Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 123 Special Seat

Tang Yuan patted the shoulder of the wig and said: "Actually, you don't have to accommodate us like this. You can do whatever you like, and you can do whatever you don't like. No one will force you to do what you don't like. Everyone is Brother! Do you know?"

"Well, I understand!" Wig said after agreeing: "So, for the sake of brothers, no matter whether I like this place or not, I will come here with you."

"Okay, don't talk about this, I want to go drinking with you now." Yin Shi patted the shoulder of the wig and said.

The wig glanced at Yin Shi and said: "Actually, there is no need to drink, as long as you don't wipe your booger on me, I will be satisfied."

"Where do I have it!" Yinshi retorted: "How could I wipe booger on your body? I'm a clean freak, okay?" Eight Eight Three.

"Okay, Yinshi, don't refute. Everyone has seen what you did just now, and you're still a clean freak [Do you think Mr. Gui is trash?" Xin said after taking a look at Yinshi.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be seen by you. I'm really sorry." Although Yinshi said sorry, the expression on his face did not feel ashamed.

"Then what, let's hurry up and go in." Xin Baji said: "If there are too many people there later, we don't know how long we will have to wait in line."

"Okay, let's start now." The wig raised his arms and shouted: "Let me lead you to victory."

"Uh, didn't you just say that you didn't want to go to that noisy place?" Yin Shi glanced at the wig and said.

"Hey. Don't care about these wigs." He patted Yin Shi on the shoulder and said.

After some discussions with Tang Yuan and others, they embarked on the itinerary again and set off for the concert.

After walking for a short time, I saw a large crowd of Wuyang Wuyang from a distance. They lined up and got in towards the small door. The whole team was orderly and there was no noise at all.

"Wow, I was right, there are indeed a lot of people!" Xin Baji exclaimed, "They should all be Simentong's fans, right?"

"What are you still lamenting at this juncture, let's go in and queue up, lest there will be too many people later and we can't find a seat." Wig said enthusiastically.

"By the way, don't you really dislike coming to this kind of place? Why do I feel that you are a little excited?" Yin Shi said to the wig.

"I don't know either! I really hate noisy places, but I don't know why, when I came here, I felt my whole body became excited." Wig looked at the Wuyang Wuyang crowd and sighed.

"Let's go, let's go to queue first!" Tang Yuan took the lead and walked over after finishing speaking.

Just as Tang Yuan and the others walked into the crowd, the woman they rescued came over and said to them: "I've been waiting for you here for a long time, I thought you weren't coming, go, I'll take you to the staff passage , it will be faster."

"That's really great, thank you so much." Xin Baji hurriedly expressed his thanks.

"No, if it weren't for you, I might have died a long time ago. I'm just doing my best." The woman waved her hand and said, "By the way, those people in the re-election group were not with you." are you coming?"

"Oh, they heard that they have some things to deal with. They haven't rushed over for a while, so they may come later." Xin Baji said.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I'll come out and look for them later." The woman led Tang Yuan and the others into the employee passageway.

Kagura said to the woman, "By the way, is there any popcorn here?"

Xin Baji patted Kagura's head and said: "Kagura, you are too rude to say that, this is not a movie theater, how can there be popcorn, and eating in the concert, but disrespectful to the singer! "

"Oh, so that's the case." Kagura lowered her head and said disappointedly.

"It's okay, if you want to eat, after I take you to find a seat, I'll go buy it for you." The woman said while touching Kagura's head.

Kagura's two big eyes seemed to have been revived, and he said to the woman: "Really? Is it really possible?"

The woman nodded with a smile and said, "Well, you heard me right."

"Isn't this embarrassing? I'm bothering you so much..0" Xin Baji said embarrassingly.

"It's okay, as long as you like it." The woman nodded and said with a smile.

The woman took Tang Yuan and the others into the venue, and found a row of very front seats in the crowded concert. The woman said to Tang Yuan and the others: "Just sit here."

"But the seat on our ticket is not here! If someone else buys a seat here, we will snatch their seat, so what a shame!" Xin Baji said after looking at the ticket.

The woman waved her hand and said, "It's okay. This row of seats was added temporarily. No one will sit here. I added it specially for you to express my gratitude to you. I hope you don't mind."

"Why would we mind? It's really great. The location is spacious and you can see clearly. It's really great." The wig sighed while sitting on the chair.

"It's fine if you're satisfied, then I'll go out and buy you something to eat first, and you sit here for a while, and I'll be right back." The woman smiled, and walked out after she finished speaking, without waiting for Xinbaji to refuse them at all. .

"That's great, thanks to Tang Yuan for saving this woman, otherwise, we wouldn't have such a good place to sit." Yinshi sighed: "Hey, do you think the ticket can be refunded at 3.9 now? This It’s also a lot of money? Anyway, we already have seats now, so it doesn’t matter if we ask for the tickets!”

"Yin Sang, we can't do this." Xin Baji frowned and said: "Although this is others' thanks to us, we can't do too much. Others have already arranged seats for us. If we It would be too disrespectful to transfer our tickets."

"Oh, I'm just talking. Why are you so serious." Yin Shi patted Xin Baji's shoulder and said, "You can't even see this joke, you have been with me for so long!"

"Hmph, I think that's how you miss you. Don't think I don't know!" Xin Baji glanced at Yin Shi and said, "You money fanatic, do you have any other beliefs in your life besides money?".

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