Tang Yuan patted Simentong lightly, wanting to ask her what she saw, but Simentong's reaction was very violent, as if she had been taken aback.

"Don't be afraid, it's me!" Tang Yuan comforted softly, "What did you see? It made you so afraid?"

Simentong shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's go up."

In fact, Simentong didn't tell Tang Yuan and the others that since she was a child, she was most afraid of the dark. Every night when she went to sleep, the light was turned on. If there was no light, she would not be able to sleep all night. It always felt like something was spying on her in the dark.

But once, at night, there was a sudden power outage at home, and the surroundings were completely dark, and there was nothing luminous on hand, and the phone happened to be out of power. At that time, don't mention how scared Simentong was, he curled up in the corner In the middle of the night, she stayed there trembling with her legs wrapped around her knees. Only she knew the fear she had experienced that night.

Tang Yuan seemed to know what Simentong was afraid of. Tang Yuan took out the blade of sanctions and cast a spell on the blade of sanctions, and a raging fire ignited on the blade of sanctions. These fires have no temperature, but they can emit dazzling fire. The light, just able to illuminate this small area, instantly relieved the pressure in Simentong's heart a lot.

Simentong glanced at Tang Yuan gratefully. Although the blade of punishment was not very bright, at least he was not so afraid anymore.

Tang Yuan raised the Judgment Blade like a torch, and led Yinshi and the others towards the floor where Xin Baji was.

"Tsk tsk tsk, using such a good sword as a torch, this kind of thing can only be done by Tang Yuan. If I were this sword, I would definitely be mad and break myself on the spot to show Your own dignity." Yin~shi sighed.

"If Tang Yuan didn't do this, then he wouldn't be Tang Yuan." The wig said after Yinshi's butt.

When Yinshi and the wig were squeaking, they came to the floor where Xin Baji was. Just as they walked out of the stairs, they saw Xin Baji tied to a chair with a ragged rag stuffed into his mouth. When he arrived at Tang Yuan and the others, he hurriedly shook his head, motioning for them to leave.

But how could Tang Yuan and the others leave? They came here just to rescue the new Baji, and if they didn't rescue the new Baji, they wouldn't leave here.

Xinbaji thought that Tang Yuan and the others didn't understand what he meant, so he was still shaking his head desperately, almost breaking his head, but he still couldn't stop Tang Yuan and his firm steps

"Oh! Don't be so excited to see us, okay? Shaking your head so hard, you are not afraid that your neck will break? Don't worry, we will come out safe and sound!" Yin Shi pressed his nostrils to Xin. Said.

But Xin Baji was still shaking his head constantly, his eyes full of tension.

When Tang Yuan and the others walked in, they realized why Xin Baji shook his head so hard. It turned out that there was a time bomb in Xin Baji's arms, and there was a phone on it. It seemed that as long as the phone on the time bomb rang , the bomb will detonate immediately.

Tang Yuan looked at Xin Baji's bomb and didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only pull out the rag that was stuffed in Xin Baji's mouth.

After the rag was removed from Xin Baji's mouth, he didn't say a word, but kept spitting on the ground. One can imagine how much shadow this rag cast on Xin Baji.

"What happened to the bomb in your arms? Which killer kidnapped you?" Wig asked Xin Baji.

After Xin Baji felt that he had vomited completely, he hurriedly shouted: "Go away! The person who kidnapped me is a pervert, and he will detonate the bomb at any time. Leave me alone and get out of here!"

"Pervert?" Tang Yuan sneered, "So we guessed right, it's the pervert killer who wanted Simentong's life before."

"Huh? Do you know that pervert?" New Baji asked after a pause.

"Well, when you dropped the letter and ran out after you came back, we also read that letter. We were quite worried about your safety. Seeing you rushing out, we followed suit. I thought you would be at the address given by Simentong, who knows where we went, but we didn't see you.

"When we arrived at the hotel room where Simentong was staying, someone suddenly shot here. Fortunately, Simentong was not injured. Shi Yinshi was shot, but luckily Tang Yuan was there. He cured Yin Shi, so that he would not be in danger of becoming a lame." The wig told Xin Baji what happened after he disappeared.

0 for flowers.

"After we rescued Simentong, someone threw a beer bottle into the Master Room, and stuffed a note in it, which said that we would bring Simentong here to rescue you, so we I just found this place." Gintoki said as he took the wig.

"What? Miss Simentong is here too?" Xin Baji looked at Yinshi in surprise and said.

Simentong stood behind Tang Yuan all the time, because only Tang Yuan's body was shining, Simentong was blocked by Tang Yuan's tall figure, and the environment here was quite harsh, so Xinbaji didn't notice it immediately.


Simentong stood up from behind Tang Yuan, and said to Xin Baji with a charming smile: "Xin Baji, don't worry, you will be fine!"

Xin Baji looked at Simentong and shouted anxiously at Tang Yuan and the others: "Why did you bring Miss Simentong to such a dangerous place? The killer's target is Miss Simentong, you bring him here, Just let her die!"

Tang Yuan patted Xin Baji on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, Simen Tong will be fine, and there is more! If we don't bring her here, you will die. At this juncture, can you care about it?" Yourself, and your sister? What will your sister do if you die?"

"But..." Xin Baji was silent, indeed, what would my sister do if she died! She would definitely be very sad, Xin Baji thought so.

Tang Yuan gave Xin Baji a reassuring look and said: "Don't worry, since I can bring her here, I can also take her out safely, you have to have confidence in me, don't you have confidence in me No?"

"By the way, where is that pervert killer now?" Yin Shi looked around and found no one who kidnapped Xin Baji: "By the way, I forgot to ask, did that pervert do anything to you?".

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