Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 94: The Sleeping Elf

"What's wrong? It's been so long, why hasn't Yueyong woke up yet?" Rilun asked anxiously.

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "I don't know very well, the energy has been injected for so long, and the injuries on my body have completely recovered, and even the lost left eye has returned to its original appearance. Can't figure it out.

"Then what should we do? If Master Yueyong can't wake up, what should we do?" Baihua Yueyong's confidant has been standing not far away watching, and when he heard that Baihua Yueyong couldn't wake up, he He hurried over and asked.

As soon as this group of people came over and saw that Baihua Yueyong hadn't woken up after so long, they exploded like a flock of frightened birds.

Tang Yuan roared in a low voice: "Shut up, I need to be quiet now!"

Immediately, the entire hall fell silent, even Yin Shi and Xun who were joking with each other just now were frightened by Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan condensed his mind, pressed an index finger on the head of 20 Baihua Yueyong, and a mind entered into Baihua Yueyong's mind. Tang Yuan found that Baihua Yueyong's mind was in chaos, as if the universe was undeveloped look.

In the chaos, pictures like photos appeared in front of Tang Yuan's eyes, as if this was Bai Hua Yueyong's experience from childhood to adulthood. The first half of Baihua Yueyong's life.

For some reason, the last picture is indeed incomplete, only made up of fragmentary pictures, and it is completely impossible to see what the content is like.

Tang Yuan thought for a while, and thought: "Could it be that this picture has something to do with Baihua Yueyong not being able to wake up?"

Tang Yuan understood the image and slowly analyzed the content of the picture, but no matter how wide Tang Yuan's brain was, he still couldn't figure out what it was.

However, judging from the previous pictures, it can be vaguely seen that this painting seems to be related to a woman. This woman looks very young and has no wrinkles at all. Could it be that this woman is Bai Hua Yueyong's mother?

But I heard from Baihua Yueyong before that Baihua Yueyong was captured by the Night King when she was very young. Fortunately, the sun wheel saved her at that time, otherwise she would not have survived until now. Judging from this memory At such a young age, it is impossible for Baihua Yueyong to remember who her mother is! Then who is this woman?

Tang Yuan racked his brains and still couldn't figure it out. Tang Yuan released his mind and asked: "Sunlun, did Baihua Yueyong have any strange experiences? I saw an incomplete picture in her mind. There is a young woman, I think this image should be the reason why Baihua Yueyong can't wake up."

"Women?" Rilun thought for a while and said: "I don't know what kind of picture you're talking about. Basically, our Yoshihara Taoyuan Township is full of women. When Yue Yong first came here, I I saved her, and I know almost everyone she met, but I have no impression of the woman you mentioned."

"So? Could it be her mother?" Tang Yuan asked tentatively.

"Impossible, Yueyong was very young back then, it is impossible to remember who her mother is." Rilun said firmly: "But I think about it, when Yueyong was fifteen years old, she was already a patrol She is now a member of the team, but she was not as strong as she is now. I remember that she often went to the cemetery by herself for a while, where the dead people in Yoshihara Taoyuan Township are buried. This place is very cold when pinging, everywhere They are all tombs, so few people go there, and I don’t know why Yue Yong went to that kind of place.”

"However, Yue Yong went secretly a few times, and his strength seemed to have become much stronger, and he also had many scars on his body. I asked him what was going on, but she kept silent, and I didn't force her, because this is Yoshihara Taoyuan. Township, with the King of the Night sitting here, there will not be those thieves coming in, so Yueyong will not be harmed, I am very relieved." Sun Lun continued: "But after a few days, Yueyong suddenly became full. He came back covered in blood, with bruises all over his body, even his left eye was bandaged up." Rilun recalled.

"Then what happened later? What happened later?" Tang Yuan asked, Tang Yuan never thought that a girl like Baihua Yueyong would suffer such torture.

"Later, I was very anxious, so I asked her very seriously what happened and where she had been during this time, but Yueyong still kept silent, Yueyong is a very stubborn girl, if she doesn't want to speak up , no matter how others force her to ask her, it is useless." Ri Lun said.

Tang Yuan looked at Baihua Yueyong's face and said: "It can be seen from her face that she is a stubborn girl, and this is closely related to her childhood experience.

Rilun nodded, caressing Baihua Yueyong's face and said: "Yes, she is a stubborn girl, but she is still that lovely and pitiful little girl in my heart."

"What happened then?" Tang Yuan asked.

"Later, I sent people to follow Yue Yong. At that time, Yue Yong was very powerful. I almost saw the people I sent several times. Later, the people I sent reported to me about Yue Yong, saying that a woman was here. Training and teaching Yueyong." Sunlun recalled 117: "At that time, my legs had not been destroyed by the Night King, and I was very worried about Yueyong's condition, so one night I followed Yueyong to the cemetery. It was very cold inside, and I saw Yueyong talking to a woman."

"This woman is very beautiful and has a very good figure. Because the distance is too far, I only saw Yue Yong talking to that woman and then started fighting. It looked like she was teaching Yue Yong, but The moves are tricky, even I don't know what is the relationship between them, but since Yueyong came back that time, he never went to that kind of place again."

"I think, the woman you mentioned just now should be the master of Baihua Yueyong, right? When you see them recruiting to kill, it should be a test of whether she can become a master?" Tang Yuan pondered for a while and said: "If this woman is Baihua Yueyong's master, why is the picture in her mind incomplete? This is very strange.

"Then can you make Yueyong wake up?" Rilun asked worriedly, afraid that Tang Yuan's answer would not be what she thought.

Tang Yuan thought for a while and said: "It's a bit difficult for her to wake up, but it's not impossible."

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