When Alisa heard the wig's words, her small face instantly turned red, she stood up, covered her face and ran to Kagura's side to hide.

Tang Yuan's hands trembled a little, pointing at the wig and cursing: "People like you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, and what you can't get yourself is a good thing for bad people. Your common name is rat shit. Specifically to destroy a pot of soup!"

"Hey, who asked you to do this kind of thing to cheat your sister? How can you let your sister find a boyfriend like this?" Wig glanced at Tang Yuan and said: "But Alisa is a cute girl, it's me The type I like, you brother, give Alisa to me, and I will definitely take good care of Alisa.

"Get out, who doesn't know about you? You look like a man with long hair, and let Tang Yuan entrust his sister to you. I think you are a toad who wants to eat swan meat! Shameless. "Yin Shi couldn't help complaining about the wig.

"Yo, you say I'm shameless, what about you? If I hadn't said earlier, maybe you would have run to Tang Yuan's side and rubbed your shoulders and back." The wig looked at Yinshi disdainfully and said.

"Whoever said that, if it were me, I would have gone to curry favor with Tang Yuan long ago. Whoever is like you, talking empty words, wants to be a white wolf with empty hands. You think too much." Yin Shi turned his head and said to Tang Yuan: "See if I'm right, brother-in-law!"

"You two bastards." Tang Yuan raised his middle finger at Yinshi and the wig and cursed.

"Look, Lord Yueyong's eyeballs seemed to move a bit, as if he was about to wake up." A sharp-eyed woman on the patrol shouted in surprise.

After taking a look at Baihua Yueyong, Rilun shouted to Tang Yuan in ecstasy: "Master Angel, it seems that Yueyong is showing signs of waking up, come and see."

The injury on Tang Yuan's body has not healed yet, and there is no Alisa to support him, so he can only walk over with a limp, still saying: "What's the hurry, if he wakes up, he will wake up." , what's all the fuss about!"

Tang Yuan walked to Baihua Yueyong, and said to Rilun and the others: "You all calm down, I want to see what kind of love-yue she is now.

Suddenly they closed their mouths, not daring to make any sound.

Holding his mind, Tang Yuan drilled into Baihua Yueyong's mind, and found that he was already standing in a desolate desert, and Baihua Yueyong was standing in the middle of the desert, standing quietly, as if I don't know what I'm thinking about.

Tang Yuan shouted towards Baihua Yueyong in the middle of the desert: "Why are you still standing here, don't wake up quickly, there are many people waiting for you in the outside world, don't you have the heart to make them sad outside?" ?”

Baihua Yueyong in the middle of the desert turned her head, but it gave Tang Yuan a big jump. The one in the middle of the desert was not Baihua Yueyong, but a very scary-looking woman.

Tang Yuan was taken aback by this woman out of the blue, not because Tang Yuan was timid, but because this woman looked too terrifying. To exaggerate, a person with this appearance could not be considered a human being at all.

This face seems to have been rolled back and forth by a soil compactor. After being blackened by fire, it was placed directly in an extremely cold place to freeze, and then it was beaten vigorously with a hammer, but it looked unbroken. If it was placed in a park like this In the haunted house inside, people can be scared to death without makeup at all.

"Am I really ugly like this?" said the scary-looking woman.

It’s fine if she doesn’t open her mouth, but Tang Yuan spit it out as soon as she opened her mouth. This person’s mouth is completely festered, and there are maggots crawling everywhere in the mouth, yes! You read it right, it’s the cesspit. Big maggot!

Tang Yuan took a step back, reached out and took out the Judgment Blade, pointed at the woman and shouted: "Where did you come from, a lonely ghost, to sneak into a body that doesn't belong to you in front of me? This is not where you should be!" Stay somewhere, if you want to get out alive, get out of here now, I will spare your life."

"Hehe, this place originally belonged to me, but I want to ask you, who are you and why did you come into my place!" the woman asked back.

Tang Yuan was immediately at a loss by this rhetorical question, and after he stabilized his mind, he shouted: "Hey, where is the evildoer, talking nonsense, this is in the mind of a woman named Baihua Yueyong, if you are talking nonsense , Believe it or not, I will blow your soul out of you on the spot."

0 for flowers...

"Hehe, Baihua Yueyong is me, I am Baihua Yueyong, if you want to beat me to death, then you will kill Baihua Yueyong!" the woman grinned, and a few maggots came from her fell out of his mouth.

"Nonsense, how could Baihua Yueyong be such an ugly guy like you! You advise you to leave obediently, otherwise I will really destroy you." Tang Yuan said fiercely

Although Tang Yuan uttered such cruel words, he was a little bit afraid in his heart. After all, this was Baihua Yueyong's mind. If they fought here, it would definitely cause unnecessary turmoil. Yue Yong turned into an idiot.


If Baihua Yueyong became an idiot, then everything Tang Yuan did before was a waste of time, he didn't want to do that.

"Hehe, I told you directly, I am Baihua Yueyong, and Baihua Yueyong is me!" The ugly woman continued talking, completely ignoring what Tang Yuan said just now.

"Okay, you're so stubborn, I can only kill you!" When Tang Yuan raised the Judgment Blade to attack the ugly woman, a voice came from behind Tang Yuan.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Tang Yuan turned his head and found that Baihua Yueyong was looking at him carefully.

"Tang Yuan?" Baihua Yueyong exclaimed, "Where is this place? Why are you here? Where is Master Rilun? How is he?"

Tang Yuan said to Baihua Yueyong: "This is your mind, your Lord Rilun and a group of people are crying for you."

"Crying? Why are they crying? Oh, yes, I'm already dead." Baihua Yueyong said with her head down. Although she couldn't see her expression, it could be heard from her voice that he really didn't want to leave this world. Don't want to leave the sun disk.

"Are you stupid? Do you know why I got into your mind? Do you think this is the underworld? The environment of the underworld is not as good as you imagined. This is your mind. I have worked so hard It brought you back to life, not to make you feel dead." Tang Yuan reprimanded Dao sharply. .

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