Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter Thirty Hattori Hanzo Falls Into The Eye Of Money

Mr. Hattori Hanzo, I think you like this stuff, don't you?" Tang Yuan said while playing with gems.

"Haha, although I like this thing very much, it's not mine. Could it be that you will give this to me?" Hattori Hanzo asked.

Tang Yuan tossed the gem and said to Hattori Hanzo: "Since you like it, why not give it to you."

"Really?" Hattori Hanzo asked with a look of disbelief.

"I heard that Takasugi Shinsuke spent 30 million yuan to let you stop us here. How much do you think this gem is worth? Can you buy me to work for me?" Tang Yuan looked at Hattori Hanzo and said .

"You mean you want to bribe me, and then let me beat my employer for you?" Hattori Hanzo asked.

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "That's what I mean, as long as you let us go and help us rescue Gui Xiaotaro, this gem is yours."

"Haha!" Hattori Hanzo laughed loudly: "If that's the case, then it doesn't matter, anyway, my idea is that whoever gives more money, I will help them work, this is my principle.

"Then we have made an agreement! As long as you help me rescue Katsura Kotaro, this thing will be yours." Tang Yuan threw the gem to Hattori Hanzo 263, and he was not afraid that he would take the gem and do nothing. Tang Yuan was very happy Be confident that you can completely knock down the person in front of you.

Hattori Hanzo nodded, and laughed loudly: "I am also a person who works for money. Since your bid is higher than theirs, I don't care. After all, the higher bidder wins!"

Xin Baji whispered to Yin Shi: "This man has no principles!"

"Oh, what this little brother said is right. I am such an unprincipled person. Whoever pays more money, I will work for him. This is my principle, but you have to be careful, if the price they give If you are still taller, you don't have to blame me! I have already explained it clearly to you.

Tang Yuan shrugged indifferently, guessing that the gems in Tang Yuan's pocket have completely defeated the wealth of everyone present. As far as being rich, Tang Yuan has never been afraid of anyone

"Okay, then let's not waste time here, let's go in and rescue Mr. Gui, if we stay here for a second, Mr. Gui's danger will be increased by one point!" Xin Baji said

Under the leadership of Hattori Hanzo, Tang Yuan and his party passed through the heavy siege. Many people stood guard on the only way to save the wig (caac).

In the words of Hattori Hanzo, if he received Tang Yuan's money, he had to do things for Tang Yuan and the others. This was his principle.

But he also received money from Tang Gaoshan Shinsuke, why didn't he think of this?

Although Hattori Hanzo's principle is difficult to guess, but there is no need to pay attention to these, as long as he collects money and does things, in this world, as long as things can be handled with money, it is not a problem!

Xin Baji was a little worried, and leaned into Gintoki's ear and asked, "I think it's a little strange that Hattori Hanzo brought us in after giving him a little money. If Shinsuke Takasugi spends more money, let Hattori Hanzo bring me in." What if we enter his encirclement? We are all in danger now."

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to use tricks. I have fought against this person several times, and I know a thing or two about his basic personality. He will not do such a thing. Even if he is as you said, we will not There is no reason to worry about these things, the big deal is that it’s okay to fight out.”

"But..." Xin Baji wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Tang Xuan.

Although the conversation between Xin Baji and Yinshi was very quiet, Tang Yuan's ears were very sensitive, and he could hear everything they said clearly.

Tang Yuan interrupted Xin Baji's question: "Don't worry, it's fine, just like what Yinshi said just now, with so many people on our side, even if he wants to play tricks, he won't dare.

"Well, since Mr. Tang Yuan said so, then I can rest assured." Xin Baji said with a sigh of relief.

Under the leadership of Hattori Hanzo, Tang Yuan finally saw the wig.

As Xin Baji said before, the wig was tied by a very thick iron chain and hung above the beam, and several hungry wild dogs with red eyes were staring at the wig below.

I don't know what medicine I took for the wig, I kept my head down, as if fainted, and the long hair was hanging down. To be honest, if the wig was a woman, just with the current appearance of the moon and shame, It is not known how many men would have given their lives for him.

"It seems that you are coming sooner than I expected, not bad." A man with a bandaged right eye said, when he saw Hattori Hanzo with us, although he was a little surprised, but soon Then he calmed down: "Oh, it seems that their bid is higher than mine! I didn't expect there is a rich owner here.

Hattori Hanzo laughed and said: "Takasugi Shinsuke, you also know who I am, so I can't blame anyone for this, who asked you to pay so little!"

"Hehe, then I want to see who is so rich that Hattori Hanzo, who has fallen into the eyes of money, will turn against him." Shinsuke Takasugi looked at Tang Yuan with half-closed eyes.

Not to mention, Takasugi Shinsuke's intuition is really good, and he can tell things at a glance. The money given by Tang Yuan, it seems that he can become the leader, is inseparable from his intuition.

Shinsuke Takasugi hooked his finger towards Tang Yuan and said, "Is that you? As far as I know, there is no one rich here, except you and I have never seen anyone, who the hell are you? What does it have to do with Kotaro Katsura?"

Tang Yuan shrugged and said, "I'm not a god or a ghost, I'm just a person. Actually, I don't want to get involved in this muddy water, but Gui Xiaotaro is kind to me, so I have to come, otherwise I will I've been drinking at home a long time ago."

"Mr. Tang Yuan..." Xin Baji was about to speak, but was stopped by Yinshi.

"Don't talk, this guy Tang Yuan speaks well." Yin Shi said to Xin Baji.

"I heard you talk straight and straight, and you seem to be a very forthright person. If these things didn't happen, I would like to make friends with you." Shinsuke Takasugi laughed.

Tang Yuan pointed to the wig tied on the iron chain and said: "Okay, can you make friends? Of course you can, but you have to let him go first, otherwise you will be enemies when you meet, let alone friends." ."

Shinsuke Takasugi shook his head and said, "You want me to let him go? Then we have to see what skills you have to defeat my subordinates."

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