Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 225 Obito's Betrayal

"It's really a bad taste. Michael..." Meliodas said.

And Tang Yuan controlled Michael and shrugged his shoulders and said, "No way, when I handed over part of Chakra to him, I didn't tell him to use it like this...

"What!" Madara seemed to realize something, he looked at Obito, and Obito said slowly, "Thanks to Michael's Chakra and Orochimaru's technology, I mixed the mark into the Tailed Beast's Chakra , so they are not simple tailed beast Chakra...."

"Obito......you......." Madara's face became very ugly, "When did you find out......"

"Just now." Obito tilted his head and looked at Madara, "I always want to change the world, because I think this world is unfair, people will die, their companions will die, and I will die too, important people Leaving my side, I want to create a new world like you, but I found that what I hope may not necessarily come true, but if I don't always expect what I should do, it will stagnate No way! I want to bring Lin back to life, but I want to understand, if Lin sees such a world, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life!"

Saying that Obito was about to continue attacking Madara, 517 did not expect that his body froze suddenly, and he felt that Chakra, who had just been pulled out of Madara's body, was crazily messing with honey in his body.

"Hmph, do you think I really didn't expect such a thing to happen?" Madara sneered and said, Obito fell to the ground howling, "Michael hands, eyes..."

At this time, Madara slowly opened her other eye, "Didn't think of it......"

Madara unexpectedly took Obito's other Rinnegan out of thin air. At this time, he already had two complete Rinnegans! But Tang Yuan also moved at this time, he didn't just take Michael to go Watching a play next to him, at this time Michael was strengthened by him again!

Madara also discovered this. He was surprised to find that Tang Yuan's strength was more than twice as strong as before, and he was attacking himself at the same time as fighting against the shadows created by his four round tombs and border prisons. Beads of sweat also appeared on Madara's forehead. If this is the case, then even if he can defeat Michael (caab), then Meliodas himself on the other side should...

"There's no time for you to continue playing!" Madara roared, and flew directly into the sky. At the same time, her forehead split open, revealing a brand new Rinnegan

"Come out! Infinite Tsukuyomi!"

With the appearance of eyes on his forehead, such an eye mark also appeared on the moon. In an instant, the whole ninja world was quiet, and everyone fell into the illusion of Infinite Tsukuyomi. But to Madara's surprise, the people below were protected by Meliodas.

At this time, Meliodas' body exuded white light, which directly protected the people below.

"There's still one minute left, what on earth are you guys thinking..." Meliodas said suddenly.

And Tang Yuan immediately controlled Michael's body and shouted, "Master Meliodas!"

"Don't say it, Michael, I know this is the world you are in charge of, so you don't want to let this world come to an end, but you should have known that every time we intervene, this world may completely collapse Bad, and my time is not unlimited. The longer I stay in this low-level world, the more resources will be consumed. It's time to make a decision. Residents of this world, are you willing to live here? Sleeping in Infinite Tsukuyomi is still redeemed by the Twilight Brigade! Kang chose the body of Meliodas and shouted.

"Did you already know what's going to happen in this world?" Gaara said in surprise.

"As I said before, we have been to the same world as this world." Tang Yuan said, "Don't blame me for not disclosing the future information to you, because this is the rule.

Meliodas said slowly, "There are still thirty seconds."

Everyone fell silent for a while, and after a few seconds, Gaara said, "I'm sorry, I can't represent this world, if it's a personal request..."

"Ten seconds left." Meliodas' voice sounded slowly, as if he didn't hear what Gaara said at all.

"Please save the world!" Obito yelled.

Meliodas looked at Obito, "Hmm... Got it."

"Master Meliodas." Tang Yuan said using Michael's body.

"As I said, as long as someone asks for it, it will be fine." As he spoke, Tang Yuan began to formally control Meliodas' body, "Next, I, the ninth deputy leader, Meliodas, will be in charge of this world. redemption!"

As he spoke, he pointed at Mikael, and then Mikael's body slowly disappeared, "You go back to the headquarters to rest first, and leave this place to me."

"Now that I have cut off the cause and effect of this world and freed people from sadness, pain, and emptiness, do you want to stop me, the savior?" Uchiha Madara looked at the person in front of him.

And Tang Yuan directly grabbed Black Zetsu, pulled out the Nine Tails from Black Zetsu's body, and put them into Naruto's body, "Really? It's really meaningless." When Tang Yuan was doing this, A large amount of vitality was injected into Obito's body, and soon Obito's body, which had started to weaken because of Black Zetsu's departure, recovered again.

Then Tang Yuan directly threw Black Zetsu to Madara's feet, "Come on, let me see how your strength is."

A sneer appeared on Madara's face, and he waved his hand. At this time, the shadows created by the four rounds of the tomb side prison thought of Tang Yuan and rushed over. At this time, these guys burst out with all their strength, and the four Six Few people would be able to follow up on Paths Madara's attack, but Meliodas is no ordinary person.

"Full counterattack..." Hearing a bang, Madara took a step back. At this moment, his eyes widened as if he couldn't believe it. It's not that he doesn't have this kind of counterattack skills, but Uchiha's rebound is actually to convert the opponent's ninjutsu into Chakra in an instant, and then turn it into a Wind Style to bounce back to the opponent through Uchiha's round fan. .

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