Tang Yuan shook his head and said: "Don't worry, there won't be any danger outside, and the killers won't be able to find them for a while, and I feel that Baixiang Lizi is a little strange, she did all this, as if it was specially for Let's drive them away!"

"Huh? Why do you feel this way? Why does Baixiang Lizi do this? Isn't she afraid of death?" Wig asked in puzzlement: "But listening to what you said, when I was in the hotel last time, the killer opened fire. The guns were aimed at everyone in the hotel, but Passariko was not attacked."

"Maybe it was an indiscriminate attack at the time. This does not mean that there is a connection between Bai Xianglizi and the killer, but according to your statement, it is indeed a bit suspicious." Yin Shi said after thinking for a while.

"If this is the case, then Teramon Tong will be in danger!" Kagura exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it's just a guess right now." Tang Yuan looked around and said, "Has Xin Baji not come back yet?"

"Yeah, I forgot about Xin Baji." The wig said anxiously: 20 "Why hasn't Xin Baji come back so late? Where can he go?"

"Don't worry, maybe Xin Baji met Si Mentong on the road, and he is probably comforting him now." Yinshi said with his nostrils pressed: "It's normal to ask questions when meeting an idol, and it's normal to delay a little time."

While Tang Yuan and the others were discussing about the new Baji, a beer bottle was thrown into the window and the glass was smashed.

Yinshi looked at the broken glass all over the place in a daze, and rushed to the window and shouted: "Whose brat, who doesn't sleep at night, smashes the glass in my house? If I catch you Kid, I will definitely cramp and skin you!"

When Yinshi was yelling, Tang Yuan found that there was a piece of paper in the glass bottle. Tang Yuan grabbed the bottle, slammed it on the ground, took out a piece of paper from the glass pile, and said to Yinshi: "Stop shouting, look at what this is."

"Huh? What what?" Yinshi turned his head and asked, "Could it be that the kid who smashed my glass has a conscience? Put money in the glass bottle to compensate me?"

"You money junkie!" Wig glanced at Yin Shi and said, "You think too much, this is just a note, let's see what Tang Yuan has to say."

Tang Yuan slowly opened the note, and the words written on it made Tang Yuan jump.

Yinshi looked at the complicated expression on Tang Yuan's face, and felt a little strange, so he picked up the note and looked at it. It said on the note, your companion was arrested by me. If you want to keep him alive, you will At twelve o'clock in the evening, I brought Simentong to this address to find me, and then a series of addresses below.

"This is new! Why don't you be careful, how can you get caught! Now it's troublesome!" Wig complained.

Tang Yuan frowned and said: "Now is not the time to complain. The person who wrote this letter named him to take Simen Pass, so it means that this person is the pervert killer, but the problem now is how to find it." Temple Gate Pass!"

"That's right! Teramondori left here, and he doesn't know where he went. There are so many people, how should we find it!" Kagura looked at Gintoki worriedly and said, "Gin-san, we must take Rescue the new Baji!"

Yinshi patted Kagura's shoulder and comforted him: "Well, we know this, don't worry, we will definitely rescue Xin Baji."

"Now the main thing is to go to Simentong first, and the killer means to take Simentong with him." Wig scratched his hair and said: "I don't know where to find someone, it's already ten o'clock in the evening, Also, it will be twelve o'clock in two hours, if we can't bring people there on time, maybe Xin Baji's life will be lost!"

During the period when Wig lived in Wanshiwu, he was taken care of by Xin Baji in many ways, so when Xin Baji was in danger, Wig was still very worried.

After pondering for a while, Tang Yuan said, "Now it's time to inform Hijikata Toshiro and the others. As the police, they will definitely find Teramon Dori."

"Yes! Now that Teramon Tong is being watched by killers, he must not dare to go back to live in the villa. If he wants to stay in a hotel, he must have an ID card. Hijikata Shishiro and the others just need to look up the check-in list of the nearby hotels. , I will definitely find Simentong." Wig said excitedly.

Tang Yuan blew the whistle that he kept in his pocket all the time, and after a while, the phone of Wanshiwu rang.

Tang Yuan went over to answer it, and explained to the phone what they discussed just now, it seems that the person on the phone is Hijikata Toshiro.

After talking for a while, Tang Yuan put down the phone and said to Yinshi and the others: "The location of Simentong has been found, it's in the hotel not far from us.

"Then what are we waiting for now, let's rush over there now!" Wig said anxiously: "The longer the delay, the more dangerous the new Baji will be!

Tang Yuan turned his head and said to Alisa: "Alisa, you and Kagura can stay at home well today. You are also tired today, so take a good rest."

"No, we have to go too." Alyssa directly rejected Tang Yuan's request: "Xin Baji is also my friend, and we are also worried about his 057 safety. I have to go together. At least I can help a little. busy."

"Nonsense!" Tang Yuan scolded: "Now the killer is in the dark, and we are in the open. We will be his targets at any time. If you go with us, if any danger happens, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"But..." Alisa was silent.

"It's nothing to worry about, it's just decided, you and Kagura stay at home, you can't go anywhere, or I'll break your leg!" Tang Xuan yelled.

Alisa had never seen Tang Yuan's serious expression before, so Alisa was very scared, Tang Yuan had never said such a thing to her, Alisa could only sit on the sofa and cry non-stop.

Seeing Alisa like this, Tang Yuan sighed and comforted: "Don't worry, we will definitely bring the new Baji back safe and sound.

Alisa was still crying and couldn't listen to Tang Yuan's words at all. Kagura could only comfort him on the sidelines. Kagura was also very worried about Xin Baji, but if Tang Yuan and the others went to rescue him, they would definitely send Xin Baji Those who were rescued, if she and Alyssa insisted on going with them now, it would only add to their troubles. .

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