After listening to Yin Shixin's words, Tang Yuan immediately felt a lot of feelings. He felt that he must help Yin Shi. After all, in this chaotic society, there are still such kind-hearted people. If he doesn't help, I'm sorry for my conscience.

Tang Yuan gently took Alisa's little hand, and Alisa looked at Tang Yuan suspiciously, but followed Tang Yuan out.

The wig yelled at Tang Yuan's back: "Where are you going, Tang Yuan?"

Tang Yuan said without looking back: "It's too boring here, I'll take Alyssa out for a walk."

Tang Yuan took Alisa directly to the tavern downstairs, and as soon as he entered, he saw a rather old woman standing in front of the counter with a cigarette in her mouth.

It seems that this person is Granny Dengshi. Although Grandma Dengshi has many and deep wrinkles, but judging by the shape of her face, she must have been a beauty when she was young. Time really makes people grow old!

When Grandma Dengshi saw Tang Yuan walking in with Alyssa, she was shocked at first, and sighed why there was such a beautiful couple, but she soon returned to normal. After all, Grandma Dengshi is so old and has seen things before. Also more, in other words, the salt you have eaten is more than the rice you have eaten.

"What do you two want to drink, I have wine and snacks here, would you like to have some?" Dengshi's mother-in-law greeted, just like she greeted those drunkards before.

After Tang Yuan ordered a snack for Alisa, he said to Granny Dengshi: "Actually, I didn't come here just to drink and eat."

"Then what can you do? If I can help, I will do my best." Granny Dengshi said, wiping the cup on the counter.

Tang Yuan took out a yellow gemstone from his pocket and put it on the table, grinning like a dream, everyone in the tavern looked at Tang Yuan and almost fell in love with Tang Yuan's spring-like smile .

"Actually, the purpose of my coming here today is to help Yinshi pay the rent. I think this gem should be worth a year's rent." Tang Yuan said, taking a sip of sake.

Granny Dengshi didn't pay too much attention to the gemstones on the table, but asked indifferently: "I want to know why? Why did you hand over the money to Yinshi?"

"There is no reason, a thousand dollars is hard to buy and I am willing, isn't it? Just tell me if this gem is enough, if not, I will give one." Tang Yuan laughed.

"It's enough, it's enough, it's enough, mother-in-law Dengshi, please put this gem away." Guy Celine who was standing next to her said hastily. According to her many years of experience, this kind of gem is simply the kind that can't be found.

"It's none of your business, you hurry up and go to work, this matter has nothing to do with you." Dengshi's mother-in-law glared at Guy Celine and said.

Granny Dengshi picked up the gem and glanced at it under the light, put it on the table silently, and said to Tang Yuan: "It's enough, but I still want to know why, otherwise I won't accept the money!"

"There's no reason, I just admire it." Tang Yuan said to Granny Dengshi.

Granny Dengshi nodded, as if she understood what Tang Yuan meant, she silently put it in her pocket.

"Alisa, are you done eating?" Tang Yuan asked while pampering Alyssa's hair.

Alyssa grinned at Tang Yuan and nodded.

Tang Yuan held Alyssa's hand and stood up and said, "Grandma Dengshi, I hope you don't tell about this matter, only you know, I know the world, and I believe you will also control your people's mouths." Bar?"

Granny Dengshi nodded and said, "Well, don't worry, I won't say anything."

Tang Yuan nodded and said, "Goodbye then!"

After Tang Yuan bid farewell to Granny Dengshi, Jian took Alisa out of the tavern, bought some breakfast, and returned to the Master's House.

Tang Yuan put the breakfast on the table, and said to them generously: "Everyone, eat, you're welcome, it's all just bought breakfast.

"Yeah, I finally have something to eat, I'm almost starving to death." Kagura stuffed the meat buns into his mouth frantically, and handed one to Alisa and said: "Alisa, you should hurry up and eat, later Yinsang Once it’s in motion, you won’t be able to grab something to eat.”

Alisa happily took the meat bun in Kagura's hand and ate it.

Yinshi glanced at Le with dissatisfaction and said, "What do you mean? Could it be that I rob you for food? It seems that you eat the most every time, okay?"

"Nonsense! Where do I have it!" Kagura said inarticulately with her mouth full of buns.

Yinshi picked up a steamed stuffed bun and said to everyone, "Everyone eat, don't be polite."

Xin Baji rolled his eyes at Yin and said, "Tang bought this first, making it look like you bought it, shameless."

Xin Baji handed the wig a bun, took another one to eat, and said thank you to Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan exclaimed: This place is still new, so be polite!"

Tang Yuan said while eating steamed buns: "A man called just now and said that he wanted us to go to the Yoshihara Taoyuan Township."

"What are you going to do in Yoshihara Taoyuan Township? There is a famous Gentle Township over there." Wig said after eating the buns, wiping his mouth with a tissue.

After breakfast, Yinshi said: "I don't know either. He said he was going over there to tell us what to do. He didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, this matter is resolved, and I have money to pay the rent."

"Jiyuan Taoyuan Township usually opens at night and rests during the day. If we go now, we won't be able to get in!" Xin Baji reminded.

Yinshi hit Xin Baji on the head with a chestnut, and said with a look of resentment: "Are you stupid, we won't go again at night? I'll go and talk to Granny (got Zhao) Dengshi later. , After finishing this matter tonight, I will pay the money tomorrow."

After Gintoki finished speaking, he stood up, intending to go downstairs and talk to Grandma Toshi about paying the rent.

Tang Yuan picked up a chicken leg, gnawed on it and said, "No need to go, Grandma Dengshi will definitely answer, it's a waste of time to go, it's better to rest now and save more energy, my instinct tells me that this Things are not that simple."

"Well, I think so too." After thinking for a while, the wig said: "As far as I know, Yoshihara Taoyuan Township is the site of Ye Wang Fengxian, and this person is the founder of the Space Pirate Spring Rain Legion, which legion is it? I forgot too, but this person is very powerful, if we do things under his nose, we must be very, very careful!"

"Night King Fengxian? This name sounds so familiar to me!" Tang Yuan said after a moment of thought.

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