Kondo looked at Tang Yuan with a perplexed expression and said, "Are you sure that's all you want?"

The wig nodded and said, "Ah! By the way, give me an ordinary car instead of those police cars. I'm going blind."

"Oh, well, I'll let Yamazaki go down to arrange for it now." After Kondo Hoon agreed, he asked Yamazaki to go down to arrange for the car.

Yamazaki's actions were quick, and within a few minutes the car was arranged to be parked downstairs. Tang Yuan and the others took Simentong and they could get into the car as soon as they went downstairs.

When Tang Yuan and the others got into the car, Baixiang Lizi suddenly grabbed the car door and said, "I don't agree with Simentong going to such a dangerous place."

Baixiang Lizi's sudden change of mind caught Tang Yuan and the others by surprise, they never expected Baixiang Lizihui to make such a sudden move.

"Everyone in the temple has agreed, why not?" Wig asked, he really didn't understand this woman, how to say one thing and do another, when she was at the hotel just now, this woman didn't say a word, but it happened Only at this juncture do we speak.

"No, no, no, that place is too dangerous. As Simentong's assistant, I have the responsibility to refuse to go to that place for the sake of her safety. 11 Baixiang Lizi said very seriously.

"Lizi, you must go to this place. Their friends were kidnapped and threatened because of me. If I don't go, I'm sorry for the fans who love me. I don't want me to be a coward in their hearts. people." Simentong enlightened Baixiang Lizi.

Baixiang Lizi was silent for a while and then said: "But that place is really too dangerous, there are hidden murderous intentions everywhere, maybe there is a knife coming out of your throat in a dark place, I don't agree. "

Simentong shook his head and said: "Even if you don't agree, it doesn't matter if you agree, I must go to that place. I know there are many crises hidden in the dark, but I must go, and they will protect you." With me, you don't have to worry.

"Hey..." Baixiang Lizi sighed and said: "Since you are so strongly demanding, then I can't say anything, if you insist on this, then I will go with you

"Hurry up and get in the car together, stop wasting time here." Tang Yuan said after looking back at Baixiang (cafa) Lizi.

Bai Xianglizi got into the car, and after closing the door, Tang Yuan sprayed floor oil directly, and the wheels emitted a burst of smoke. Tang Yuan turned the steering wheel hard, and the car turned 180 degrees in an instant, making a deafening sound towards He rushed over to the address given by the killer.

Tang Yuan's driving skills are very good. Under the control of his powerful mental power, no matter how the car accelerates or dodges, he can control it steadily. It's like driving a car worth tens of thousands of yuan into a super sports car. I think this can only be done by Tang Yuan.

This is also the pinnacle of this car. Maybe when this car is scrapped, it will no longer be able to experience the current excitement.

Under Tang Yuan's superb driving skills, Tang Yuan and the others quickly came to the address given by the killer. The place was very dark, only a rickety light flickered in a building, and there was no one around. Looking at the environment here, it should be an unfinished building, and the location is very remote, even if someone is killed here, no one will know.

Tang Yuan slammed on the brakes and parked the car under a building with flashing lights. The wig vomited out as soon as he got out of the car.

Yinshi tidied up his clothes, looked at the wig and said mockingly: "It's really useless, you can throw up like this! It seems that you can only travel by the No. 12 bus from now on."

The wig wiped his mouth and said, "What the hell are you sitting in the front! I can see if you are vomiting! You can't imagine that when the car is driving at a high speed, a car suddenly appears in front of you, and you are ready to crash. I got ready, and then the car tilted and hid, I didn’t expect there to be there, can you imagine that feeling?”

"I am a coward and blame others for driving fast. I despise you from the bottom of my heart for a person like you!" Yinshi said after glancing at the wig.

Simentong and Baixiang Lizi also got out of the car one after another. Although their faces were pale, they were not as embarrassing as the wigs.

"Tsk tsk tsk, even two women are better than you, wig, wig, what are you still doing in this world? You can't even compare to one woman, I really feel sad for you!" Silver Toki continued to mock.

Yinshi also knows that motion sickness is a physiological condition that varies from person to person, not everyone will vomit in a car, and not everyone will not vomit in a car, but he just couldn't help but want to mock the wig.

Tang Yuan looked at the high floor, a light was on at the highest point, Tang Yuan pointed to the place where the light was on and said: "Xin Baji must be there, let's hurry up and rescue him now."

When Tang Yuan and the others were about to take Simentong up to rescue Xin Baji, Bai Xianglizi's expression changed suddenly, and she held her stomach and said to Simentong: "I can't do it anymore, suddenly my stomach hurts, I'll start now Find a place to go to the toilet, you go up first, and I will be there later."

"Okay, okay, then be careful!" Simentong comforted Baixiang Lizi.

"Then pay more attention to safety, I'm going to the bathroom first." Baixiang Lizi ran into the darkness clutching her stomach after saying this.

"It's really a lazy person who poops a lot!" Gintoki glanced at the direction Baixiang Lizi left.

When Simentong heard Yin Shizai's bad words about his friend, he said with some dissatisfaction: "People have three urgencies, and this urgency will come at any time, and you are no exception, so don't talk about Lizi."

"Look, let you talk nonsense [make us big stars angry, right?" Wig gloated at the side.

Tang Yuan looked at the dark floor, and said to Yinshi and the others: "Okay, stop arguing, let's go up now."

"Then who is silver time! Did you come here with a flashlight?" The wig said while hiding behind Tang Yuan's back timidly. Judging by his appearance, he should be very afraid of the dark.

"I was walking in a hurry at the time, and who knew it was so dark here! You just go up for a while, and you will soon reach the top of the building, where the lights are on." Yinshi knew that wigs had this problem since he was a child, and it was his fault. Scared out, so I didn't mock the wig like I used to.

But Simentong didn't look so good, his lips were pale, his face was dark yellow, his body was trembling constantly, his eyes were fixed on a certain dark place, as if there was something terrifying inside . .

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