Yinshi asked suspiciously: "What? Do you know him too?"

"By the way, it seems that I heard that Tang Yuan told me about this before, and he even fought against that Night King." Tang Yuan threw the chicken bone into the trash can accurately. "

"Tang Yuan fought against the Night King? Oh, I remember, there was this incident. At the beginning, Tang Yuan and my subordinates had a conflict, and then somehow, the Night King ran in and fought Tang Yuan A fight." The wig suddenly realized.

Xin Baji asked with great anticipation: "Then what happened afterwards, what was the result? Who won?"

After thinking for a while, the wig said: "At that time when Tang Yuan fought against the Night King, it was like a black sky and a moon, and the sun and the moon were dark. The fight was in dire straits. In the end, Tang Yuan didn't know the secret method, and there was a huge demon shadow behind him. , and the strength has also increased a lot.”

"Then what happened next?" Xin Baji continued to ask.

"Later, when they were about to fight again, suddenly there was a sound of a flute, and the night king's face changed drastically when he heard this sound, and then he left Tang Yuan and ran away. Before leaving, he said harsh words, Let Tang Yuan have time to go to Jiyuan Taoyuan Township to find him." Wig recalled.

Hearing that the wig praised him so much, Tang Yuan looked at him speechlessly, but he was very happy in his heart. After all, when someone said that 550 was great, no one would be unhappy.

Tang Yuan whispered, "Why didn't I know I was so powerful?"

"But let me make it clear to you first. Tang Yuan told me before that the Night King's strength is by no means ordinary. At that time, he was evenly matched with Tang Yuan. It is said that the Night Rabbit tribe is very afraid of the sun."

At that time, the strength of the Night King will also be greatly reduced, so you must be careful tonight. "Tang Yuan enjoined.

"Ah? Don't you want to go with us tonight?" Wig asked: "Your strength is very strong. If you can go with us, you will get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't go, we may have a little trouble .”

"If you want to go, just go, don't drag me into the water!" Tang Yuan glanced at the wig and said: "Besides, there is no benefit, what am I going to do? Waste of effort?

"But Yinshi urgently needs this sum of money now. As friends, shouldn't we help?" Wig asked.

Tang Yuan thought for a while and said to Yinshi: "It's okay for me to help, but I want to live here. Neither Alisa nor I have found a place to live. After all, I'm not familiar with this place. If possible, This help is considered rent for you.”

Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan suspiciously, and asked in a low voice, "Didn't we pay the rent for Yinshi? Why do we still have to pay?"

Tang Yuan patted Alisa's head lightly, and said softly: "Just leave this matter alone, remember, don't mention this matter to anyone, you understand?"

Alyssa nodded ignorantly, Tang Yuan was in her heart, whatever she said was right, Tang Yuan was always right.

"Okay, I agree. Anyway, Zhifa lives here now, so it doesn't matter if I add two more people." Yinshi happily agreed: "I know you are looking for a reason for your shot, I understand , Otherwise, someone who is as good as you here will not be able to live there."

Tang Yuan nodded, what Yinshi said hit Tang Yuan's heart.

The wig looked at Kagura who was eating wildly and asked: "Kagura, you are also the Night King, and you are also from the Night Rabbit tribe. Do you know this person? Do you know his strength?"

Wig is worthy of being the leader of the people with lofty ideals. You have to think about everything in advance, so that you can make a plan.

Kagura chewed a big fried dough stick, and said while eating: "This person named Fengxian fought with my father before, when I was young, you also know that our Yetu tribe is a blood-eating race , no matter if it is a tribe or what, when I meet a powerful person, I always want to challenge it.

"Your father? In the battle between Lord Xinghaifang and the Night King, both sides (cacd) were seriously injured? This is really terrible. Even someone as powerful as Master Xinghaifang can draw a tie. We little How can I beat him!" Xin Baji said in surprise.

Judging from Xin Baji's expression, he is already scared, but everyone is like this, who would not be afraid to challenge someone who is impossible to defeat?

"We don't have to fight the so-called Night King. We just sneaked in to do things. Why do we fight him? Are you stupid? It's really speechless for you to discuss this issue for so long. " Tang Yuan glanced at Xin Baji and said.

After hearing what Tang Yuan said, Wig thought about it carefully and said: "Well, what Tang Yuan said is right, we really don't need to fight the Night King, we just need to do what the employer wants to do well , but you have to be careful in everything, don't draw attention, otherwise none of us in this group may come back!"

Everyone looked at the serious expression of the wig, and couldn't help but become serious. This matter is really open to peeping.

Yinshi stood up and stretched his waist and said, "Okay! That's the decision. Let's have a good sleep now and act together at night."

"Yin Sang, why don't you care about this matter? Everyone has worried so much for you, why do you still have a lazy attitude!" Xin Baji looked at Yin Shi with a little dissatisfaction and said.

Yin Shi pinched his nostrils and said: "Then what else do you want me to say? You have already given up your ideas, so I can just wait until night to do it. I'm talking, and now I don't know what the employer asked us to do. How about it, these are just predictions now, and we have to take a step by step when the time comes."

Xin Baji was stifled by what Yin Shi said, and a word stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Hmm~~" Yinshi yawned, and said with sleepy eyes: "It's getting late, I'm going to sleep, and you should go to bed early, this place is yours, you can sleep wherever you like Sleep, Xinbaji, take good care of them, and I won’t accompany you.”

After Gintoki finished speaking, he went back to his room and went to sleep.

Xin Baji glanced at the door of Yinshi's room with disgust and said, "What a boss who doesn't care about anything!"

Xin Baji took out a few quilts from the closet, and said embarrassingly: "I'm really sorry, now I can only let the two of you rest on the sofa."

The wig smiled and took the quilt from Xin Baji's hand and said: "It doesn't matter, I am a homeless person now, I am very satisfied to have a warm quilt.

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