In this world, there is no other person except Alisa who cares about him.

"Hehe, it's fine." Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan with tender eyes.

Looking at Tang Yuan with this gaze made my heart feel hairy, goosebumps were about to come out, Tang Yuan touched his face and asked, "Is there something on my face? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Alyssa stroked Tang Yuan's face and replied: "I don't know why, but I just want to look at you like this."

"Look, let's see, anyway, if you take one more look, you won't lose a piece of meat!" Tang Yuan said shyly in front of Alisa.

Alyssa quickly pushed away Tang Yuan's stinky face, muttering in her mouth: "Hurry up and get rid of me, your stinky.

"Ah? My mouth stinks?" Tang Yuan took a few breaths, sniffed it on the palm of his hand, said "Zero Three Zero" and said, "No, why did I smell nothing? Did you smell it wrong? Otherwise you Are you smelling it?" After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he put his mouth in front of Alyssa.

"Fuck you, if you want to smell it, go smell it yourself, don't come in front of me." Alyssa laughed and pushed Tang Yuan's face away.

"Hehe, isn't that what you said about smelly!" Tang Yuan said with a playful smile.

"It stinks, but you haven't gotten close to others like you, have you?" Alyssa said, looking at Tang Yuan with disgust.

Not only Alisa despises Tang Yuan, but even Kagura despises Tang Yuan a little bit.

"By the way, you have something to pack later, pack it up quickly, we'll leave here later." Tang Yuan said to Alyssa.

Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan suspiciously and said, "What's the matter? Are you in such a hurry?"

"That's right, you don't sit down for a while, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Yinsang and Xinbaji haven't come back yet." Kagura agreed.

"We have something urgent to do and we have to leave immediately. Don't worry about what it is, as long as you are in a hurry." Tang Yuan said impatiently.

"But, Alyssa hasn't played enough with me yet." Kagura pouted and said very unhappy.

Tang Yuan said to Kagura: "Playing, there is never enough day to play, let's talk about it when we have a chance, okay?"

"Okay then." Kagura said and agreed, but her affection was full of dissatisfaction.

Alisa listened to Tang Yuan's words very much. Although she was very reluctant, she packed her things and prepared to leave Wanshiwu with Tang Yuan.

When Tang Yuan and Alyssa were about to open the door and go out, the door swung open.

It turned out that Yinshi and Xin Baji had returned, and they also had wigs. When they saw Tang Yuan holding Alisa's hand, they knew that Tang Xuan and the others were going to leave.

When Tang Yuan saw Yin, the few of them didn't say hello, and walked past them with a very calm expression.

"Old Tang, thank you for the previous incident." The wig stopped Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan replied blankly: "You're welcome, this is just a favor to return to you. From then on, the two of us will not owe each other."

"But what happened just now, I really have to explain it to you, I did it for..."

The wig was interrupted by Tang Yuan in the middle of speaking.

Tang Yuan turned around and said to the wig: "No, you don't need to explain to me. I understand your reasons. You want to say that you released Shinsuke Takasugi for the sake of protecting the overall situation. For the sake of everyone present at that time." Can you live?"

"Yes, you are right." The wig said with his head down, his tone full of apology: "The situation at that time was too dangerous, and the muzzle was directly aimed at us. I don't care about everyone's life, I think if you were in my position at that time, you should be able to understand my feelings."

Tang Yuan waved his hand indifferently and said: "Don't tell me, I'm not like you, I think so many things, I'm just an ordinary person, I'm not so smart.

"What do you mean by that?" Wig asked.

"I am a person, no matter what the threat is, I must be eliminated in the cradle." Tang Yuan explained: "You released Shinsuke Takasugi today, but he was able to catch you this time. Next time, I will try my best to catch you. Yes, we rescued you this time, but who can guarantee that Shinsuke Takasugi will not kill you directly next time? Even if you don’t consider your own safety, You should also consider the person who rescued you, right?"

"The person who rescued me? Why did you say that?" Wig looked at Tang Yuan suspiciously and asked..0

"I really don't know what to say about you. You haven't even thought about this question. What kind of leader do you still want to be? What kind of leader are you? It's better to go to the street to buy fish balls." Tang Yuan looked at the wig with disgust and said: "This time you released Shinsuke Takasugi, you promise that Shinsuke Takasugi will not attack the people around you, and the one who will attack must be the person who rescued you today, believe it or not?"

"Why? I still don't understand what you mean." Wig asked puzzled.

"Pig brain, I can't even figure this out. Shinsuke Takasugi killed all the people who rescued you, so that no one will rescue you when he catches you next time, understand? Then he can play you well It's in the palm of your hand, when he wants to make you round, he will make you round, and if he wants to make you square, he will make you square." Tang Yuan pointed at the nose of the wig and cursed.

After being scolded for the wig, he suddenly realized what Tang Yuan said.

"What you mean is that you are not afraid of thieves coming to snatch it, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. Is this the truth?" Wig suddenly realized.

Tang Yuan patted the shoulder of the wig and said, "That's right, that's what I'm talking about, a child can be taught, a child can be taught!"

"Then what can I do to prevent this from happening? Especially to keep the people around me from being harmed in 2.1." Wig asked.

Tang Yuan thought for a while and said: "I remember that there is a saying that the best defense is to attack. If you can't defend against him, you might as well just mobilize your troops and horses. He must not have thought of this. Take advantage of Gao Shanjin When Takasuke was unprepared, he directly dragged the army into his lair, and completely wiped out Takasugi Shinsuke.

"But it is very difficult to eliminate him." Wig lowered his head and pondered vigorously.

"Even if you can't eliminate him, it can still hurt his vitality. If nothing else, even if he is here, he won't have the heart to attack you." Tang Yuan explained.

After thinking for a long time, the wig said to Tang Yuan: "You are right. I will go back and make a plan. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the people around you, right?"

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