Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 227: The Seal And The New World

As Tang Yuan's voice fell, he had already appeared hundreds of meters behind Huiyueji, and Huiyueji's eyes widened involuntarily. At this time, her body had been pierced by Tang Yuan...

"No..." Hui Yueji's eyes were lost for a moment, but soon the Yang Zhi Chakra on her body began to recover her body, but at this moment, Tang Yuan shook his hand violently, nine The Chakra of the Tailed Beast began to surge out from Hui Yue Ji's body, and then Obito's body also appeared white light. After the light passed, Obito appeared behind Obito representing the power of Six Paths. Truth-Seeking Ball!

"I'll leave the rest to you. Obito..." Tang Yuan said slowly.

Obito nodded. He looked at Huiyue Ji who was already collapsing in front of him. He never expected that Tang Yuan would hand over that thing to himself in the end, that glass ball containing a lot of Six Paths Chakra, even if it was just crushed, The huge energy in an instant made Obito feel like a god-like existence.

Of course Tang Yuan would not say that that thing is actually the Sage of Six Paths. Before that, Tang Yuan went to the spiritual world, captured Six Paths, and then wiped out all its consciousness, and then concentrated its Chakra In this ball, the Chakra in the ball has already entered Obito's body, which means that Obito now has the power of Sage of Six Paths, and he can directly seal Huiyue Ji in front of him.

Obito didn't hesitate, he put his hands together slowly, "If that's the case, everything is over, right?"

Following Obito's movements, a huge virtual image appeared behind Huiyue Ji. It was an extremely tall giant. The giant's hands were folded together, and then countless dust gathered towards the upper position, and soon appeared in front of everyone. A huge ball was formed, and an existence that seemed to be a new moon appeared in front of everyone.

Then Obito directly tore a hole in the space and walked out, followed by everyone. With the death of Hui Yue Ji, the people who were trapped in Infinite Tsukuyomi in the whole 2 also recovered. They watched in amazement Looking at the world that has returned to normal, while Gaara and the others looked a little dignified. At this time, Naruto had woken up and probably understood what happened, but it seemed that he was a little regretful. After all, he did not participate in the final decisive battle. It's a little uncomfortable.

"Master Meliodas, take back the power of Sage of Six Paths." 々. " Obito said slowly, "I am a sinner in this world after all..."

"I wonder if Michael promised you something, otherwise, you probably wouldn't be on his side?" Tang Yuan said with a smile, and Obito was slightly taken aback, then looked at Mellie Audas's face, "Yes, I almost forgot, but in this case, I'm afraid... the Chakra of Sage of Six Paths will be exhausted by me."

"It doesn't matter, this level of things, as much as you want." Tang Yuan said casually.

And Obito nodded, and put his hands together slowly, "Then Rinne Tensei!"

With Obito's actions, the whole world became turbulent. Countless ninjas who died in the previous battles climbed up again, their faces were full of surprise, as if they didn't understand what happened, and Obito The breath of Obito was also disappearing quickly, Tang Yuan supported him directly after Obito finished these things.

Then Tang Yuan looked at Gaara, "Now do you think Obito can be the leader of this world?"

Gaara is speechless, that's right, according to what Obito did before, Obito really doesn't deserve to be the so-called Hokage, or anything else, after all he is a war criminal, even if he helped the world win in the end, but Countless creatures died in his hands, and I don't know how many people hated him to death.

But now because his dead people have been resurrected, and this has almost exhausted all his strength, Tang Yuan said with a slight smile, "Okay, this world is still adjusted according to the system of the Five Great Nations and the Five Great Ninja Villages, while Obito As a representative of the Twilight Brigade in Longyin Village, check and balance this world." Tang Yuan directly injected a part of the Chakra of the Tailed Beast he had obtained into Obito's body, and then Daiyu felt it in his body It was as if a seed had been planted.

He looked at Tang Yuan in surprise, "This is..."

"It's nothing, maybe the Tailed Beast's Chakra is just a consumable for you, but the people of our Twilight Brigade can make it into something that can be continuously regenerated as long as we want, and the rest will be handed over to you." Then Tang Yuan disappeared directly in front of them, and at this time Eluna also appeared beside Tang Yuan, is this all right?"

"What did you say?" Tang Yuan looked at Elna and said with a smile.

"According to the way of the last world, I thought you were going to kill again." Elna shook her head and said.

"After all, it's a long line to catch big fish. If you keep attacking all the worlds with an aggressive attitude, who knows what will happen next [You see, I have awakened a new theocracy. 17

"What?" Eluna was taken aback, she never expected that Tang Yuan would gain new power so quickly.

"What power?" Elna looked at Tang Yuan, seeming very excited.

Tang Yuan closed his eyes slightly, and then said, "It's a gift, I can inject the power of points into the local people."

"Is that so?" Elna said slowly, "Don't underestimate this skill, although it sounds like you can't use your power for yourself (Zhao's good), but you can use this trick to find more followers."

"I understand, if you can use this to attract other people..." Tang Yuan looked at Elna and said, "Let's go to another world.

As he spoke, he summoned Archimonde, and then a huge door of darkness appeared in front of him.

Then Tang Yuan entered the Dark Portal as before. After a long wait, a light appeared in front of his eyes. When he walked out, he found that it was a place that looked somewhat similar to a magical world.

Tang Yuan frowned, then looked at Elna next to him, "This is..."

"Fairy Tail." Elna responded, while Tang Yuan's eyes lit up, "Really? If that's the case, then I can try another idea of ​​mine

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