Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 93: Saving People

Kondo Isao and the members of the Shinsengumi couldn't help but nodded, thinking that what Tang Yuan said was indeed right and very reasonable.

"Now the Night King has been taken away by Hattori Hanzo, and his life and death are unknown, but I think that even if he is saved alive, he should not be too much of a threat. With such a serious injury, it is completely impossible to restore his previous strength Yes, besides, he is so old, he should find a place to retire, Tang Yuan said to everyone.

"Then in order to prevent outsiders from invading Yoshihara Taoyuan Township, who should we choose to be the leader here? Or the sun wheel you mentioned before?" Kondo asked.

Tang Yuan suddenly slapped his head and said: "By the way, I forgot the most important thing, Baihua Yueyong, I haven't saved yet."

In a blink of an eye, Rilun was holding Baihua Yueyong and crying, and those two red eyes made "087" feel distressed.

When Rilun saw Tang Yuan and the others approaching, he hurriedly said, "Please save Yue Yong, I kowtow to you."

Tang Yuan immediately grabbed Rilun's shoulder to prevent her from knocking down, Tang Yuan said to Rilun softly: "You don't have to do such a big ceremony, I promised you before, I will do it

"Really? If it's true, thank you so much." Ri Lun wanted to kowtow to Tang Yuan again, but was stopped by Alisa.

Alyssa lifted the sun wheel and sat on the wheelchair and said: "Don't worry, I know Tang Yuan's strength, he will definitely be able to save your friend, don't be too anxious, go to the side to rest first, don't hinder him okay?"

Rilun was very worried about Baihua Yueyong's safety, but in order not to hinder Tang Yuan's work, she chose to rest and watch.

"Can this work? This person's body is already cold, and I'm afraid it won't be possible to save him." Chong Tian said after realizing Baihua Yueyong.

"You are stupid!" Kondo Hoon slapped Sougo Okita on the head and said, "Aren't you stupid? Have you forgotten how we survived last time? At that time we were dead too, weren't we?" Tang Yuan was rescued? He can save the three of us, and he will definitely be able to save this girl."

"Well, you have to have confidence in Tang Yuan, after all there are many mysterious colors in him." Hijikata Toshiro said to Okita Sougo.

Tang Yuan took a few deep breaths, and felt that his body had almost recovered, and he could use the skill of Holy Spirit Blessing. Tang Yuan asked everyone to stay away, because Tang Yuan only recovered a little ability, and he was afraid that if there were too many people, he would absorb this skill. Strength, but not enough strength to save Baihua Yueyong.

Tang Yuan asked everyone to squat on the ground ten meters away, not so that they could use their skills, but because they were too tired and their legs couldn't bear it after standing for a long time.

"Holy blessing!" Tang Yuan shouted softly, and put the tip of Judgment Blade on Baihua Yueyong's head. After Tang Yuan shouted this sentence, a green light passed from the tip of the sword to Baihua Yueyong's forehead, and gradually Baihua Yueyong's entire body was green.

Forgiveness Green wrapped around Baihua Yueyong's body. It can be seen with the naked eye that Baihua Yueyong's injuries are gradually recovering and healing up. However, Tang Yuan really doesn't have much energy. So recovery is very slow.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this color is really healthy. I seem to have been given such a trick by Tang Yuan. I heard that the team leader said that after being used this trick, the whole person will become very energetic and full of strength. .” Yamazaki exclaimed.

Okita Sougo looked at Yamazaki with distaste and said, "You really want to get this color on your body?"

"Ah! Anyway, I don't have a girlfriend, and I can still get a feeling of strength, which can make up for my spirit of watching anime all night long. It doesn't matter!" Yamazaki shrugged and said.

"Cut, you are not afraid that your right hand will also help you wear a cuckold?" Jin Lixun suddenly entered the hospital.

"Eh..." Yamazaki said with a disgusted look, "You can't say that you are helping someone... slap?"

"Ah, what do you think I'm talking about." Kondo Hoon said indifferently.

"Huh..." Hijikata Shishiro looked at Kondo Xun with disgust and said: "Group leader, it looks like you often help others do that kind of thing. It's so simple, you must never get close to him in the future." I, I won't want the food that your hand has touched."

Seeing that everyone misunderstood, Kondo Xun hurriedly explained: "That's not the case, you are all thinking wrong, no, isn't our attack target Yamazaki? Why is the target suddenly facing me?"

"Who asked you to tell your experiences? And you said it so vividly, we couldn't believe it!" Okita Sougo said. 0

Shirō Hijikata patted Isao Kondo on the shoulder and said, "Just accept your fate, it seems that you won't be able to erase the stain of helping others in the future."

"I'm going... If this matter spreads, how will I behave in the future?" Kondo Hoon hurriedly said: "If anyone of you spreads this rumor, I will deduct your salary! Do you know?"

"Cut! This trick again!" Everyone sighed collectively, despising Kondo Isao.

Yinshi saw that there was some noise here, and walked over with his nostrils pinched and asked, "What are you guys talking about? It's such a happy chat, and it makes me happy to talk about it."

Yamazaki, standing beside Isao Kondo, said, "That's right, our team leader helps people..."

Before Yamazaki finished speaking, Kondo Isao covered his mouth and gave the people behind him a threatening look.

"Help someone? You should explain clearly!" Yin Shi said impatiently: "Gorilla, don't cover his mouth, let him finish."

"It's nothing, he said that I helped the old lady cross the road, and you know that these people drive in such a disreputable way, they are rampant and don't care about people at all." Kondo Xun hurriedly explained.

Gintoki glanced at Yamazaki, then at Isao Kondo, and let out a sharp sound: "Is there still a need to be so secretive about helping the old lady cross the road? I often help those who have stumbled." Girl, do I have anything to hide? Really."

"Yes yes yes, you are amazing, you are amazing to be able to understate the matter of going whoring so lightly." Kondo Hoon clasped his fists and said to Gintoki.

This is because Tang Yuan injected a lot of energy into Baihua Yueyong. Baihua Yueyong's injuries have all healed, and the horrible wound caused by Fang Tian's painting halberd has disappeared without a trace, and even Baihua Yue Yong's left eye has recovered, and she is no longer a one-eyed dragon.

But even so, Baihua Yueyong still didn't wake up, and I don't know why. .

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