On the sailing route, the red-haired Shanks had been standing on the deck with a gloomy face, silent for a long time.

“Captain, what happened?”

“Yes, are we really going to give that newly appointed Navy Devil Fruit!”

“You see the navy, you were exhausted at that time, they definitely couldn’t beat us.”

Shanks heard their words, but still did not speak, but his body was trembling violently.

Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spurted out and slowly fell to the ground.

“Captain… Captain”

“Quick, quick, quickly call the ship doctor.”

Seeing this scene, they were all stunned, they didn’t know what happened, what happened to their ship?

When they helped Shanks, they found that a large amount of blood was flowing from his severed arm and had stained his sleeves.


Marin Fandor, office of the Marshal of the Warring States

Sengoku listened to the casualties reported to him by the general with a gloomy face, and his face became deeper and deeper the further he went.


Sengoku slammed his desk deeply, and it collapsed into debris.

“Well, don’t say it, tell the world government about this matter and let them rebuild the naval headquarters.”

After speaking, he waved at them to let them retreat, and then looked at Kebi, who was knocking on Erlang’s leg, and was angry and scolded:

“Senior General Kebi, how do you explain your violent beating of the red dog?”

“What do I explain? Is it okay to see that he is not pleasing to the eye? ”

Kebi said nonchalantly, he saw that although the Marshal of the Warring States was very angry, he did not mean to blame him from his momentum.

“You also know my relationship with the teacher, the red dog beat Ace to death, obviously naked provocation!”

“But… Ace is a pirate! ”

“Marshal, don’t you still understand?” Kebi said and stood up, looked at the naval base that had become a ruin, and said slowly:

“Because of the strength of the navy, we can say that we are righteous; But what if one day the strength of the pirates surpasses that of the navy? ”

“I think the five old stars will definitely not shout to arrest them, why did the five old stars order to summon His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas?”

When Kebi said this, he paused and laughed self-deprecatingly: “The fundamental reason for this is all strength. ”

Sengoku heard those words and stopped speaking, he admitted that what Kebi said made sense, and then sighed heavily.

At this moment, the door of the office banged on the door, and a captain hurriedly came in, stammering:

“Marshal, that… That…”

Sengoku walked up to him, comforted him, and said, “You speak slowly”

“That… The red-haired Shanks pirates rushed back again, shouting at General Kebi. “、

“Huh?” When Kebi heard the news, his face was full of joy, and he muttered: “I didn’t expect to send me a gift so soon, it seems that the gift I gave him is very satisfied!” ”

“Go, show me”

Kebi came directly to the members of the Shanks Pirates, and they looked at Kebi angrily, the weapons in their hands coming from him.

But Kebi walked to Shanks’ side as if he didn’t see it, looked at his pale face, slapped his broken arm fiercely, and said with a smile:

“Are you not very satisfied with my gift?”

Before Shanks could speak, a fat man next to him, wearing small sunglasses, a green and white striped hat, and a green and white striped shirt, pointed a gun at Kebi and roared:

“You… Find death. ”

Just as he pulled the trigger to shoot, the red-haired Shanks directly stopped him and said weakly:

“Raki Ru put down the gun and picked me up.”

Then, looking at Kebi with a look of surprise, he asked with a lot of puzzlement:

“Why did you take back that power from before you just now?”

Just as Kebi slapped him just now, he felt the hot energy from before disappear into his body, causing his whole body to relax and breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

And Kirby didn’t explain anything. Instead, he stretched out his hand and said straight to the point: “You owed me five devil fruits before.” ”


At this time, Ben Beckman, the deputy leader of the red-haired pirate group, snorted coldly, tied the sand belt to Kebi, took out five devil fruits from his body and handed them to him.

“Here you go, I will definitely defeat you next time!”

Kebi suddenly smiled, raised the Devil Fruit in his hand, and looked at them with a weird smile.

“Welcome, but only if the devil fruit is ready.”

Then, Kebi suddenly became serious and locked his gaze on Shanks’ arm.

“I can get you to have arms again, but…”

Before Kebi could finish speaking, the crew next to Shanks looked at him with disbelief and disdain.

“Talking is like fart, can you treat it? Bragging. ”

“Even the most famous ship doctor can’t heal, how old are you!”

“Don’t think you’re an admiral, we’re afraid of you.”

Hearing Kebi here, he smiled indifferently, looked around at their faces, and mocked:

“Dog things that sit in the well and watch the sky, others will not, does not mean that I will not, since you do not believe, I will not force it.”

Speaking this, but the voice suddenly changed, and his body exuded an extremely powerful aura, looking at them stunned.

“What you scolded me just now, I have always recorded in my heart, I am very careful!”

The next moment, Kebi instantly came to the person who scolded him just now, and he was evil: “Just now you scolded me the most ruthlessly”


Just by the collar of the man, to his mouth is pumping, smoking. In the blink of an eye, the man had turned into a pig’s head.

Every time he pumped in the front, he would shout miserably, but when he got to the back, he was already numb and stunned to look at Kebi, unable to move in his hands.

Then Kirby kicked the man and came to another side again, and just as he was about to smoke, Shanks shouted.


However, as if he hadn’t heard, Kebi knocked out several of the man’s teeth with one mouth.

“Actually, I am the friendliest to you among the pirates, you don’t want to kill and set fire like other pirates, so I want to help you, but you don’t listen to me”

Then, Keppy sighed, turned and left.

However, before he took a few steps, Shanks’ gloomy voice came: “What is your request or payment?” ”

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