"Are you sitting comfortably?" A woman's voice came from behind, and she came over with a big push of snacks in her hand and asked, "You can take whatever you want, you are welcome."

"It's too much trouble for you." Xin Baji said after taking the snack.

"It's fine, as long as you're satisfied." The woman said with a smile: "It's time to start, I'm going to do some preparatory work, I can't chat with you anymore, I have to go first

If you need anything else, just call me. "

"It's okay, you can go to work first." Xin Baji said to the woman.

Each of Tang Yuan and the others held a large bag of snacks in their hands, and began to eat them with relish.

"Tang Yuan, why does it feel like you don't talk much? Is there something unhappy in your heart? Let us be happy if you say it!" Wig doesn't know why, the more he goes to such a noisy place, the more he likes Barabara on his mouth talking non-stop.

Tang Yuan glanced at the wig and said, "Happy you sister! There are so many things for you to eat, but you still can't close your mouth?"

"Hey, don't you feel bored? Anyway, the concert hasn't started yet, let's pass the time by chatting." The wig said, and the snacks in his mouth kept flying out of his mouth. 20

Kagura looked at the wig with disgust and said: "Hey, just talk when you talk, don't fly things out of your mouth while talking, okay? This feels disgusting."

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I forgot the basic manners when I got excited, I apologize to you!" Wig lowered his head to express his apology.

"Okay, you guys, give me a break, is it interesting to whisper in my ear all day?" Tang Yuan said impatiently.

Tang Yuan's status was very high among them, as long as Tang Yuan spoke, they would be so frightened that they would quietly eat their snacks, not daring to speak anymore.

"You scared them all." Alyssa grabbed Tang Yuan's hand and said softly, "Are you feeling unhappy? Just tell me, just say it.

Tang Yuan is always gentle to Alisa and never speaks loudly to Alisa.

Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "I don't know what's going on, I feel very depressed, as if a big event is about to happen, this feeling is very strange, I can't say it."

Alyssa squeezed Tang Yuan's hand and said: "Don't worry, it's okay, with you by my side, no matter what happens, I won't be afraid."

Tang Yuan said to Alisa: "Well, I see, maybe this is just my imagination, the security here is so good, there shouldn't be any problems!"

Tang Yuan and Alyssa were talking, the crowd suddenly became louder, and a purple-haired girl walked out on the stage, holding a microphone in her hand, and shouted to the crowd: "Hello, audience friends! ,Welcome to come here to watch my concert."

After the girl said this sentence, the crowd shouted wildly, and Xin Baji couldn't help shouting, it seems that this is the Simentong that Xin Baji was talking about, right?

"Audience friends, in order to thank you for coming, now I present a song to express my gratitude to you." Simentong shouted.

After Simentong finished speaking, the singing sounded.

The whole scene immediately fell silent, and thousands of people in the whole venue were quietly listening to the song sung by Simentong.

Tang Yuan felt it carefully, this girl had a good taste in singing, and she was pretty good when she listened carefully, and she was good-looking, no wonder Xin Baji was fascinated by her.

After singing a few songs, the group of Shinsengumi came in, and was brought to Tang Yuan and the others by the woman before.

"How? Are you in that part now?" Kondo asked, leaning closer to Tang Yuan.

"Just sang a few songs." Tang Yuan said without looking back: "By the way, why did you come here so soon? I thought you would be here for a long time."

"Hey, don't mention it, we just confessed a little work, and threw it to those ordinary policemen. After all, we are busy with everything, so it is impossible to waste our time on these trivial things at the end, right?" Okita Sougo said.

"Um, is this what you're talking about every day? You just leave your work and come to watch the concert?" Tang Yuan said after glancing at Sougo Okita.

"Hehe, don't worry about these details. We are all resting today. We just came to accompany this guy, Toshiro Hijikata, to watch Teramondori's concert. After a long vacation, I don't want to be affected by these small things." Mr. Okita Wu laughed.

"Hehe, you are really good servants of the people!" Tang Yuan sneered.

"Okay, don't talk about this, watch the concert seriously." Hijikata Shiro said.

Tang Yuan looked at Hijikata Shishiro, Hijikata Shishiro was looking at Teramon Michi on the stage with the expression of a fan girl, as if he was looking at his lover, his eyes were full of satisfaction.

Tang Yuan also ignored Hijikata Shiro, and quietly closed his eyes and listened to the song. Listening to other people singing live is completely different from listening to music at home. Although it is similar at home, it does not sound like live music. It is comfortable, and there are lots of people around, and the emotions are slowly brought in by the crowd, no wonder so many people like to go to the concert.

After a song was sung, Simentong took the microphone and said: "447 A big event happened today. Maybe many of you don't know it. My assistant was hijacked with a knife. Fortunately, a group of lovely people rescued her. come out.

After Simentong finished speaking, there were whispers in the crowd.

"Who on earth is so bold that he even dared to hijack Atong's assistant? If I caught him, ten walks would make his life worse than death! Ten burly men stood up

"Don't worry everyone, the robber has been arrested, and my assistant is not damaged, so don't get excited!" Simentong said: "Now those lovely people have arrived at the scene, and now I want to express my gratitude to them, thank you They saved my assistant, one less criminal for this country!"

As soon as the call at the gate of the temple came to an end, they pointed at Tang Yuan and the others on the stage. For a moment, countless cameras shot at them indiscriminately, and the flashlights illuminated the place brightly.

Tang Yuan actually didn't like this look, it was very uncomfortable to be illuminated by the flash, and after reaching out and snapping his fingers, the lenses of those cameras all burst open.

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, maybe my assistant might have some accident." Surrounded by a group of security guards, Simentong walked to Tang Yuan and the others and said, "Thank you!" Simentong bowed to them bowed. .

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