"Oh, so that's how it is." Although Xin Baji was a little puzzled, he didn't ask too much about this matter: "By the way, I've already opened the room, it's at the opposite door."

"Well, good job, this location is very good, as long as there is any noise from Simentong, we can rush there immediately." Tang Yuan patted Xin Baji on the shoulder and said.

"Then let's go there now, let Kagura and Alyssa stay here with Teramon Tong, and it happens that they are here, so that Teramon Tong can rest assured, don't worry about being afraid, and prepare for tomorrow The battle raises the spirit."

Tang Yuan nodded, and told Alisa: "If something happens, you must protect yourselves, and if you have anything to do, call loudly, we live opposite

As long as we hear you shouting, we will rush over in the "843" immediately. "

Alisa nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know all of this."

Tang Yuan fondled Alyssa's head, and then followed Xin Baji to the newly opened room.

After touching his pocket, Xin Baji said to Yinshi: "Yin Sang, this is a bill, which is not a small amount. I have already spent all the money on my body, so can you give it to me this time?" Was it reimbursed?"

"Don't worry, how much does it cost to open a room? Laozi will reimburse you." Dang Yinshi was shocked when he saw the number on the bill, pointed at the bill and said to Xin: "What's going on? How can I open a room?" It costs so much money, are you trying to cheat me?"

"I didn't cheat you! The numbers on it are clearly written in black and white. I told you that this hotel is quite famous, so it's normal for a room to be more expensive." Xin Baji explained.

"But damn it, no matter how expensive it is, it shouldn't cost so much money, right? This room isn't made of gold, right?" Yin Shi still couldn't believe it.

"Yes, you heard me right. It is indeed so much money. I just heard what the front desk clerk said, and my expression was the same as yours at that time." Xin Baji said: "However, no matter what I do, you can pay for this money." I must be reimbursed, this is my wealth and life.

"Okay, I'll reimburse you when I go back." Yinshi said very painfully.

Although Yin Shi looked reluctant, he still agreed to Xin Baji. After all, he asked Xin Baji to open this room! What he said, he must fulfill his promise, this is the dignity of a man!

Tang Yuan took off his coat and lay on the warm and soft big bed, sighing: "Don't say anything, it's worth the money, this bed is very comfortable, I like it."

When Yinshi saw Tang Yuan lying on the sofa so leisurely, he was a little anxious, and hurriedly said to Tang Yuan: "Hurry up and make room for me. The money to open this room is my money, although I am the one who paid for it. I can’t get it anymore, but I also want to enjoy it back in spirit and body.”

"What? Listen to what you said, Yinshi, are you going to call for some special services?" Tang Yuan said with a smile: "But I advise you, play it anyway, but you must take good safety measures!"

"Fuck you." Yin Shi spat Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan ignored Yinshi, and found a condom from the drawer of the bedside table on his own, threw it on Yinshi's face and said: "I guessed right, as expected, there is this thing in the drawer. Remember to bring it with you so that nothing will go wrong.”

"Eh." Yinshi looked at Tang Yuan speechlessly, all the words he wanted to complain were choked in his throat by the condom Tang Yuan threw over, so he could only tell Tang Yuan with his eyes to stop making trouble.

"But Yinsang..." Xin Baji had a hesitant expression.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go of your fart if you have something to say, don't hesitate here, talk quickly if you have something to say." Yinshi hates the way others hesitate and hesitate.

"What I want to say is that such a high-end hotel here should not have that kind of special service?" Xin Ahji finally spit out what he wanted to say, and felt relieved.

"Pfft, hahahaha..." Tang Yuan laughed out loud after hearing what Xin Baji said, and patted Yinshi's shoulder with tears from the laughter and said, "It seems that you have no hope now, even Xin Baji After all, it seems that there is no hope, you can only suffer slowly tonight, or do it yourself? Have enough food and clothing? "

"Fuck you..0" Yin Shi spat Tang Yuan and said: "A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory. Laozi is not as lustful as you. Laozi just wants to enjoy it. These material comforts bought with money are nothing more. It's as nasty as you can imagine!"

"Haha! It seems that we are thinking wrongly, but Yinshi! You really looked like a client looking for special services just now! You can't blame us for thinking wrongly!" Tang Yuan laughed loudly. , kept patting the bed, venting the smile in his heart.

Tang Yuan's laughter will sway in this room, this laughter seems to be magical, and people can't help laughing "Although I don't know what I want to laugh about.

"What are you laughing at! Haha! I tell you guys stop laughing! This is not funny! Haha!" Yinshi patted the bed and said, but his laughter never stopped.

The three of them kept laughing for about ten minutes. Even Alisa who was opposite could hear Tang Yuan's magical laughter.

Because Teramontong sleeps in the suite inside the room, the sound insulation is very good, so I didn't hear Tang Yuan's laughter, but woke up Kagura and Alisa who were sleeping in the hall.

Alyssa looked at the cat's eye on the door strangely and said, "Kagura, what the hell do you think they are doing over there? Why haven't they stopped laughing for so long! It's 5.6, didn't they see something particularly interesting!"

"What interesting things can they have? I guess they took the wrong medicine?" Kagura rubbed his eyes, and said with a sleepy look: "Don't worry about them, men, there are always a few days that are a little abnormal Yes, just get used to it!"

"Huh? What did you say? Are men's body structures different from ours? Why don't we laugh like them!" Alyssa looked at Kagura with some doubts and said

Kagura thought for a while and said: "I'm not very clear about this, but I can often see Gintoki and the wig together, squatting in the corner as if watching something interesting, I was a little curious at that time , but they can't see it alive or dead, saying it's a secret between men, so I didn't ask too much."

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