Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 90: Let's Go Boy

Hattori Hanzo saw that Tang Yuan hadn't put away his sword, and he couldn't get rid of the impact force on his body, so he could only resist it, trying to find a non-essential place to bear Tang Yuan's sword.

With a sound of chirping, the clothes on Hattori Hanzo's left shoulder were cut. Hattori Hanzo's reaction speed was too fast. At such a critical moment, he actually stepped on an ancient movement method to cut his clothes, and did not hurt his body.

After Hattori Hanzo hid in the past, he turned back and stared at Tang Yuan cautiously. He was afraid that Tang Yuan, who was seriously injured, would give him a fatal blow. After all, the situation just now was very urgent. This is an ancient secret book, otherwise, it would be very difficult to avoid it.

Seeing that Tang Yuan was fine, the wig was relieved. Fortunately, Tang Yuan's reaction was good, otherwise, I would regret it for the rest of my life!

The wig picked up a long sword that came from nowhere from the ground, pointed at Hattori Hanzo and said: "You almost let me throw it into the face just now, almost killed my best friend under my nose, and then I will let you You try my strength."

Hattori Hanzo grinned and said, "Hehe, come here, I've met people who are stronger than you, and even they can't touch me, it's up to you? Do you think there is a chance?"

"Hmph, is it possible? Don't you know if you try it?" The wig snorted coldly and said, "I, Katsura Kotaro, if I can't kill you this time, I will hunt you down for generations. A poisonous oath."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you still have the ability to do it, it's useless to make such a poisonous oath." Hattori Hanzo stretched his waist and said: "Come on, don't waste time, if the Night King can't hold on later If you don’t, you won’t be able to get it.”

Tang Yuan said to the wig and Gintoki: "You two, don't hold on, I know you are very strong, but Hattori Hanzo is also very powerful, especially his body skills, you must be more careful〃 |."

The wig nodded towards Tang Yuan and said: "Well, we know, you can rest assured and have a good rest there."

Tang Yuan nodded.

The wig picked up the long sword and rushed towards Hattori Hanzo, without waiting for Yinshi to be ready, and rushed directly in a way that hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.

Seeing the wig rushing up without warning, Yinshi didn't react for a while, thinking: "That's not how the script is written, isn't it waiting for the two of us to attack together?"

But now I can't keep up with my original idea, and I can only follow the wig's footsteps and rush forward.

This time the wig's attack was wide open and closed, without the slightest defense. I don't know if it was humiliated by Hattori Hanzo or what, and he hit it in a desperate way. For a while, Hattori Hanzo was beaten and fled everywhere.

Gintoki shouted to Hattori Hanzo: "You kid has the ability to confront us head-on, what's the matter with running around, if it's a man, hit him face-to-face!"

"Are you crazy? There are two of you, and I'm alone, how can I fight?" Hattori Hanzo cursed: "Besides, I'm a ninja, and ninjas come and go without a trace. They are all murderous, how can I confront you? Are you kidding me?"

"After all, you still don't have the guts to say that you are a ninja. Then I advise you to leave here before we kill you. You can't take the Night King with you." Hanzo Hattori stabbed at him.

Tang Yuan thought to himself: "These two boys are not bad, they know how to trade their own bodies for others, they even know how to ridicule, they are very powerful, they are indeed the people who have been with me for so long."

But Hattori Hanzo is very clever, and he will never be fooled by the two of them when he was in the bank. No matter what the two of them say, he still refuses to jump off the roof beam.

The two of them, the kimono Hanzo, were mocking each other. If someone who didn't know saw it, they would think these big men were cursing.

But this is not bad, Tang Yuan can also take this opportunity to recover his strength, the night king's blood has been bleeding for so long, it is estimated that he is almost dead, it seems that Hattori Hanzo will not be able to receive the money.

Alisa was a little scared, but she still walked towards Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan closed his eyes and was meditating. He didn't feel that Alisa had come to his side. When Tang Yuan found that Alisa was beside him, he exclaimed: "Why did you come here? It's too dangerous here , you hurry back."

"No, I will stay here with you." Alyssa hugged Tang Yuan and said.

Tang Yuan glanced at Hattori Hanzo, he hadn't noticed the situation here, Tang Yuan grabbed Alyssa's hand and said: "You big fool, don't transmit power to me like last time , your power has been used up, if you use it this time, your life will be overdrawn, if this is the case, I will die "I will not want your Li Huang's 匚"

Alyssa paused for a moment, she was about to hug Tang Yuan to transfer Tang Yuan's power, but when Tang Yuan said that, Alyssa was afraid again, she knew Tang Yuan's character, when he didn't want to It is useless for you to force him.

Alisa hugged Tang Yuan tightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't pass on strength to you. I just want to hug you now, and I don't think about anything else."

Tang Yuan wanted to release Alisa's hands holding him tightly, but because of the serious injury, he had no strength to release Alisa's hands, so he could only compromise and said: "Alisa, this place is really too dangerous I don't want you to take such a risk with me."

After listening to what Tang Yuan said, Alyssa shook her head and said: "No, I will accompany you. You have done so much for me, and you should let me protect you once."

"That's right, you have done so much for us, when you were seriously injured, we should stand up and protect you." A new voice came from behind Tang Yuan.

Xin Baji didn't participate in the battle this time, but he didn't retreat, but followed Tang Yuan and Yinshi's instructions to protect those girls who were suffering.

Tang Yuan looked back and found that Xin Baji's back was full of girls rescued by Tang Yuan just now. They nodded firmly towards Tang Yuan, as if to say, now it's our turn to protect you.

Qing Shengyue walked to Tang Yuan's side and said: "Before, the angel big brother was protecting us all the time, but now that the angel big brother is injured, we should also protect you.

"But it's too dangerous here. I don't know what's going on around here. If someone comes in with a machine gun from the side door, we'll gather here and be wiped out." Tang Yuan persuaded earnestly . .

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