Tang Yuan transformed into Archimonde, opened the door of darkness, and took Alisa in. Looking at it from a distance, it was like tearing apart the blue sky, watching a scene not far away. Everyone in the scene was stunned, thinking that they had met a god, and worshiped on the ground one after another.

This scene lasted only a few seconds, but people don't know how much impact it will have on people's minds. If Tang Yuan returns to this land in a few decades, he will definitely find his statues everywhere, worshiped by people .

Tang Yuan dived into the void, looking at the pitch-black universe, he was confused: "Alisa, where are we going?"

Alyssa glanced at Tang Yuan and said, "I don't know either, but I'll go where you go."

Tang Yuan laughed, looked at the little bright spot not far away and said, "Then let's go there, let's go."

After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he put his arms around Alisa's small waist, and with a bang, flew towards the little bright spot.

Although it is not night in Kabukicho, there are still many people on the street. Children are playing on the street, and adults are doing business.

Suddenly there was a sound of air tearing, and when they looked up, a black light flew towards them, as if the air was being torn apart.

Since the shogunate began to cooperate with heaven and man, they have seen basically all major and minor events, but this is the first time they have seen such a grand scene.

"I'm going, isn't this a meteorite that fell down?" A little brother standing on the street said as he looked at the approaching black light.

"I'm going, it seems to be getting closer and closer to us, hurry up and jump." The lady doing business at the side shouted in horror.

There was a panic in Kabukicho, everyone was terrified, as if some kind of disaster was about to happen, the adults fled holding the children who were kneeling on the ground and playing.

The child didn't understand why it became like this. He looked at the black light in the sky innocently. He was playing happily with his friends just now. He hasn't had enough.

Tang Yuan hugged Alisa, and flew towards the ground at a very fast speed. The air rubbed against his body, sending out bursts of sparks.

Boom, Tang Yuan hugged Alisa and landed on the ground safely. Although Tang Yuan controlled it very carefully, Kabukicho was still blasted out by the power of Tang Yuan's fall, and the surrounding houses were destroyed.

Alyssa wrapped her small arms around Tang Yuan's neck, looked at everything around her, and asked Tang Yuan, "Where is this?"

"I don't know, let's go over there and ask." Tang Yuan took Alisa's little hand and walked towards the crowd.

Tang Yuan now looks like Archimonde, his whole body is surrounded by black mist, and his two green eyes look particularly evil. People watch him in horror as he slowly walks towards them, wanting to leave here very much , but the feet seem to have taken root, and they can't move.

"Stop and give me your name." A group of samurai swords in their hands looked at the two of them covetously.

Tang Yuan walked unhurriedly, and said to the one who just spoke: "Oh, I'm sorry, I made such a mess here, what kind of place is this?"

The leader who looked like a gorilla paused and said, "This is Kabukicho, who the hell are you?" 17

"Kabukicho?" Tang Yuan thought for a while and said, "Could this be Japan? Looking at your clothes, it's possible that you are from the shogunate?"

Kondo Hsun paused, and said in a constipated manner: "Well, where did you come from, have you been approved by the Heavenly Human Entry and Exit Administration?"

"What the hell? What is the Celestial Entry and Exit Administration Bureau? Do I need approval? I just came down directly." Tang Yuan tossed his hair and said very pretendingly.

"So you came here by smuggling? Then please put down the weapon in your hand and walk with us." Kondo Hoon said.

The Zhensengumi on the side slowly surrounded them with a knife in their hands.

Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan worriedly.

Tang Yuan patted Alisa's little hand lightly, and said softly: "It's all right, don't worry."

Tang Yuan stepped forward, a momentum radiated from his body, he was a little weak and fainted by this momentum, but the people in the Zhenxuan group had seen big scenes, but their bodies were also crumbling.

Tang Yuan glanced at the Shinsengumi on the opposite side, and said with praise: "Oh, it's not bad, I'm not surprised by my aura, it's not bad."

Hijikata Toshiro lit a cigarette and put a smoke ring in his mouth and said, "It seems that you want to resist, right?"

0 looking for flowers......

"Hey, it's been a long time since I touched my hands, take this opportunity to move your body." Tang Yuan twisted his neck and hands, moving his body.

"Then let me meet you, you arrogant person." Hijikata Toshiro drew out the samurai sword from his waist and rushed forward.

"Arrogant? Hehe." Tang Yuan clenched his fists and greeted him.

Boom, the two of them collided together, creating a strong wave of air that knocked all the onlookers tottering.

Tang Yuan blocked Hijikata Toshiro's samurai sword with his arm, rubbing sparks.

As soon as the two came into contact, they immediately separated.

Hijikata Toshiro looked at Tang Yuan cautiously, he never expected that someone could block his attack with his body, and the sword he used was a cursed demon sword, how could it be blocked so easily.

Tang Yuan looked at Toshiro Hijikata indifferently and said, "What? You only have this little strength? If that's the case, I have to leave."

"Hmph." Hijikata Shishiro snorted coldly: "Just now it was just a test, and I'm going to come to the real thing next."

As soon as Hijikata Shishiro finished speaking, he continued to attack Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan looked at Hijikata Shishiro who was slowly approaching, and laughed loudly: "Good job, I'll see what the strength of this so-called deputy chief of the ghost is."

The two people wrestled together, and the soil on the ground was stirred up. Their speed was so fast that others could only see afterimages and sparks.

Hijikata Shishiro didn't pay attention, and was firmly grasped by Tang Yuan with the grip of death.

Tang Yuan sighed and said: "Hey, it seems that you only have this little strength. Go back and practice hard for a few years before you fight me."

After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he swung Hijikata Shirō with his big hand, and threw Hijikata Shirō into a house. The house collapsed instantly, and Hijikata Shirō was firmly pressed underneath.

Tang Yuan held his nose and looked at the people on the side of the Shinsengumi, and flicked his finger: "Who else wants to fuck? If not, then I'm leaving."

Everyone was frightened by Tang Yuan's aura just now, they all lowered their heads, and no one dared to stand up and speak for a while. .

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