Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 31: Shinsuke Takasugi

At this time, a lot of people suddenly poured into the factory building, holding spears and samurai swords in their hands, staring at Tang Yuan and the others. They all wore a red rope on their foreheads, which seemed to be used to distinguish between friends and foes.

"I want to see, what ability do you have to save Katsura Kotaro from my hands!" Takasugi Shinsuke just wanted to leave here, but suddenly turned around and said: "By the way, I advise you to hurry up, My spaceship will arrive soon, and even the gods will not be able to save him by then."

Just as Shinsuke Takasugi finished speaking, there was a sudden roar from the sky above the factory building. It should be the spaceship that Shinsuke Takasugi was talking about.

When Yinshi heard this voice, his face changed drastically, and he said to Tang Yuan and the others: "We have to do it quickly, this spaceship is about to land, and the spaceship is full of elites from Takasugi Shinsuke, and we want to put the wig It's even harder to get out."

Hattori Hanzo turned his head and said to Tang Yuan: "My mission is to bring you in, and the rest is none of my business. I don't care if you can be rescued or not, I will leave."

"Hey, you took our money! If you don't rescue him, you just leave?" Xin Baji said angrily.

Xin Baji has long been displeased with Hattori Hanzo, he charged so much money just to bring people in, and now he doesn't even come out, so Xin Baji is even more angry.

"Boy, I'm not going against you, even if you're lucky, if this guy didn't give me a gem, I'd like it quite a bit, otherwise when I met me, I would have been decapitated long ago. A stray dog ​​was carried away.

"You..." Xinbaji pointed at Hattori Hanzo angrily.

"Stop arguing, just let him go, without him, we can solve the rest by ourselves!" Tang Yuan- said comforting Xin Baji.

Xin Baji turned around and didn't speak.

"Then let's go, goodbye!" Hattori Hanzo said to Tang Yuan: "Your gem is really beautiful, if I know you have another one, I will definitely attack you!"

Tang Yuan smiled contemptuously, and said to Hattori Hanzo: "I still have a lot on me, if you have the ability, come and get it!"

In terms of strength, Tang Yuan has never been afraid of anyone!

"Hehe! Let's talk about it after you survived today. Don't worry, I will collect your body. After all, the gems on your body cannot be polluted by your blood." Hattori Hanzo said.

"Then I don't think you have this chance." Tang Yuan said with a sneer.

Hattori Hanzo walked without looking back, walked to the opposite enemy, was stopped by someone, Hattori Hanzo just said coldly: "Go away, if you don't want your head to be eaten by wild dogs, just stop me !"

But even though that group of people knew Hattori Hanzo's strength, they would really kill them, but their superiors hadn't spoken yet. How could they let Hattori Hanzo go? Although it was very dangerous, they still held their necks and refused to let go.

When the atmosphere became more and more tense, Hattori Hanzo was about to make a move when Shinsuke Takasugi said, "Get out of the way, let him go."

This is the relief of the person who stopped Hattori Hanzo, and he quickly stepped out of the way. After all, like the situation just now, he has already stepped half of his foot into the coffin. Decapitated.

In fact, when Hattori Hanzo left, Takasugi Shinsuke also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he didn't want to provoke a master like Hattori Hanzo. After all, he didn't have any masters under him now, even the ninja Hattori Hanzo became a commoner.

"Do it! Don't let them get out of here alive!" Takasugi Shinsuke said coldly before turning around and leaving, and his subordinates rushed towards Tang Yuan and the others.

"Wait, Shinsuke Takasugi, you left like this? Aren't you afraid that I'll kill all your people?" Gintoki pointed at Shinsuke Takasugi with a wooden knife and said, "I tell you, if anyone who doesn't want you If you are killed by me, you will come down and fight with me, I haven't fought with you for a long time, I miss you very much!"

Assistant Gao Shanjin said without turning his head: "Just you? You are no longer the Bai Yecha of the past, and your strength is completely different from before. I mean, now you are covered in injuries. It is a waste of my time to fight with you. It's just time, you'd better survive and talk to me first."

"You...you bastard." Gintoki couldn't help but threw the wooden knife in his hand towards Shinsuke Takasugi.

Assistant Gao Shanjin didn't turn his head back, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he firmly grasped the wooden knife in his hand, and after playing with it for ten times, he still said on the ground: "It seems that you have really changed!"

0 looking for flowers...

After Takasugi Shinsuke finished speaking, he left here.

"You...you boy, wait for me! One day you will kneel on the ground and beg me for mercy!" Gintoki shouted in the direction where Shinsuke Takasugi left.

Xin Baji couldn't help but said to Yin Shi: "Yin Sang, you threw your weapon up, how will you resist their attacks later?"

Yinshi slapped his forehead and said: "Yeah, why am I so stupid, I threw away everyone who was eating "Yaoshou!"

Tang Yuan looked at Yinshi, a brainless guy, and couldn't help shaking his head. From the void, he took out a knife from the God's Graveyard and threw it to Yinshi, saying, "You can use mine for now."


Yinshi caught Tang Yuan's sword, waved it a few times and said happily: "Good knife, really good knife, where did you get such a good thing, I don't even want to return it to you.

Tang Yuan said to Yinshi: "I have a lot of these things in my hand, so let me borrow them! But you must return them to me.

"Stingy ghost!" Yin Shi muttered in his mouth.

"Everyone, stop chatting, they are about to charge towards us!" Elizabeth held up a sign for Tang Yuan and the others to watch.

Yin Shi looked at the knife in his hand, suddenly his momentum changed drastically, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said softly: "Hmph, let them come!"

Xin Baji looked at Yinshi like this, covered his mouth and looked at him with an incredulous expression, Xin Baji had never seen Yinshi like this before, could it be related to the knife Tang Yuan gave him?

How many secrets does this person have? Xin Baji couldn't help but look at Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan also drew out the crimson blade and the azure flower, and fired two shots at the rushing crowd without saying a word.

Because there were too many of them rushing up together, there was absolutely no place to dodge these two bullets, and they could only watch helplessly as the bullets passed through their body and exploded on the second person, and the crowd was instantly bombed Make a gap and come out.

This bullet was added by Tang Yuan, and it was specially used to deal with these crowd tactics, otherwise there would always be some little minions wandering around him, it would be annoying to watch, and one shot would only kill one of them. So Tang Yuan worked hard on these bullets. .

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