Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 106 Shimura's Wonderful Craft

"Sister? Why did you appear here?" Xin Baji looked at the woman in front of him in surprise and said.

That's right, this is Xinbaji's older sister, Shimura Miao, holding a basket in her hand that she used to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. It was covered with a layer of red cloth, and she didn't know what was inside.

As soon as Shimura walked into the room, he saw Kagura crying, staring at everyone, and asked in a slightly stern voice: "Why is little Kagura crying? Who on earth made little Kagura cry?" ?”

As soon as Kagura saw Shimura Miao defending her, she rushed over and hugged Shimura Miao, crying with tears and snot in her nose: "It's both silver mulberry and that wig, they both made my favorite All the food we ate was gone, and we now have nothing to eat."

Shimura took a look around, and after not finding Gintoki and the wig, his voice seemed to be a little cold, and he asked, "Then what about the two of them? Where did they die?"

Shimura has always wanted a younger sister to love, but the world is unexpected. Her parents gave birth to a new baby. 340 treats her own sister the same way. As soon as she hears that Kagura is being bullied, she immediately wants to stand up and fight against injustice.

"Oh, they went out immediately after eating, saying that there was going to be a battle between men, and I was planning to cook some food for Xiao Kagura just now." Xin Baji felt his sister's tone and expression Something seemed wrong, and he hurriedly explained.

"Then they can't be like this, let little Kagura be hungry!" Shimura said very dissatisfied: "When they come back, I must talk about them properly.

"Then sister, you can sit here for a while, I'm going to order, and you can eat something with us later." Xin Baji was afraid that Shimura would be angry, and hurriedly crossed.

"My sister must be the master for me!" Kagura looked at Shimura with an aggrieved expression and said, that look is like a little girl who has been tortured. If this acting skill goes to Hollywood, there is still room for others ?

"Little Kagura is not wronged, I am not wronged, my sister is in pain!" Shimura Miao touched Kagura's head and comforted him, while taking out a plate of (cabb) things from the basket and said: "Fortunately, sister is prepared , I’ve prepared things for you in advance and brought them here.”

"Sister, isn't it necessary? You came all the way here and asked you to bring something. How embarrassing, you should take it home and eat it yourself. I'll do the cooking." Xin Baji seemed to have guessed the basket What is inside, the face is ashen, very ugly.

Shimura stretched out his hand and lifted the red cloth on the basket, took out a plate of black lumps and said: "How about it, I will see if my brother is suffering, I must bring some food I made by myself as a reward Take a look, look at you, you are all hungry and skinny!"

Shimura touched Xin Baji's face and sighed: "Hey, it's my sister's fault, I don't have the ability to let you enjoy the blessing, you should eat more when you bring it back!"

Xin Baji looked very ugly, looked at the dishes on the table and nodded with difficulty, and suddenly envied the wig and Yinshi who had already gone out to duel, they escaped this catastrophe by accident, if time can last forever , Xin Baji is willing to change seats with the wig, and go to a duel with Yinshi by himself.

"Come and come, why are you staring blankly? Hurry up and eat with your chopsticks! Don't you all say that you haven't eaten?" Shimura greeted repeatedly.

At this time, no one dared to stretch out their chopsticks to pick up those black things, and everyone stood there in a daze. Even Kagura, who was usually the most gluttonous, didn't dare to speak. Be a non-existent person.

Seeing that he didn't move his chopsticks, Shimura stretched out his hands to hold the food for Xin Baji and Kagura, and said to Tang Yuan and Alisa at the same time: "These two seem to be very unfamiliar, have we never met before? You're welcome , eat hard, as if this is home."

Tang Yuan and Alyssa waved their hands repeatedly and refused: "No need, no need, we are already full, and the stomach is full now, you should just taste these things slowly.

Looking at the dark things on the plate, Tang Yuan had no appetite at all, and even felt a little disgusted, let alone sticking his chopsticks into it.

Shimura had never met Tang Yuan and Alyssa, and was embarrassed to force them to eat for a while, so he just greeted them a few times and ignored them.

But Xinbaji and Kagura are pitiful, Shimura Miao personally gave them a bowl full of black unknown objects, looked at Xinbaji and Kagura with a smile and said: "Come on, come on, Are you all starving? Eat fast!"

Kagura looked at the bowl of food on the table pitifully and said: "Sister, I don't seem to be hungry anymore, oh, I remember, I have eaten before this, so it's better to save these things for Xinbaji gone."

"Kagura, you actually said such a thing? Are you worthy of me cooking so much delicious food for you every day? Are you worthy of me?" Xin Baji blushed and shouted towards Kagura.

Kagura muttered in a low voice: "Rather than being sorry for you, I want to save my little life."

"Sister, let me tell you, what Kagura said just now is lying to you, she has never eaten anything, what she said just now, she just doesn't want to eat your food." Xin Baji was like throwing beans. Also shaking out these words [Kagura wanted to reach out and cover Xin Baji's mouth before it was too late.

"Little Kagura, what Shimura Shinpachi just said is true?" Shimura said while looking at Kagura with a wonderful smile.

Kagura curled up like a frightened little rabbit, and said timidly, "Hmm...it seems so!?"

"Little Kagura, it's a waste of my being so kind to you. I didn't expect you to lie to me, but it's okay, I won't be angry." Shimura said to Kagura with a wonderful smile, not angry at all.

"Really?" Kagura seemed a little scared and asked cautiously.

"Well, my sister won't be angry with little Kagura, as long as you eat all the things my sister makes." Shimura gently stroked Kagura's head and said, the veins on her hands popped out, as if she was in awe. If Le doesn't agree, it's like crushing Kagura's head.

Kagura looked at the dark things on the table, swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and cast a pitiful look at Alisa in need of help. .

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