"Well, you can figure it out for yourself. Anyway, I'm just giving you an opinion. What you should do is your business. I've already said that." Tang Yuan patted the shoulder of the wig and said : "If there is nothing else, Alisa and I will leave first."

"Why are you leaving now? Where can you go at night? And I haven't thanked you properly yet, no, I have to treat you to a meal, otherwise I will feel very sorry." Wig hurriedly Stop Tang Yuan from leaving.

Xin Baji also echoed: "Yes, if you really want to leave, you should at least have a meal before leaving.

The little girl Kagura, as soon as she heard that there was something delicious, she quickly grabbed Alyssa's hand and begged her not to leave. If Tang Yuan and Alyssa left, she would have to go with Xibeifeng. Who told Yinshi to leave? Being so poor, I finally came across an opportunity and absolutely couldn't let it go.

Tang Yuan gave Alyssa a look, asking for opinions, and wanted to see if Alyssa still wanted to stay here.

Alyssa nodded, looking forward to Tang Yuan's decision in her eyes, because Alyssa only has Kagura as a good friend in this world besides Tang Yuan. Will do.

Seeing that Alyssa agreed to stay here, Tang Yuan couldn't help but care about Alyssa's thoughts.

Having said that, Tang Yuan doesn't know where to go at night. It's normal for a big man to eat and sleep in the open, but we can't let Alisa, a weak little girl, accompany Tang Yuan to do this kind of thing.

After thinking for a while, Tang Yuan said to the wigs: "Even if you all said that, Alyssa also wants to stay here, so let's stay here for a night and have a good drink with you. "

"Okay!" The wig said excitedly: "You guys sit here for a while, and I'll get ready right away."

After the wig was finished, I took Elizabeth to prepare.

Yinshi stretched his back a lot, and said in a slightly tired voice: "You guys sit here first, you've been busy all day, and you're a little tired, I'll take a bath first, Xin Baji, you should greet them well, if If they are not satisfied, I will be the first to trouble you."

"Why, I'm tired too, and I also want to take a good bath, why do you take a bath by yourself and let me treat you! I don't accept it." Xin Baji retorted.

Yinshi's small eyes widened, and he didn't hurt Xin Baji at all: "Do you want to know why? It's because I pay you wages! I'm the boss, and you dare not do what the boss ordered?"

"You still raised my salary. How long have I been working here, and I haven't even seen the shadow of my salary." Xin Baji muttered.

In fact, Xin Baji said this sentence very loudly, at least to ensure that everyone in this room can hear it, but this guy Yinshi just ignored it, there was no such thing at all, and went to take a bath on his own.

Xin Baji sighed, regretting the water in his head at the beginning, why he couldn't think about it so much at the time, why was he so stupid, and went into this wolf's den.

Tang Yuan said to Alisa: "Go and play with Kagura for a while, I'm a little tired, take a rest first."

Alyssa wasn't tired of Tang Yuan either, and walked to the TV with Kagura to play games.

Tang Yuan sat on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest his mind. What happened today was a bit of a brain drain, and his spirit was a little exhausted.

Xin Baji came out from the kitchen with several cups of tea, gave each of Alisa and Kagura a cup, and gently placed the last cup of tea on the table in front of Tang Xuan.

Although Xin Baji put the teacup on the table lightly, Tang Yuan's hearing was sharper, so he woke up immediately.

Xin Baji said embarrassingly: "Sorry, I woke you up, you can drink some tea and go back to sleep."

Tang Yuan rubbed his eyes, picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip and said: "No, it's better now.

"By the way, can I ask you a question?" Xin Baji asked while sitting on the sofa next to Tang Yuan.

"Just ask if you have anything, as long as you are not very sensitive." Tang Yuan took a sip of tea and tasted it carefully in his mouth. Tang Yuan can be regarded as a tea drinker. When he was at home before, he didn't Don't steal his grandfather's tea and drink it.

"Then I'll ask." After getting Tang Yuan's approval, Xinbaji said, "Where is your Twilight Brigade? And what position do you have in it?"

"What? Why are you asking this? Could it be that you want to join our organization?" Tang Yuan laughed.

Xin Baji replied: "No, I just want to ask, anyway, I'm fine now, let's chat casually.

"Let me tell you this, I am only a small cadre in the Twilight Brigade. Our organization wanders and travels in the universe. There are a lot of powerful people in it, and a person will be sent here from time to time. On this planet." Tang Yuan said blindly.

Xin Baji looked at Tang Yuan in surprise: "No way, a powerful person like you is just a small cadre in your organization [Then how powerful is your leader?"

"Well... Let's put it this way, with a light pinch, a planet will be exploded. This is the strength of our leader." Tang Yuan said seriously.

Anyway, New Baji doesn't know about these 607 twilight brigades, and he doesn't know if it's true or not, anyway, he's just bragging about it, who can't brag!

"Wow, that's amazing." Xin Baji said enviously, "It would be great if I could join your organization. By the way, how about your benefits?"

Tang Yuan took out a handful of sparkling gems from his pocket and said braggingly, "Look, this is all sent to me by the organization, it's considered a business trip fee."

"I really envy you, let me tell you, don't tell others. Xin Baji leaned into Tang Yuan's ear and whispered: "Yin Sang and I haven't got a salary now♪ It's bad luck for me to follow such a boss .

Tang Yuan looked at Xin Baji's displeased expression, and asked with a smile: "It's so, why are you still working with Yinshi?"

"Hey, I can't help it, who makes me reluctant to part with everything here, the most important thing is that I am very happy here, man, I just think it's good to be happy!" Xin Baji laughed.

"Yes, I also think that no matter what people do, the most important thing is to be happy, nothing else can compare!" Tang Yuan said.

"What are you two talking about? Why are you unhappy?" Yinshi came out with a towel in his hand, while wiping his messy silver hair. .

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