"But in my impression, I was indeed dead. I was directly stabbed to death by that bastard, the Night King, with Fang Tian's painted halberd. I will never forget this matter." Baihua Yueyong said firmly Said.

"Hmph." Tang Yuan snorted coldly and said, "I, Tang Yuan, if I want you to live, I will live, if I want you to die, I will let you die! Just a Night King wants to take your life, so look at me Answer or not!"

"What about Yewang Fengxian? What's the situation outside now?" Baihua Yueyong asked anxiously: "Master Rilun, is he alright? I remember that Master Rilun was also slapped by the Night King. You should go out and treat Rilun first." Mr. Lun first, okay?"

Listening to Baihua Yueyong's begging, Tang Yuan gradually felt extremely impatient: "The sun is fine, you should worry about yourself, now I want to know, who is that woman "Six Seven Seven"? Will it be in your mind?" Tang Yuan asked, pointing at the ugly woman.

Baihua Yueyong glanced at the woman, and said to Tang Yuan with a very normal expression: "Are you talking about her? I don't know why he appeared in my mind, but I remember when I was very young. I've seen her, it seems like he's always there, and whenever I have nightmares, she's there."

"Nightmare?" Tang Yuan looked at Baihua Yueyong suspiciously, then came to his senses after a pause: "That's right, once he grows up like this, once he appears in front of you, it will be a nightmare."

"No! It's not like that." Baihua Yueyong hurriedly explained: "Whenever I have a nightmare, she will be by my side to protect me, but I have never seen her face, and this is the first time I have seen her." arrive."

After pondering for a while, Tang Yuan said, "Could it be that this woman is the idea in your heart? Is it the guardian in your mind?"

After Tang Yuan said this, he shook his head and immediately refuted what he said just now: "How could there be such a nonsense thing, and you are still a guardian? This person has been entrenched in your mind for so long, and he must have a conspiracy , Maybe this time you can't wake up because it has something to do with her.

"Ah? Is it like this?" Baihua Yueyong looked at the woman in front of him in surprise and said to Tang Yuan, "Don't worry, I'd better ask to be on the safe side, after all, he guarded me when I was having nightmares." so long."

"Well, you should ask clearly. After you figure it out, you can go with me. The people outside are already crying badly. "You better wake up quickly." Tang Xuan said to Baihua Yongyong.

A gentle breeze blew up on the desert, and gently hung the sand off a layer, and the surrounding area was desolate, and the sun was about to set, leaving only a piece of afterglow to illuminate the land.

Baihua Yueyong stepped forward on the sand, and asked the woman, "Who are you? Why did you appear in my mind, and for so many years, you would appear when I had nightmares, why is that?"

Baihua Yueyong spit out a hundred thousand reasons with one mouth, thinking that this woman could give her an explanation.

Tang Yuan stood watching from the side, holding the Judgment Blade tightly, in case this woman would suddenly attack Baihua Yueyong.

"Why did I appear here?" The woman looked back at Baihua Yueyong and said, the disgusting and frightening face before had turned into the face of a peerless beauty, "Almost made Baihua Yueyong fascinated.

But Tang Yuan expressed that there was no pressure, after all, he had seen the original appearance of this woman just now, no matter what the woman turned into, Tang Yuan's eyes looked at that woman, and she still had the same ugly appearance!

"Yes, where are you from?" Baihua Yueyong continued to ask.

The woman didn't speak, looked up at Tang Yuan and said, "You don't need to know why I'm here, but I think you don't need me anymore, because there is someone around you who can protect you gone."

"You mean him?" Baihua Yueyong asked, and suddenly her face turned red, as red as a persimmon in November.

The woman nodded and said: "Well, it's him, as long as he can be by your side, I will leave contentedly.

"What nonsense are you talking about! I have nothing to do with him! Don't talk nonsense!" Bai Hua Yueyong secretly looked at Tang Yuan while saying this.

"Hehe, you should be very clear about what you're thinking." The woman waved her hand at Baihua Yueyong and said, "In this case, I should go too, the person who protects you has already appeared, so there is no need for me stay here..0°

After the woman finished speaking, a gust of wind blew by, and the wind rolled up the sand, making it hard to keep one's eyes open. After the wind and sand passed, Baihua Yueyong wanted to ask the woman some questions, but suddenly found that the woman had disappeared. As if it never appeared, it disappeared without a trace.

Baihua Yueyong searched everywhere, but still couldn't find the woman.

Tang Yuan said to Baihua Yueyong: "If this person disappears, he will disappear. Anyway, there is no big problem. The important thing now is that you wake up quickly, and don't worry the people outside." 11

Baihua Yueyong didn't seem to hear what Tang Yuan said just now, she stared blankly at Tang Yuan's side face, suddenly remembered what the woman said before, and her face turned red.

Tang Yuan looked at Baihua Yueyong strangely and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you sick? It doesn't make sense, you can get sick in your own world? This is also weird."

Baihua Yueyong still didn't speak, just stared blankly at Tang Yuan's side face, wondering what she was thinking.

Tang Yuan patted Baihua Yueyong on the forehead and said, "What are you thinking? We should go!"

Baihua Yueyong came back to her senses immediately, and walked out slowly following Tang Yuan's pace. In fact, she already understood in her heart that people like her don't deserve happiness, and her face turned 3.6 into that, no matter who When the man saw her face, he couldn't arouse any interest.

Tang Yuan brought Baihua Yueyong to a piece of light grass, and stopped suddenly, Baihua Yueyong was still thinking about something, didn't notice that Tang Yuan had already stopped, and accidentally bumped into it , clutching his head and screaming for pain.

"What are you doing? Ever since that woman said a few words to you, she has been in a daze. What did that woman say to you?" Tang Yuan frowned and asked Baihua Yueyong.

The conversation between Baihua Yueyong and that woman just now was only audible to the two of them, Tang Yuan didn't know what they were talking about.

"No, nothing." Baihua Yueyong explained hastily. .

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