Pirate Transformation Invincible

Chapter 233 Breakfast Disturbance

"Well, everyone is tired tonight, so let's rest for a night first, and when tomorrow dawns, we will follow your plan." Yin Shi said after thinking about it.

"Well, it's so decided. Everyone has a good rest tonight, and we will start work tomorrow." Tang Yuan glanced at Alisa and Kagura: "Especially you two, don't make it too late, tomorrow will be There is important work waiting for you."

"We sleep very quietly at night, okay? There will be trouble there!" Alyssa rolled her eyes at Tang Yuan and said, "By the way, you just said that you have a very important task for us, what is it? ?”

Tang Yuan said mysteriously: "This is still a secret, you will find out tomorrow.

"What's so mysterious." Kagura stood up and stretched his waist and said: "I won't tell you, I went back to my room to sleep, I want to sleep when I'm full, hey

After Kagura finished speaking, she took Alisa back to her room.

Yin Shi also stood up and yawned: "I'm too tired tonight, I'm going to bed first, good night everyone.

"Wait for me, I'll go with you too. It's not comfortable to sleep on the sofa, but it's better to sleep on your big bed." Tang Yuan said hastily.

Yinshi said to Tang Yuan with a look of disgust: "Hey, boss, my bed is only so small, there is room for two people! Besides, there are two big men, I have a phobia of men~ah! "

"Oh, that's enough. I can sleep on the floor. I don't want to sleep on the sofa." Tang Yuan licked his face and followed Yinshi's footsteps: "Androphilia? Did you get scared to death when you looked in the mirror?" Huh? You can’t even make up a good reason, why don’t you come up with a better reason to deceive people?”

"Hey, you two are going to bed, so what am I going to do? I have slept all day today. "I can't sleep anymore!" Xin Baji shouted to Tang Xuan and Yin Shi's backs.

"What should I do?" After Yinshi and Tang Yuan dropped these words at the same time, they got into the room one after the other to do shy things, leaving Xin Baji outside the living room at a loss

After a night of exhaustion, it's really easy to fall asleep. Tang Yuan and Yinshi just lay on the bed with their socks on. Within two minutes, they were comparing each other whose snoring was louder.

The sky was slowly getting brighter, Tang Yuan opened his eyes in a daze, went to the toilet to drain the water from his body without wearing shoes, and came out after releasing, and saw Xin Baji sitting on the sofa alone, staring at a water glass in a daze .

"I'll go, boss, you are really idle, what are you doing looking at a water glass? Can you tell whether the flowers are blooming or not?" Tang Yuan couldn't help but said.

Xin Baji raised his head helplessly, this raised his head gave Tang Yuan a big jump, two dark circles appeared in front of Tang Yuan through the glasses.

"You really haven't slept all night, have you? Didn't I say you have something important to do today? Why don't you keep your spirits up?" Tang Yuan asked in surprise. He didn't expect that he would Some people can carry two dark circles without sleeping.

Xin Baji sighed and said: "Don't mention it, I slept too much last night and couldn't fall asleep. I was a little sleepy in the middle of the night, but the beds were all occupied by you. It was late and I couldn't go home. can't sleep.

"Then you just stare at a water glass all night." Tang Yuan asked disgustedly: "If you have the skill, you can't make us a breakfast full of energy. If you can't, go down It’s okay to buy! What are you doing looking at a water glass? Seeing that this thing can make you full?”

"So sleepy that I don't want to move anymore." After Xin Baji replied, he stopped talking, quietly looked at the water glass, and was absorbed again.

Seeing Xin Baji like this, Tang Yuan couldn't help sighing: "Okay, okay, then you go to Yinshi's room, sleep with him, and hurry up to refresh yourself "I'll give you bastards now." make breakfast."

"No need, I can still hold on." Xin Baji stood up and rejected Tang Yuan: "You'd better go to sleep for a while, I can make breakfast by myself, you have to work a little harder today people."

Without further ado, Tang Yuan pushed Xin Baji towards Yinshi's room, and said while pushing: "Stop talking nonsense, you go to me quickly, Laozi showed mercy to cook you a breakfast today, and you still refused Laozi, You are disrespecting me!"

Tang Yuan pushed Xin Baji into Yinshi's room, put on his shoes, rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the kitchen.

ask for flowers...

The kitchen is relatively clean. Xinbaji is a person who pays more attention to hygiene, especially when it comes to eating, so he keeps the kitchen tidy and tidy. All kitchen utensils are hung on the wall, which saves Tang Yuan searched for Kung Fu.

Anyway, it’s just cooking breakfast. It doesn’t take much effort, just cook some porridge in a clean pot, fry a few eggs or something, and serve it with some pickles.

Tang Yuan did what he said. He washed the pot and put the rice on the gas stove in one go. Estimated the time to cook the porridge, and there was still a long time.

Taking advantage of the porridge cooking time, Tang Yuan ran into the bathroom and took a fragrant hot bath. After the shower, the porridge was ready. The time was just right, so he put the porridge on the dining table to cool down, and then went into the kitchen to cook again. A few eggs, some pickles, and a freshly baked breakfast is ready.


Tang Yuan repeated the bowl of porridge and shouted towards the room: "You little bastards, get up and have breakfast for me.

After yelling, there was still no movement, Tang Yuan yelled a few more times, but still no one came out, Tang Yuan got mad this time, mother Laozi managed to cook a breakfast for you guys, you guys How could you still be so disrespectful?

Tang Yuan dragged his two slippers and ran to Yinshi and Kagura's room, knocking on them, cursing, "You little bastards, wake up Laozi!"

Maybe it was because Tang Yuan's actions were too violent, Gintoki and Kagura's room doors opened at the same time, and the four of them rubbed their eyes sleepily and looked at Tang Yuan with bewildered expressions.

"What are you doing this early in the morning? It's not yet light, what are you shouting for?" Yin Shi yawned.

Kagura went on to say: "It's just "I haven't had enough sleep yet."

"Sleep as a chicken feather, let Laozi roll into the bathroom to wash up, and after washing, let Laozi get out to eat." Tang Yuan shouted loudly: "Laozi worked so hard to make breakfast for you, and the mother shouted more than a dozen times." This time, no one came out in a daze, you don't give me any face, three!".

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