, and was not directly forced back by Michael, but directly grabbed Naruto and retreated back.

But at this time, Tang Yuan did not have any intention of giving up, and forced it further, but Obito had already chased up from behind, and a hand was directly printed on Tang Yuan’s back position, and the space was distorted for a while, and the flesh and blood behind Tang Yuan were directly torn off in this way, but at this time, his speed was also several points happy, and he directly took Naruto back from the other party’s hands.

At the same time, a roar sounded, and the ten tails had now roared and stood up, at this time he was no longer a stone statue, but like a wooden creature, he waved the ten tails behind his back, and seemed to be extremely angry.

Madara sneered, and directly a teleportation technique appeared above the head of the Ten Tails, and Obito also chased after the two people standing on the top of the Ten Tails’ head, Madara sneered and said, “This kid’s strength is really good, I originally wanted to catch them before the Ten Tails were resurrected, but I didn’t expect him to do it!” ”

Obito looked at Madara as if he were “I want to start reading Infinite Moon right away.” ”

Madara shook his head, his face said helplessly, “It will take a long time to cast that technique, not only illusion, we also need enough time to create the moon, those guys will get in the way, we should use the power of the Ten Tails to kill them now!” ”

“Madara … You actually just want to control the ten quantities, right? How naïve! ”

“You’re wrong… Really naïve… It’s a person who can’t hold his breath and is anxious, right! A smile appeared on Madara ‘s face, and that smile even carried a bit of pampering in it.

In an instant, the ten tails began to move, and began to rush towards everyone frantically, Tang Yuan directly floated in mid-air and began to mobilize the power of the tailed beast, and in an instant, dozens of tailed beast jade had appeared in mid-air.

During this time, he was not wasted, he had mastered a lot of things about the tailed beast, and even said that now he was able to easily use the power of the tailed beast jade.

0 Ask for flowers…

Tang Yuan waved his hand and directly let these tailed beast jade fly towards each other.

And Madara’s face showed a confident expression, did not take the other party’s attack seriously at all, these tailed beast jade directly bombarded the body of the ten tails, and the ten tails actually did not move at all, not even the other party’s body was damaged in the slightest, Tang Yuan’s face showed a smile, such a thing is what he wants!

At this time, the mouth of the ten tails also gathered a powerful chakra, this black chakra only gathered for a moment and directly gushed out, but at this time the other party spewed out something was not the tailed beast jade but a huge light wave, this light wave was like a long stick, swept across, Tang Yuan grabbed Naruto and dodged directly, and at the same time, a voice remembered, “Naruto-kun, are you okay!” ”

.. 0…

“Naruto!” This voice was Sakura’s voice, Tang Yuan looked towards Sakura, at this time many ninjas had just arrived here, they were completely stunned when they saw the scene in front of them, Tang Yuan directly threw Naruto to Sakura, “He’s not lightly injured, please.” ”

Sakura checked Naruto’s body, and then his face sank, Naruto’s injuries were indeed not light, and his internal organs were also shaken, although it was not fatal, but the injury was not light.

However, as Sakura injected Chakra into Naruto’s body, Naruto’s body quickly recovered.

The first troops arrived! The people of Yunyin Village have arrived.

The second force arrived! The people of Yanyin Village have arrived.

The third force arrived! The people of Wuyin Village have arrived.

The fourth force arrived! The people of Konoha Village have arrived.

The fifth unit arrived! The people of Sand Hidden Village and the Land of Iron have arrived!

Medical troops arrived! Sensing troops arrived!

What the? Uchiha’s brows furrowed, he didn’t expect that the ninja realm that was like scattered sand before would actually stand together and even form a coalition at this time, blocking in front of him.

“It’s a pity that it’s just a rabble…” A disdainful expression appeared on Uchiha’s face.

And Naruto has regained his mobility at this time… It…_

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