Finally, Gintoki and the wig started to move, and the two launched an attack together. Gintoki raised Lake Toya and slashed at Hattori Hanzo, and faked his fists to block Hattori Hanzo's retreat. The attack of the two could be described as Absolutely, Hattori Hanzo has no retreat at all, so he can only carry it up.

Tang Yuan watched from the side while trying to recover his physical strength. Once Tang Yuan regains his physical strength, once he joins this battle, Hattori Hanzo will definitely flee. This is a battle that will kill people. What is he thinking now? A moment of bushido spirit.

It is completely impossible to kill Hattori Hanzo, after all, this is a ninja, and it is not bad to be able to drive him away.

"Haha, good time." Hattori Hanzo threw the shuriken in his hand at the same time, avoiding the attack of Gintoki and the wig with an extraordinary posture.

Wig and Gintoki turned around and hid, but the shuriken in Hattori Hanzo's hand was like a machine gun, with 20 countless bullets, and it kept shooting at Gintoki and Gintoki.

Gintoki and Wig's movement skills are not bad, turning around one by one, unexpectedly making all of Hattori Hanzo's shurikens miss one by one.

Gintoki jumped to a safe foot, pointed at Hattori Hanzo and cursed: "Have you thrown enough?"

"Not yet, this is less than what I threw during training." Belly Hanzo said with a smile: "But you two are in a good escape posture, let me imagine what to do first." Belly Hanzo rubbed his chin in thought After a while, he said: "By the way, it's like two dogs, they can't beat them and run away. Don't mention how funny that is."

"Fuck you, call us dogs, then what are you!" Hattori Hanzo's words actually made this gentle man in wig angry.

"By the way, who am I?" Hattori Hanzo continued to think: "Oh, I know what I am!" Hattori Hanzo suddenly realized: "I am the one who beat you with a stick, yes , that’s right.”

"I'll go to your uncle, you are a dog." The face of the wig was already red, and it seemed that he was extremely angry. No matter who it was, it was said that it was a dog. No one was wrong. will be angry.

Tang Yuan looked at Yin Shihe who was extremely angry and shouted: "Calm down, you two, don't be overwhelmed by his provocative method, he just wants to say some dirty words to provoke you, so that you can look for opportunities Escape here with the Night King."

After listening to what Tang Yuan said, Yinshi and Wig calmed down a lot, and slowly returned to normal. Wig said to Hattori Hanzo: "It seems that you are really good, and you can even use aggressive methods to provoke us , Fortunately, Tang Yuan is by our side to remind us, otherwise I would have read your way!"

"Hehe, I didn't expect there to be a smart person here, not bad." Hattori Hanzo pointed to Tang Yuan and said, "You are quite a smart bird, not bad, not bad, I am very optimistic about you."

Tang Yuan snorted coldly and said, "You still want to escape my eyes with your small and medium tricks? I don't know how many years ago I started playing these tricks. What you are playing now are all leftovers from my play."

"Hehe, in order not to let you see my scheme, I'll be the first to deal with you first." Hattori Hanzo sneered.

Hattori Hanzo's eyes were very sharp, as if a wild wolf that hadn't eaten food for more than ten days saw delicious food.

"If you want to get close to him, then you have to pass our level!" Yin Shi and the wig said resolutely.

"Okay, okay, that's enough for the two of you!" Hattori Hanzo said while pinching his nostrils. He didn't know where he learned Gintoki's signature move. After buckling enough to flick Gintoki and his wig, a gray The parabola flew towards the silver hour and the wig.

It doesn't matter when the time comes, I often pinch my nostrils myself, I'm used to these things, but the wig is a person with a cleanliness, I already felt sick when I saw Hattori Hanzo stretching out his fingers to pinch his nostrils, let alone But now the booger was flying towards him.

So the wig instinctively stood aside, avoiding this biochemical weapon.

However, just by hiding the wig to the side, Hattori Hanzo found an opportunity, took advantage of the gap, threw a smoke bomb, and rushed towards Tang Yuan at a strange pace.

After Wig and Gintoki fanned away the smoke that made people cry, when they saw Hattori Hanzo in Tang Yuan, there was only a few meters away. This distance was too close, and Wig and Gintoki had no time to react to stop Hattori Hanzo.

The wig felt annoyed, why did he avoid this booger, it was just a booger, not a weapon, if something happened to Tang Yuan, the wig would regret it for the rest of his life.

Tang Yuan looked at Hattori Hanzo who was close at hand and sneered: "I knew you kid wanted to do this trick to me, and I'm ready to do it for you, let you try it now.

Tang Yuan used all his strength to strike at Hattori Hanzo.

Hattori Hanzo was caught off guard by this move, he never thought that a person who was so seriously injured that he could no longer hold a sword, would be able to strike such a powerful sword at 193, he didn't know that he thought Tang Yuan was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before.

However, although Tang Yuan's move was ruthless and the angle was very tricky, but because Tang Yuan was seriously injured, it was very difficult to pick up the Judgment Blade, and it was Tang Yuan's limit to cut this knife, so there was basically no What power, to say the least, is just to scare people.

Hattori Hanzo charged forward with all his strength, and suddenly saw a sword tip appearing in front of him, his speed could not be reduced, so he could only keep throwing shurikens, hoping that Tang Yuan would put them away because of these shurikens The sword is used to resist.

But Hattori Hanzo had already thought too much about all this, Tang Yuan didn't draw back his sword to block the shuriken, but let Hattori Hanzo's shuriken pierce him.

However, Tang Yuan is wearing thick armor, which cannot be penetrated by ordinary weapons. The Fang Tian painted halberd of the Night King just left a shallow trace on the armor, let alone these shurikens. Not a trace was left.

Hattori Hanzo thought that Tang Yuan was confident and trusted the armor so he didn't dodge it, but these were all Hattori Hanzo's overthinking, Tang Yuan just didn't go because he didn't have the strength.

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