And Tang Yuan looked at Naruto’s face and suddenly sighed, “Okay, I know, I’ll get the best result for you, if you want to call the Legion Leader, it may take a while, you guys… Hold on. ”

Saying that, Tang Yuan left the frontal battlefield directly, while on the other side, the Ten Tails had a new movement, at this time he seemed to be struggling madly, it did not directly attack the Ninja Realm coalition army, but was frantically destroying and the surrounding environment, which looked a little similar to an indiscriminate attack.

As for the Uchiha spot and Obito on the top of its head, they jumped away one after another, but soon they found a new foothold, this time Uchiha Madara stretched out something similar to a tentacle and pierced directly into the surface of the ten-tailed body “eight one seven”

With what Uchiha did, the Ten Tails seemed to be quieter, but this was more troublesome for the Ninja Alliance, if the Ten Tails really ran away, although it was difficult to deal with, it was much better than becoming the opponent’s weapon!

Under the control of Madara, the mouth of the ten tails has begun to condense the tail beast jade, the body shape of the ten tails is originally very huge, far beyond the ordinary tailed beast, at this time it condensed tail beast jade even if you think with your toes, you know that the power will be very amazing.

The Ten Tails aimed his huge mouth at the Ninja Alliance, there was no doubt that under such a blow, everyone here would not be spared, perhaps Madara and Obito would be able to use the Eye of Reincarnation to block each other’s attacks. But I’m afraid that none of the Ninja Alliance will survive!

However, at this time, the people of Yanyin Village were not vegetarians, and after they discovered the other party’s intentions, they immediately cast the Earth Escape Ninjutsu to change the ground under the feet of the Ten Tails, and then the Ten Tails fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity, and it was precisely because of this that the tailed beast jade condensed in its mouth had to shoot away from the original trajectory.

Although this time it was to block the opponent’s attack, the explosion fluctuations transmitted by the tailed beast jade that flew out in the distance made everyone tremble, and they felt that the ground was trembling wildly, as if the end of the world was coming at this moment!

And at this time, the faces of the cadres in the Ninja Alliance Army also became quite ugly, they had already received the news, that is, the damage caused by the tailed beast jade just now has all been summarized into their hands through the commander-in-chief, and the city was broken in an instant, yes, a small city thousands of meters away has been turned into ruins in an instant, so the terrifying destructive power can no longer be said to be a weapon, right? This thing can really destroy the world!

But instead, the Ten Tails once again raised its tail, and with its movements, this time the Ninja Alliance had already calculated what the opponent’s target was…

It’s headquarters, that’s right, their total . All along, they relied on the information of the Ministry to be able to fight together, if the headquarters was destroyed in an instant… Iwa still wanted to change the terrain to change the center of gravity of the Ten Tails in an instant and thus change the trajectory of the Tailed Beast Jade, but this time the Ten Tails’ feet were deeply inserted into the ground, as if they had already prepared how to fight each other’s careful thoughts.

It’s just that in an instant, the tailed beast jade once again. People’s hearts sank directly, if there is no information from the headquarters, they are just a plate of scattered sand, then they will be next…

But at this time, the tailed beast jade has flown out, even if their mentality collapses, there is no use, several people directly kneel on the ground, that is Shikamaru them, their fathers are in the headquarters as the combat command, now this tailed beast jade blasted over, not only do they have no possibility of dodging, even if they escape the headquarters, it is impossible to avoid the shock wave behind…

As a ninja, he did not die on the battlefield, but died in the headquarters, which is really not worth it.

And at this time, a golden flash suddenly flashed, the tailed beast jade was actually kicked directly into the sky, and then a huge explosion suddenly sounded in the sky, everyone’s faces changed greatly, they were completely stunned, if the strength of the ten tails is enough to make them despair, then what kind of monster is this guy who kicked the tailed beast jade directly out with one blow?

Soon the golden figure stopped in mid-air, and when they saw this person’s face, everyone present was stunned, and they subconsciously looked at Naruto 0…

And at this time, Naruto’s face also showed a surprised expression, the person in front of him looked a little similar to Naruto, but at this time, there was a scar on the other party’s closed eye, it seemed that it should be a scar from eye surgery, he had short hair like Naruto, but he was older than Naruto.

The other party glanced at the scene at this time, and said slowly, “Old man, the situation on your side does not seem to be very optimistic.” ”

Old man? Everyone’s faces showed a confused expression, and Naruto looked left and right, and finally couldn’t help but point to his nose, while the other party sighed and said, “Well, my name is Boruto Uzumaki!” Also the commander of the Thirteenth Army of the Dusk Brigade! This time, I heard the request of my subordinates to come here, and now I ask you if this place is willing to be under the protection of the Dusk Brigade! ”

Everyone continued to be confused, they looked at this young man, there is no doubt that the other party’s strength is very strong, and even can kick the tailed beast jade into the air with one blow, such a strength is not simply strong, right? It’s almost a monster in 1.0! And what surprised everyone even more was that the other party’s surname was Vortex!

The Vortex clan used to be a fairly powerful family, they generally lived in a place called the Vortex Country, they were extremely good at sealing, although the size of the group was not large, but they had a long history, their vitality was very strong, and there was a rich Chakra in their bodies, this powerful Chakra, even powerful enough to suppress the tailed beast.

At the same time, they have red hair that is their hallmark feature, and when Chakra is overconsumed, it turns white. The inhabitants of the village live a long life, so the village is also called the village of longevity. The Uzumaki clan and Konoha’s Senju clan are distant blood relatives and have always maintained a deep bond with Senju. The two sides have long-term friendly exchanges. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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