Seeing them like this, Tang Yuan stopped talking nonsense to them, and directly unfolded the aura that he had been suppressing all the time. The aura burst out instantly, and a powerful wave of air swept over everyone present.

Few people present could stand still, and all the cameras on the scene were shattered by the aura emitted by Tang Yuan, even the mirror inside the Simen Tong bag was unavoidable, all shattered and cracked.

Except for Gintoki and others, and Hijikata Shiro, all the people present were paralyzed by Tang Yuan's coercion, and Teramon Tong was supported by Arisa and Kagura, and he barely Holding up the body that had weakened due to fear, it was not as ugly as falling down.

Everyone trembled because of Tang Yuan's coercion, and everyone looked at Tang Yuan in horror. A person with such strength must be Tianren, and Tianren's current status is higher than that of the shogunate. If you want to kill all the people here, it will be a matter of minutes, and the shogunate must have nothing to do with him.

20 "You...what are you going to do?" Longan Xiaotaro looked at Tang Yuan in horror and said, he didn't expect the man in front of him to have such a powerful strength.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" Tang Yuan said with a smile.

Tang Yuan's harmless expression to humans and animals is very eye-catching when he looks at it normally, but now in the eyes of Longan Kotaro, it is simply the smile of a devil, a devil who is willing to kill at any time.

Longan Xiaotaro was so scared that his pants were wet, he shouted loudly: "What are you doing, stay away from me, I tell you, my brother-in-law is a high-ranking officer in the police station, if you move Me, he will definitely make you hungry."

Longan Xiaotaro is still stiff-mouthed when he is about to die, and he is still imagining that his identity as brother-in-law can scare Tang Yuan away and save his life, but what he did not expect is that Tang Yuan was originally a lawless person. What happened, even the Shinsengumi didn't dare to take care of it, let alone his brother-in-law?

"Hey, I told you to restrain yourself a long time ago and leave here quickly. You just don't believe it, but now you know you're wrong?" Yin Shi teased at the side: "If you want to leave now, it's too late."

"Huh? What will he do to me? We have so many people here. "He won't be eating me in front of so many people, right?" Katsura Kotaro swallowed and looked at the wig.

The wig shook his head and replied: "I don't know about that, it depends on his mood, but you just made him like this, tsk tsk's hard to say.

"He...why is he so powerful? Then I did something like this to him before, will he hold a grudge? Kill me? I don't want to die!" Baixiang Lizi looked like a demon Tang Yuan, thought so in his heart.

"Eh..." Longan Kotaro cried and crawled towards Hijikata Toshirō, wanting Hijikata Toshirō to save him. The little policeman who was just laughed at by him has now become his last It was a life-saving straw, and now only Toshiro Hijikata could save him.

Hijikata Shishiro watched Longan Kotaro touch his pants with tears and snot in his nose, took a deep breath, and kicked Longan Kotaro away.

Hijikata Toshiro's kick was very heavy, and it hurt Guiyuan Kotaro's chest, but Guiyuan Kotaro continued to hug Hijikata Toshiro tightly. By Shiro's side, Longan Kotaro felt a sense of security, a feeling he had never felt in his life.

Hijikata Shirō saw that Longan Kotaro became like this, and there was a smell of feces and urine on his body, which made Hijikata Shirō a little bit unbearable. Although what Longan Kotaro did just now was too outrageous, it is also a tax payment Citizens are protected by their police!

So Hijikata Shishiro interceded like Tang Yuan: "Tang Yuan, let's end this matter. You see that he was scared like this by you. He should know that he was wrong. Besides, there are so many people here now, you don't want to Don't make it difficult for me, right?"

"You mean, let me let him go? Listen to you?" Tang Yuan said after glancing at Toshiro Hijikata.

"That's not what I mean, I just want you to think about it." Hijikata Toshiro hurriedly explained, fearing that Tang Yuan might misunderstand and think he was ordering him to kill everyone here when he was angry, which would be troublesome up.

"In the future, you should say less about such mindless words in the future, otherwise I will regret recruiting you into our Twilight Brigade." Tang Yuan said coldly: "Our Twilight Brigade was created for freedom, isn't it Made for the clothes on you."

"It can be a human life after all. It should be beautiful to live in this world, not because of some wrong words, which will lead to death!" Hijikata Shishiro couldn't help but said: "I believe that the rules of the Twilight Brigade are not for the joy of killing?"

Hijikata Toshiro was still refuting Tang Yuan for his previously recognized mission, but what he didn't expect was that these words angered Tang Yuan even more.

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "Indeed, our Twilight Brigade does not enjoy killing people, but killing some stupid people is like killing a dog, 660 is no different

"Is human life like a useless dog's life in your eyes?" Hijikata Shiro looked at Tang Yuan in disbelief and said, he didn't expect that Tang Yuan would say such a thing.

"A dog's life? A dog's life is more valuable than the lives of these people. After all, a dog can still guard the house and growl at strangers, but the people in front of you are worth more than the lives of dogs. You are like a group of flies who smell shit and think they are Uranus Laozi with a microphone and a camera." Tang Xuan said, looking coldly at Kotaro Guiyuan.

Longan Xiaotaro looked at Tang Yuan, as if he was about to eat him, he was so scared that he peed his pants again, and his body exuded a strong smell of urine.

"Journalism is a noble profession. In order to show the real things to people, I would not hesitate to sacrifice my life. I respect those people. Without their existence, the world would not know what it would be like." What does it look like?" Tang Yuan continued.

Hijikata Toshiro was indeed reasonable when he heard Tang Yuan's words, but he didn't speak, just listened silently, being rubbed by Longan Kotaro's feces, which made Hijikata Toshiro sick to death. .

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