Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter Thirty-Six Angry

What Tang Yuan hates the most in his life is when someone threatens him. I remember when he was a child, Tang Yuan was only seven or eight years old. All the money hidden in the cabinet was gone.

They also threatened Tang Yuan not to tell that they had been here, or they would beat him every time they saw him. Before leaving, they smashed the only radio in the house that was used for entertainment and listening to news.

Tang Yuan was only seven or eight years old at the time. When he heard that people beat him every time they saw him, he was so scared that he almost peed his pants. It is no wonder that Tang Yuan was afraid. Those people were the most powerful hooligans in this area at that time. Often go to elementary school to blackmail them elementary school students.

When Tang Yuan's parents came home, they found that the house was in a mess, and all the hidden money was gone. They thought it was a thief, and asked Tang Yuan what happened. Tang Yuan kept his mouth shut, and his parents thought it was Tang Yuan did it, when he acquiesced, took the money to play the game console.

Without saying a word, he lifted Tang Yuan up and beat him hard, but Tang Yuan still kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word. Tang Yuan clearly remembered that after he was beaten, he lay on the bed for a long time. I didn't get out of bed for three days, and spent all my eating, drinking, and diarrhea in bed.

From that time on, Tang Yuan told himself in his heart that he must not be threatened by others in the future, and he must eliminate the threat in the cradle, otherwise he will be the one who suffers.

"Yeah, I'm threatening you, how about it? What can you do to me? If you have the ability, you kill me!" Takasugi Shinsuke said with his neck stuck.

Tang Yuan's face became darker and darker, and the air around his cold face seemed to be about to freeze.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yinshi quickly stepped forward and grabbed Tang Yuan's hand, and comforted him: "Don't be angry, it's reasonable for the wig to ask you to let Shinsuke Takasugi go, first let him go and talk."

When Tang Yuan turned his head to look at Yin, he said in a cold tone: "What? Even you want to stop me?"

"No, that's not what I meant, I just want you to calm down!" Yin Shi saw Tang Yuan's expression was not right, and quickly explained.

Tang Yuan let go of Shinsuke Takasugi's hand, and said to the wig: "You can let him go, but you must give me an explanation, otherwise, you will know the consequences."

Seeing Tang Yuan let go of him, Takasugi Shinsuke said with a smile: "Are you all right? If it's all right, I'll leave first, don't send it off."

Tang Yuan looked at the arrogance of Takasugi Shinsuke who was slowly leaving, and kept suppressing the anger in his heart, wishing he could rush forward and execute Takasugi Shinsuke on the spot.

After Takasugi Shinsuke left, there was a roar of an engine in the air, and it gradually faded away.

Tang Yuan walked up to the wig and said coldly: "I want your explanation now."

The wig replied: "Actually, if you killed Shinsuke Takasugi, it would have no effect. Their cannons were aimed at us in the air. If you killed Shinsuke Takasugi on impulse, we would not be able to live."

"Is that your reason?" Tang Yuan asked with an exaggerated expression: "Actually, as long as I think about what those spaceships outside are, I can easily destroy them."

"Yes, your strength is very strong, and the forces behind you are also very strong, but you have to think about the people here. If you make a slight mistake, we will bury you with you. As a leader, this is a must. I thought of it." The wig explained slowly.

"Well, that's what I thought too. I killed Shinsuke Takasugi just for the moment's pleasure, but you have to think about what's going to happen next." Gintoki echoed.

"Oh, it seems that the two of you have the potential to be leaders." Tang Yuan laughed angrily, "Don't think I don't know the relationship between the two of you and Shinsuke Takasugi, you two protect him That's normal too."

"No, you misunderstood, that's not what we meant." Seeing that the situation was not good, the wig quickly explained.

The atmosphere was very tense and embarrassing, even Xin Baji and Elizabeth didn't dare to speak, the whole workshop was very quiet, and they didn't dare to break the atmosphere by making a sudden noise, for fear of causing trouble.

Tang Yuan put away the crimson blade and azure blue flower, turned around and left here, and said without looking back: "I'm also fucking stupid, why did I wade into this muddy water? We're friends, but that's all I thought.

"However, it's pretty good. I'm comfortable living alone, and I don't have so many troubles to deal with." Tang Yuan continued: "By the way, the wig, I've already returned your favor to you, the two of us They no longer owe each other."

0 for flowers · 0

Looking at the back of Tang Yuan going away, the wig wanted to reach out his hand to stop Tang Yuan, but his hand was in the air, and the words had already reached his throat, but he still couldn't speak, so he could only watch Tang Yuan leave.

Yin Shi looked at the back of Yuan Qu, and said to the wig: "Do you think we did something wrong just now?"

"I don't know, let's talk about this matter later, I will go to Tang Yuan to explain it carefully." Wig grabbed a handful of hair and said: "Let's leave here first, there is such a big commotion here, really The group of guys from the selection team may come over at any time."


Elizabeth organized personnel to flee here.

When Tang Yuan returned to the Master Room, he was very irritable with anger, but when he saw Alyssa, all anger disappeared.

Kagura and Alisa are sitting in front of the TV, playing the game with a game controller.

"Come back so soon? Has the wig been rescued? Where are Yinsang and Xinbaji?" Seeing Tang Yuan's return, Kagura put down the game controller in his hand and asked.

Tang Yuan held Alyssa's hand and said, "We've been rescued, Yin Shi and Xin Baji have to discuss some important matters with the wig, and they will be back later."

"What's there to talk about with these big men? I'm almost starved." Kagura said aggrievedly, rubbing her stomach.

Tang Yuan ignored Kagura's complaints, grabbed Alisa's soft hand and asked, "How is it? Did you have a good time today?"

Elizabeth nodded and said: "Kagura took good care of me, took me to eat everything, and taught me how to play the game console just now, do you want to play it too?

Tang Yuan shook his head and said, "No, I'm not very interested in this game."

"By the way, you are not injured, are you?" Alisa asked with concern.

"Do you think I seem to be in trouble?" Tang Yuan stood up and turned to Alisa: "Please, you also know the strength against me." Do you think I will memorize some small fish and shrimp to defeat you? E?".

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