“Is that what you rely on? Do you think that more people will make you stronger? No matter how many people there are, garbage is garbage after all. Madara had an expression of indifference on his face.

And Obito also sneered and said, “There is actually no point in stopping us, why don’t you understand?” Even if you succeed, it will be useless, you will defeat us, and then you will fall apart, and some of you will repeat what the two of us did. In this world, no matter how you struggle, you can’t really live as you want. Hope in this world, it has long been gone…”

“That’s not certain.” Tang Yuan said slowly, blocking in front of the Ninja Alliance, “If you really want to do such a thing, then don’t blame me!” ”

“Isn’t it too stupid not to pull these useless things on the battlefield? Hurry up and make a break! Madara had an impatient expression on his face, and it seemed that the current ~ situation was not very pleasant.

“Okay, then wipe out all of them left!” Obito said-.

“Let’s get on board! This is the final showdown – it! ”

“Lei Dun Lei Guangzhu!” With Yun Yin’s first move, the Ninja World Alliance Army had also moved at this time, and the ninjas who could carry out ultra-long-range attacks at this time all used their ninjutsu aimed at the two people above the Ten Tails, but at this time Madara stood directly in the front and raised a hand to absorb all these ninjutsu.

For him, such a trick does not make any sense at all.

But at this time, a large amount of fog has shrouded the ten tails, and at the same time, a large number of insects in the mist have poured out under the control of the Nai family, Obito frowned, although the eye of reincarnation also has the ability to view Chakra, but it is not as powerful as the white eye, although he has tried his best to check the other party’s Chakra, but a large number of parasites filled with special fog has basically completely covered his perception.

“In this case, there is no way at all…”

“Tudun Great Earthquake Core!” With the ninjutsu of Iwa Shinobu, the earth was directly torn apart, and the huge Ten Tails directly sank, but this was to bind the Ten Tails, and then, “Melting Lime Condensation.” ”

Under the control of Shikamaru’s father, Nara Shikahisa, the entire Ninja World Alliance, as if turned into a powerful machine, actually gained the upper hand for a while.

A large number of limes will cover the ten tails at this time, yes, the other party can absorb Chakra, but the eye of reincarnation has no way to fight this material nature of ninjutsu, which is similar to the trick of creating objects, and it is also quite a headache for Madara them.

Just when the ten tails are covered with a lot of lime, the next thing is a large number of water ninjutsu to cover it, and then there is fire ninjutsu, lime mixed with water, and then add drama.

When everything dispersed, the Ten Tails were already wrapped in concrete and turned into a stone statue.

However, at this time, Madara and Obito were still standing safely on top of the head of the Ten Tails, and Madara also showed a bit of emotion, “I didn’t expect that the ninja world like scattered sand would actually unite now…”

Tang Yuan said slowly at this time, “If you stop the Ten Tails, then it means that there is no way to stop the two of you, and the Ten Tails is necessary for you to launch illusions, probably this is the meaning.” ”

Tang Yuan was still not ready to make a move, until now, the ninja world still did not fall into hope, they still thought that they could destroy the conspiracy of these two people in front of them, completely unaware that they had fallen into the abyss of despair.

With Tang Yuan’s sigh, a huge explosion sounded, the ten tails that had been sealed, moved at this time, just for a moment, it had been unbound, the ten tails danced wildly at this moment, and at the same time, he also stood up, at this time he already seemed to be a ball, it had a shape similar to the human body, and behind him grew something similar to a flower bud, which looked abnormally deformed.

Tang Yuan looked at Naruto, “It doesn’t seem to work, just now the Ten Tails were not subdued, but just to transform and stay still, it seems that we can’t do it alone…”

0····· Ask for flowers0····

“Medical class! Medical class! At this time, the Ninja Alliance Army was also in chaos, their faces were panicked, after all, they thought that they had defeated this huge creature, but now this thing actually showed a power beyond their imagination, a huge explosion and a waving tail, causing the Ninja Alliance Army to suffer heavy losses.

At this time, Tang Yuan showed a very ugly face and said, “Although I heard about the things back then, I didn’t expect that the Ten Tails in this world were so powerful, and now if you want to solve the other party, you can only order the legion leader.” ”


“Legionnaire?” Naruto was stunned.

And a person next to him said with an ugly face, “Archimonde…”

As soon as his words fell, the faces of several ninjas around him became ugly, but Naruto still didn’t know what happened, but he didn’t blame him, after all, at the time of the Five Kage Conference, Naruto had not yet emerged and did not understand what happened at that time.

However, while these ninjas’ faces became ugly, they set their eyes on Tang Yuan’s body, they seemed to have realized that although Madara was able to defeat the Five Kages, it was not so shocking compared to what Archimonde did back then, after all, at that time, Archimonde had not only defeated the Five Kages, but even made the Five Kages have the heart to fight against the Dusk Brigade without even taking matters into his own hands…

If it’s really a strong man like that Archimund to help, then it’s just…

Tang Yuan looked at Naruto, “Naruto, what do you think?” ”

Naruto’s brows furrowed, he understood what he had said to Tang Yuan before, if it was the current situation, then it was a number, but if it was really someone with a higher position than Tang Yuan came, then maybe they had lost the qualification to negotiate…

“I…” Naruto struggled, he didn’t know exactly how to get the best result five. _

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