Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 91: Shinsengumi Joins

"Don't be afraid, we have a lot of people here, at least we can block bullets for the angel big brother, I don't believe they have so many bullets that can kill so many of us." Qingtai also stood up and said.

"Well, since you all said that, then I can't say anything more." Tang Yuan sighed and then turned to Xin Baji and said, "Xin Baji, check around to see if there is anything nearby People, I feel that there are always some people around here who are spying."

"No need, I have killed the person who spied on you." Hijikata Toshiro lit a cigarette after throwing a corpse through the side door and said, "He has been staring at you from the roof with a sniper rifle, After being discovered by me, I wanted to escape, so I killed him."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Shishiro." Xinbaji expressed his gratitude to Hijikata Shishiro.

Tang Yuan sensed the surrounding environment and said: "No, it hasn't been resolved yet, the feeling of being spied on hasn't disappeared yet."

"Huh? Is there anyone else?" Hijikata Toshiro also felt it.

"You don't need to look at it, we have dealt with everyone around here." Kondo Isao led the members of the Shinsengumi and dragged the corpses in one by one, causing the girls to scream.

Kondo quickly coaxed: "Don't be afraid, these are not dead people, they are all living people, don't be afraid, they are just playing games with you, they are pretending to be asleep."

But even though Kondo Xun coaxed like this, those girls still didn't stop screaming.

"Oh, these are living people. They are really playing games with you. If you don't believe me, how about big brother asking someone to wake them up?" Kondo Hoon turned his head and said to Yamazaki: "Hurry up and wake them up." They wake up."

"Ah? How did the team leader wake up? They were all wiped by us on the neck, and the ground was full of Bloodline [this is already completely dead." Yamazaki quickly explained.

Kondo Hsun came to Yamazaki's side and cursed in a low voice: "You think I don't know that they are all dead, but these children are afraid, we can't let these dead people cast a shadow on the flowers of our motherland, you can just pretend what!"

"But..." Yamazaki was still in a dilemma.

Who knew that Qingtai rushed over as soon as she charged, and kicked these people fiercely one after another, showing no fear at all, her face was ferocious, and there was only hatred in her heart.

Okita Sougo and Jin Tengxun were all stunned, they said they were afraid, so what happened to this kick?

Qing Shengyue explained to Hijikata Shirōro and the others: "These people are the ones who tortured us, and they were the ones who took off our sisters and killed them. It's understandable for him to do that."

"So that's the case. It's no wonder these people are so hateful." Kondo muttered to himself: "By the way, why didn't you call the police at that time? Why didn't you let the police come to deal with this matter, but let the Wanshiwu people coming?"

"We were locked in a small dark room, and we rarely had access to the phone, but we had found the opportunity to call the police before, but the police didn't come, but a group of men in black came and beat us to death. In the end, he put down his cruel words, saying that if we still call the police, we will all be killed."

"Is that so?" Kondo Isao asked, looking at Kiyomizuki suspiciously.

Tang Yuan said to Kondo Hsun: "You don't even need to think about it. There must be spies in your place. When Qing Shengyue called, they directly reported to those who were in the Night King."

"So we had no choice but to find other opportunities to call Wanshiwu." Qing Shengyue said: "Fortunately, the big brother of Wanshiwu didn't disappoint us" and rescued us all.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Kondo Hoon, Kondo Hoon, through this incident, you should reflect on why it became like this." Tang Yuan looked at the Shinsengumi with contemptuous eyes (cabc) and said: " It’s time for your shogunate to change, otherwise the technology will be troublesome in the future!”

After hearing what Tang Yuan said, the members of the Zhensengumi bowed their heads in shame, not because of them, but because their shogunate felt ashamed. If it weren't for Wan Shiwu to join in, they would never have discovered that there would be There are so many children being caught here, and listening to them say that they were only used as food, cannibalism is scary when you think about it!

Kondo thought for a while, clenched his fists and said: "Well, I will report this matter, and we promise that these things will never happen again."

Tang Yuan shrugged and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, now that the Night King is beaten to death by me, I guess there is only venting, not incoming, and the Jinhui of Jiyuan Taoyuan may be destroyed because of this."

Kondo shook his head and said: "It is impossible for a place like Yoshihara Togen Township to be destroyed. If this Yoshihara Togen Township is destroyed, another Yoshihara Togen Township will be built, and there will be more people there." It will be implicated because of this matter, if possible, I think it only needs to change a leader here."

Tang Yuan thought about it, and felt that what Kondo said was quite reasonable, so he asked: "Then what do you think of the position of the sun wheel?" Tang Yuan pointed to the sun wheel for Kondo to look at.

Kondo looked at the sun and shook his head and said: "This woman can take this position, but she must have a strong man behind her. Many people have already watched this place covetously, but the Night King Sitting here, they just dare not do anything, and now if news of the death of the Night King spreads, they will swarm to share this big cake together."

Tang Yuan scratched his head and thought for a while, then said: "Then let you Zhenxuan come over to guard this place? Is that okay?"

"No." Kondo shook his head resolutely and said: "After all, the Shinsengumi is a member of the shogunate, and it will be very troublesome if it gets involved in this matter.

"Then how do you choose? It's so annoying!" Tang Yuan said impatiently.

Suddenly, there was a sound of fighting between Gintoki and the wig.

Tang Yuan pointed to the two of them and said to the people in the Shinsengumi: "What are you still doing here? Hurry up and help, that man is called Hattori Hanzo, who wants to take the Night King away, you must not let him Take the Night King away."

Because of the incident last time, Hijikata Toshiro has now obeyed Tang Yuan's advice, and turned to the Shinsengumi and said, "Come on, let's go up and help."

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