"Shanren has his own tricks. Tang Yuan reached out and stopped a taxi and said: "Get in the car quickly, don't waste time.

Yinshi didn't understand what Tang Yuan meant by doing this, what could he do in a taxi? Why not ask someone who loves mayonnaise.

Although Yinshi didn't understand what Tang Yuan meant, he followed Tang Yuan into the taxi.

After Tang Yuan got into the car, he said to the driver: "Master, please go to the house of the director of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Okay." The driver agreed, and slowly drove the car towards the destination.

Yinshi stared wide-eyed, looking at Tang Yuan in disbelief, the expression in his eyes meant, this is fucking okay?

Tang Yuan pointed to his head with his finger, motioning for Yinshi to use his brain.

"By the way, did you two go to the director of the Metropolitan Police Department for something early in the morning?" The driver immediately started talking after driving the car steadily.

Tang Yuan understands that these taxi drivers usually have nowhere else to go except in the car, which is very boring, so when he sees someone getting in the car, he can't help but chatter. All professional people have a heart of Eight Trigrams, and there are many news that are not available outside, but there will be here.

Tang Yuan scratched his hair in embarrassment and said: "583, to tell you the truth, we are two reporters. Today, the task assigned by our boss is to interview the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, and I want to ask him about the current law and order in Kabukicho. ,It's a pity that the two of us were too tired last night, so today I can only ask my brother to drive faster, otherwise we will be late."

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder I saw you two in a hurry, you have something important to do." The driver patted his chest and said: "Everything is left to me, Panasonic Heze is usually at nine o'clock in the morning I just went out, now I have a lot of time, don't worry."

"Hehe, master, it seems that you know a lot about Panasonic Heze's travel? Could it be that you are also in our business?" Tang Yuan asked with a smile, hoping to get some information from the driver.

"Where, being your reporter is so tiring and you still can't get any money. Why don't you drive a taxi? Maybe you can charge more tips." The driver said without looking back: I want to find out about Panasonic Heze. The way people travel, this is really too simple, he usually travels in a tiger head benz, (cafc) that is a luxury car! There is only one car in Kabukicho, as long as you see this car car, you know who is in the car. "

"So it's so simple?" Tang Yuan pretended to be shocked: "I'm going, if I didn't take my brother's car today, I really don't know there is such a way."

"What's the matter, young people like you! They're just too impetuous. As long as you put a little effort into your body, many things that you don't usually see will emerge." The driver looked at Tang Yuan with a very mysterious look. Said: "Do you want to know who Matsushita Heze's little mistress is?"

"Huh? The director of the Metropolitan Police Department has a mistress? Brother, this is an important person! Don't talk nonsense. If you are caught, you will go to jail!" Tang Yuan said seriously.

"Cut! What are you afraid of!" The driver said after spitting: "This matter has been spread all over the streets and alleys. No one in Kabukicho knows about it. As long as you often go to the tavern and sit, you will get all kinds of news.

"Wow, listening to your words is better than ten years of reading!" Tang Yuan said excitedly: "Then do you know where Panasonic Heze's little mistress lives? If it's suitable, the two of us plan to take two photos secretly, Let's see if we can get in the newspaper."

"I know this, but...hehehe..." The driver let out a laugh that you understand.

Tang Yuan, as a human being in the new century, of course knows what this smile means. He quickly took out a few ten-cent notes from Yinshi's pocket and put them in front of the windshield of the car, and said with a smile: "Look, is this enough?" ?”

Yin Shi glared at Tang Yuan, expressing why he should give him my money!

Tang Yuan patted Yinshi's thigh, and replied with his eyes, he couldn't let go of the child and let go of the wolf.

The driver drove with one hand and put the money in his pocket with the other, as if he was afraid that Tang Yuan would take the money back, the driver said solemnly: "Actually, it's okay to tell you about this, his little lover lives in a distant place. In the villa area not far from Kabuki, don’t tell me, this bastard Matsushita Heze sits in the position of director of the Metropolitan Police Department. I don’t know how much money he has embezzled. He lives in a big villa and even lives with his little lover. Looking at such a good place, I don’t know how much hard-earned money of our poor families has been spent on it.”

"Society is like this. As long as you are in a high position, powerful and powerful, people will give you as much money as you want. For people at the bottom of society like us, it is difficult to get a penny!" Yin Shi Suddenly complained.

"Okay, I won't chat with you. We can't afford to mess with such powerful people. I'd better drive my taxi." The driver stopped the car slowly: "The place is here, I advise you You should be careful, after all, there are some people we can't afford to mess with."

Tang Yuan nodded and said: "Well, we understand, you don't want to tell the things we asked you. After all, if the director knows that we photographed his little lover and reported it, we can't bear it."

The driver patted his chest and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I'm notoriously tight-lipped, no matter who comes to inquire, I will let him come and go.

"Then we can rest assured." Tang Yuan handed the fare to the driver, and got out of the car with Yinshi.

"What should we do next?" Gintoki said while leaning on the pole, picking his nose.

Tang Yuan looked at the luxurious villa in front of him and sighed: "Oh my god, this house is really luxurious, when I get rich, I will definitely live in this kind of place.

"Don't worry about it, these places are not affordable for poor people like us." Yinshi issued some black unknown objects from his nostrils, and after scratching the telegraph pole a few times, he said: "These places are not only Those who have money can live, but they must also have the right, otherwise they will be kicked out every minute."

"Well, that's right." Tang Yuan nodded.

Just when Tang Yuan and Yinshi were sighing, the iron door of that luxurious villa slowly opened, and a black car drove out from inside, the car's glass was black

The inside cannot be seen from the outside, and the glass looks different from ordinary glass, it seems to be bulletproof glass. .

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