Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 148: The Highest Realm Of Death

Tang Yuan continued: "Originally, these people are messengers of justice. I also believe that many people also firmly believe in this mission, but too many people have broken away from this cognition, thinking that they shoot some stars, create some fishing boats, They can become famous and become uncrowned kings, who are these people? Are these people still called reporters?"

"No matter what, although these people do some inhumane things, they are still a living human life!" Although Hijikata Toshiro agrees with what Tang Yuan said, he still thinks that no matter what they do No matter what is out of the ordinary, human life is the most important thing.

"Human life? Laozi once killed tens of thousands of people. Laozi doesn't feel distressed, because those are the people I think should be killed. I think ending their lives is a new life for others. Don't you Tell me that, now I only want the life of the person under your feet, as long as you say one more word, I will kill someone!" Tang Yuan said coldly.

Although Hijikata Shishiro felt that what Tang Yuan did was wrong, what he said was reasonable, and Tang Yuan had already spoken out. As long as he said a word, he would kill a life. He knew that what Tang Yuan said It is always decisive, and there will be no regrets. As long as he wants to do something, even if millions of people stop him, he must do it.

Toshiro Hijikata took a step to the side, expressing his meaning.

But Longan Kotaro didn't want to, he watched helplessly as the straw that saved his life walked away, this really scared him half to death, he wanted to follow Hijikata Shirō if he wanted to, he knew , as long as he leaves this little policeman, his life will definitely be set.

Toshiro Hijikata lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said to Kotaro Longan under his feet: "You better let go, don't grab me, I can't save you, you should be responsible for the stupid things you did Already~`.

"I don't want to die! You must save me!" Longan Xiaotaro yelled in horror. The police did not dare to speak out.

"Hey...you stop after you've done this, the people here are innocent after all." Hijikata Toshiro sighed and left Longan Kotaro and left here.

"Don't! Don't go! Please save me! When I go back, I will definitely let my brother-in-law give me a promotion! Please take me away." Longan Xiaotaro cried and begged Hijikata Shiro was able to turn around and rescue him.

"Stop shouting!" Tang Yuan's icy voice reached Longan Xiaotaro's ears, as if it came from the underworld.

"What are you going to do?" Longan Xiaotaro looked at Tang Yuan in horror, and at the same time crawled backwards, as if if he could stay away from Tang Yuan by a point, he would be able to stay away from death. At the same time, he looked around, hoping that someone would have a conscience and stand up Stop this demon.

But things were not as beautiful as Longan Xiaotaro imagined, and no one dared to stand up and speak for him, and even his partner lay on the ground with his head buried deep, for fear that Longan Xiaotaro would recognize him.

Longan Xiaotaro finally experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings. The person who used to run around him and called Brother Gui chose to be a turtle at this time.

But this is not to blame for the photographer, anyone will be afraid of death, at this critical moment, no one will come out to be the first bird, he thought in his heart, there are so many people here, as long as I keep a low profile, that demon must be Can't find mine.

When Longan Xiaotaro saw that no one dared to stand up for him, he could only shout out the name of his partner, hoping that he would stand up and save his life. Even if he couldn't, he could resist for a while and buy some time for himself , That's right, Longan Kotaro is such a sinister and vicious person.

But no matter how affectionately Longan Xiaotaro called, the photographer still didn't stand up, but kept shaking his head, hoping that Longan Xiaotaro would stop calling.

The photographer thought Tang Yuan didn't see all this, but he didn't know that his every move fell into Tang Yuan's eyes, and Tang Yuan suddenly thought of an interesting idea.

Tang Yuan walked up to Longan Xiaotaro and stepped on his head. Longan Xiaotaro's whole head was almost being stepped into the soil. Longan Xiaotaro could feel the earthworms in the soil on his body; Not to mention how disgusting that feeling was, but what he was more worried about now was that Tang Yuan would step on his head and explode.

Although Tang Yuan stepped Longan Xiaotaro into the soil, he didn't suffer any harm, Tang Yuan just wanted him to eat the soil.

Tang Yuan stepped on Gui Xiaotaro, pointed at the photographer with his hand, and said, "Stand up for me!"

The photographer knew clearly that Tang Yuan, the god of death, was calling him, but he still had a chance to look around, hoping that the person calling was not him.

But Tang Yuan's firm eyes made all his hopes come to nothing. The photographer pointed at himself with a harmless expression and said, "Are you calling me? I just came to watch the excitement. This matter It has nothing to do with me!"

"Well, I see!" Tang Yuan nodded and said, although the photographer's heart was relieved, Tang Yuan's other words made him bring up his heart again: "I want you to talk to him now." One fight, whoever wins can get out alive.”

Alyssa saw Tang Yuan doing this, and her heart fluttered. He couldn't imagine why Tang Yuan would do this (Li's), let them kill each other, Tang Yuan is not such a person?

Kagura saw the worry in Alyssa's eyes, squeezed Alyssa's hand and said, "Don't worry, Tang Yuan is sensible, you have to trust him."

Alisa nodded and said: "He is everything to me. He has his reasons for everything he does. I believe him!"

After such a long time, the police have already realized that this place is different, but the coercion released by Tang Yuan prevents them from approaching this place. come over.

"Ah? I...why should I fight with him? I don't know him! I'm just passing by to watch the fun, and I have no grudges with him!" the photographer pointed to Longan Xiaotaro and said with a sincere expression It's true, as if I've never seen Longan Kotaro. .

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