Baixiang Lizi sat down on the sofa with a very contrived look after saying these words, but was stopped by Yinshi.

"What do you want to do?" Baixiang Lizi looked at Yinshi very dissatisfied and said.

"No reason! But I just heard that you love cleanliness. No matter what you touch, you must disinfect it first, right?" Yin Shi asked with a smile.

Baixiang Lizi nodded and said: "Yes! But I don't quite understand what you mean.

"What I mean is very simple!" Yinshi stood up, with a tall figure looming in front of Baixiang Lizi: "We are also relatively clean people, so you should understand now? To enter my house, you must Disinfect first!"

"Crazy you! I am a real person, do you think I am the same as you? I am a person who takes a bath twice a day!" Xiang "Eight Nine Zero" Moeko said proudly.

"Really? Then you wouldn't mind washing it again, would you?" Tang Yuan, who was sitting next to him, said.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. Did you install a camera in the bathroom? Do you want to spy on my wonderful ketone body while I'm taking a shower? Let me tell you, it's impossible." Bai Xiang Reiko let out a muffled snort through her nose.

"Hey, listening to my goosebumps is about to rise." The wig touched his arm and shouted: "big sister, can you stop being so confident, and don't look at your age! How loose is your skin? , don’t you have any clues in your heart?”

Teramon Tong felt that what the wig said was a bit too much, but what Baixiang Lizi made was also a bit too much, so he kept silent and didn't speak.

"Shut your stinking mouth, you inferior person!" Baixiang Lizi yelled miraculously, a woman was told by another hated man that she was old and had loose skin, no matter who angry.

"What did you say? You said I was an inferior person?" The wig was irritated. What was the reason for him to lead the people with lofty ideals? To defeat heaven and man, to overthrow the shogunate, and to give the whole country an equal world.

When Baixiang Lizi said this sentence, the reverse scale of the wig was caught.

The hair of the wig fluttered without wind, and by looking at it, one could tell that the wig was utterly pissed off, and was about to kill that bitch Bai Xianglizi.

But Baixiang Lizi didn't feel anything wrong at all, and she was still cursing, cursing and cursing these low-level people and low-level creatures with wigs.

Yinshi felt something was wrong, and hurriedly grabbed the wig to prevent the wig from his hands.

Tang Yuan sighed and said to the wig: "Gui, sit down first!"

This was the first time Tang Yuan called Wig's real name, and Wig calmed down after hearing Tang Yuan's words, sitting on the sofa and staring at Baixiang Lizi.

Bai Xianglizi thought that the wig was afraid of her, so she continued to curse.

Tang Yuan walked up to Bai Xianglizi, without saying a word, slapped her across the face with a crisp sound.

Bai Xianglizi was slapped, and when she realized it, Tang Yuan continued to slap Bai Xianglizi a few more times, and Bai Xianglizi's entire face was swollen and turned into a pig's head.

Simentong was also stunned, and everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Tang Yuan to beat Bai Xianglizi into a pig's head so simply and neatly. It was really satisfying.

When Simentong came to his senses, he wanted to save Bai Xianglizi, but was glared at by Tang Yuan, and fell to the ground in fright.

Baixiang Lizi is not afraid of anything, but afraid of those rich people. Now that Tang Yuan hits her like this, according to his personality, the world has already been turned upside down. Bai Xianglizi waved her hand with long nails towards Tang Yuan , planning to scratch Tang Yuan's face, venting her anger.

Seeing Bai Xianglizi rushing towards her, Tang Yuan didn't dodge, but said coldly: "Do you believe that I killed you?"

Bai Xianglizi stopped in an instant, her nails were only a few centimeters away from Tang Yuan's face, as long as her hand shook slightly, she could touch Tang Yuan's face, but she didn't dare, he thought of it before The experience of that reporter and that photographer, I was afraid that I would die like this.

Tang Yuan looked at Baixiang Lizi coldly and said, "What? Don't you dare to do it? Are you afraid of death? Come on! I'm right here, kill me!"

What Tang Yuan said, got into Bai Xianglizi's ears word by word, and kept circling in her mind, and when she thought of the bloody picture she saw before, she couldn't help crying out.

"Hmph! A person like you doesn't have any other skills other than being cheap!" Tang Yuan said with a sneer..0

Baixiang Lizi squatted on the ground and kept crying, while Simentong kept comforting her.

While comforting Tang Yuan, Simentong said to Tang Yuan: "Why do you treat her like this? He is just a woman!"

"I'm still a man!" Tang Yuan shrugged and said, "Don't you look at how many times she targeted us along the way, if it wasn't for thinking that you were Xin Baji's idol, and Xin Baji saw you after being killed by a killer. The news of your death is so sad that we don't bother to pay attention to you."

"Don't you protect us for money?" Simentong questioned Tang Yuan with big red eyes.

Tang Yuan sneered: "Money? For me, it's just something outside of me. Let me tell you, money can't buy everything in this world, such as dignity!"

"Oh, dignity!" Simentong said after supporting Baixiang Lizi, "Then let's leave here for our dignity!"

Simentong pushed open the door and left here with the Baixiang cup and her so-called dignity.

Yin Shi touched his chin and said meaningfully: "I actually like a girl with such a personality."

"Hmph, if you bring a woman named Baixiang Lizi, I'll see how you like it." The wig sat aside and said sullenly.

"Okay, okay, I know you're unhappy." Yinshi touched the head of the wig, stroking like 1.4 coaxing a child, and said, "Oh, don't cry, don't cry, big brother hurts!"

"Go away, you are the child." The wig waved away Yin Shi's hand and said.

"We drove them away like this, so what should they do?" Alyssa's heart is still relatively soft, and she is still worried about where they should go.

"I don't bother to tell them where to go. They are rich people. As long as they have money, they can go wherever they want. Who can stop them! If they stay here, it will really be a mess." Kagura sat Said aside.

"But the two of them are alone, and being watched by a pervert killer, it must be very dangerous." Alyssa looked at Tang Yuan with big watery eyes and said, "Why don't we go out and look for them?" Like? After all, it's too dangerous outside."

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