Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 226 One-Hit Instant Kill

But at this time, the shadow that was attacking the opponent was directly bounced back by a thousand times, because the shadow was using the Chakra of Six Paths, so it was unexpectedly destroyed by his own attack!

"Uchiha Madara, admit defeat." Tang Yuan said, "That's right, this world is a world of failure, and it is precisely because it is a world of failure that there is a need to complete it...

"Twilight Hotel, you said that you are here to save the world, but you are the ones who hinder everyone's happiness! I turned hell into heaven, you should accept the fact! Everything is over! Although you destroyed my wheel Tombside, but then I will show you what the real battle is! The power of the Six Paths!" Madara yelled.

Then there was a harsh voice, Madara looked at his chest in disbelief, at this time his chest was pierced, "Master Madara, you are wrong, you are not the savior, and you are not qualified to end this world... . . . "

Madara doesn't understand what happened, his body has been transformed into Six Paths, even if he is pierced, there is no problem, with the help of the Truth-Seeking Ball, he can quickly recover from the injury, but he feels that his strength is increasing rapidly loss.

"On what basis do you assert that you are different from Obito and can control everything? Do you think Song You is special? Do you think you are the protagonist of the novel?" Black Zetsu said with a weird smile on his face.

"Black Zetsu...what are you going to do!" Madara yelled, "I created you! You are my will itself, you should do things according to my ideas!"

"Wrong, my will is Hui Yue Ji!" Black Zetsu said with a smile.

"Hui Yue Ji is..." Gaara looked at Tang Yuan, while Meliodas sighed and said, "Hui Yue Ji, she is the last boss, Mikaal did it like this It's for the sake of Hui Yue Ji's appearance now, otherwise even if we defeat Uchiha Madara, it will be of no use, Hui Yue Ji will still plan her own resurrection in the future 89..."

Following Tang Yuan's words, Madara's body suddenly began to collapse, and then the earth began to crack open crazily. The huge Chakra was forcibly drawn out from the ground and merged with Madara's body, and then Madara's body began to form Shrinking turned into expanding, and a huge shadow directly enveloped everyone.

"You protect yourselves," Tang Yuan said, "The next battle will not be for mortals to participate in."

Speaking of which, Tang Yuan directly took out a glass ball and held it in his hand. Looking at the black hole that was constantly changing in front of him, a tall woman appeared in front of everyone soon, and Tang Yuan also said slowly, "Hui Yue Ji was the one who absorbed the sacred tree Ten Tails back then, and was the first to own all the Chakras in this world, but her behavior aroused public anger later, her two sons sealed her mother, and now she is using Ten Tails to Tails Chakra condenses on Madara and absorbs the Chakra of ordinary people who have entered the state of Infinite Tsukuyomi, and then returns."

"Chakra is simply incalculable." Namikaze Minato's face was very ugly.

But Gaara looked at the woman in front of him and didn't know why he felt a little bit of fear. Yes, he also felt that the existence in front of him might not be solved by everyone.

"Hui Yueji, do you want to destroy this world?" Tang Yuan said slowly.

"Here... this piece of land is my important garden, and I won't allow it to be destroyed by you." Hui Yueji said slowly, "Your actions have already had a very big impact on my plan. , if you continue like this, there is no way to save it. Let's end the war!"

Following Hui Yueji's words, everyone realized that the surrounding environment had changed. At this time, they actually appeared in a lava world, and everyone was suspended in the midair. In just an instant, they turned towards the lava below. fell, but then they were protected by Gaara's sand.

At this moment, Tang Yuan looked at the glass ball in his hand and said, "Is that Hui Yueji? Would you like...to be our partner?"

"What?" Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They didn't expect that Tang Yuan would say such words instead of directly fighting the opponent, but Hui Yueji didn't care about Tang Yuan and raised her hands directly. The huge black object in his hands has begun to condense.

0 for flowers: 0

That's the Truth-Seeking Ball, but Kaguzuki can only use the inflated Truth-Seeking Ball.

Inflated Truth-Seeking Ball is a trick that only Ōtsutsuki Hui Yueji can use. Same as Truth-Seeking Ball, this inflated Truth-Seeking Ball can also devour everything and destroy everything. The way to use it is to have all seven Chakra The fused blood inherits the physique, and then the inflated Truth-Seeking Ball produced is far beyond the comparison of ordinary Truth-Seeking Balls in terms of size and strength.

However, the inflated Truth-Seeking Ball also has its own flaws, that is, it cannot produce random transformations like ordinary Truth-Seeking Balls, and the inflated Truth-Seeking Ball can only attack with infinite expansion, and can only attack and cannot be assisted. And defense, but under such an attack, almost no one can dodge, let alone defend.


But when the Truth-Seeking Ball approached Tang Yuan, Tang Yuan just raised a finger and said slowly, "Super rebound."

Following his voice, the huge Truth-Seeking Ball was directly counterattacked back, and the space of the people around them changed immediately, and they appeared in a cold space. The inflated Truth-Seeking Ball can only dodge forcibly.

Tang Yuan sneered and said, "If you refuse to join us, then I can only deal with you..."

But Huiyue Ji didn't say anything else, and shot out countless wooden poles from her hand in an instant. Once these wooden poles pierced into a person's body, it would cause the person's body to collapse quickly. Like a clay puppet.

Tang Yuan didn't take the attack hard, but quickly dodged it. This attack is actually a physical attack, but it has a strong erosion attribute attached to it.

So super rebound has no effect on this, but Meliodas' strength is not just a super rebound!

At this time Tang Yuan directly raised his right hand, black flames were burning rapidly on his right finger, strike and finish you! God cuts!"

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