Kebi sighed, turned and left, but before he could take a few steps, Shanks’ gloomy voice came:

“What are your demands or payments?”

“My request is very simple” Kebi suddenly turned around, walked over with an unknown smile, looked at Shanks and said slowly: “Help me find the whereabouts of the ancient artifact”

“What… Whatever… Miscellaneous? ”

Shanks looked at him a little surprised, this ancient artifact is taboo, it is said that whoever can get them can dominate the entire ocean.

“What the hell do you want?”

Shanks asked suspiciously, but was greeted by Kirby’s cold eyes, and then turned and left.

“Wait, I promise you!”

“Okay, you come with me.”

Kebi took Shanks directly to where he lived, and seeing that there was no one around, a pill appeared in his hand, and he looked at it with a flesh pain.

This is a muscle-growing white bone pill that Kebi exchanged for the Dirt Rebirth Technique, which can make the person with the stump recover instantly.

“You eat him, something will happen in a moment, if you dare to reveal a word, I will slaughter you.”

“Well, OK”

Shanks also agreed very happily, and did not hesitate to put the pill into his mouth.

At the moment of entering his throat, Shankston felt that his whole body was like ten thousand ants biting, which made people addicted.

Just as he endured this life and death, his arm that had been bitten off by the king of the near sea grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Suddenly, Shanks roared, and the momentum on his body burst out instantly, as if rippling in the sea, causing the entire air to ripple.

“It’s such a magical feeling, I feel that my strength has increased again.”

Then, Shanks slowly opened his eyes and saw his arm intact, and the inexplicable water droplets flashed in his eyes.

“Thank you, Senior General Kebi!”

“, remember what you promised me, and improve your strength, and the next time you hit you, don’t be so vulnerable.”

Kebi coaxed him away impatiently, and finally saw his disappearing figure, and thought darkly in his heart:

“You should quickly save Ace and Whitebeard, these are two powerful characters.”

In Kebi’s cognition, Whitebeard’s combat power is quite powerful, not only because of his devil fruit, but also his own strong domineering.

If only when he was young, he could have killed the admiral with his own domineering.

And Ace has the bloodline of One Piece Roger, even Whitebeard wants to train him to be One Piece, how can he be a simple person?

Just as the pirate was secretly thinking, a knock on the door woke Kebi up.

Then, the yellow ape put on the cloak of justice, pouted his mouth, and slowly walked in with his hands in his pockets.

“General Kebi, the Marshal of the Warring States is looking for you in the office.”

“Okay, then let’s go over together!”

The Marshal of the Warring States now asked the admiral to personally inform Kebi, and you can know how much the Warring States value Kebi.

When they arrived at the Sengoku office, Kebi found that General Qingpheasant was also there, as well as his teacher, Lieutenant General Karp, and the bandaged red dog.

When Akainu saw Kebi come in, his eyes showed a look of resentment, but he quickly disappeared.

But how could such a subtle movement escape Kebi’s eyes, but Kebi did not pay attention to him, but locked his gaze on the body of the Marshal of the Warring States.

Suddenly, the office fell into a silent atmosphere, and no one spoke, just stood so quietly.

“Click… Click…”

Suddenly, Lieutenant General Karp took out the senbei and ate it, and pointed at the Marshal of the Warring States with dissatisfaction:

“Hey, old fellow, you called my disciple over, why are you suddenly silent”

“This…” Suddenly the Marshal of the Warring States looked at Kebi with a little embarrassment, and said slowly:

“General Kebi, here’s the thing…”

It turned out that the Warring States received an order from the world government to ask the Warring States to take over the field of Whitebeard, but there were too many fields of Whitebeard, and all the navies were dispatched.

But there was no one left on Fishman Island to subdue it, and then Sengoku considered that the naval headquarters not only needed to have strong people to guard it, but also repair people who were familiar with the naval headquarters.

“So… What do you think of the temporary decision to let you, the admiral, go and subdue Fishman Island? ”

Sengoku looked at Kebi with trepidation in his heart, God knows what kind of trouble Kebi would cause if he didn’t agree.

Since seeing Kebi’s combat power in the top battle, and then comparing himself, his final conclusion was that Kebi’s strength that broke out with all his strength was even higher than his own.

Just when he was thinking about it, Kirby agreed without hesitation, without a trace of dragging the rhythm.


“Really, I can go right away.

“That… You just have to promise to come down and go whenever you want.”

When the Warring States heard Kebi agree, the heart hanging in his heart immediately fell, as long as Kebi promised to come down, everything would be easy to do.

He knows Kebi’s character, no matter which force occupies Fishman Island in advance, the important thing is seen by Kebi, so he has to swallow it honestly.

“Marshal, since there is nothing to do, then I will go first.” After Kebi finished speaking, he nodded to his teacher, Lieutenant General Karp, and left the office.

When Kebi heard that he was going to let himself go to Fishman Island, his heart was already excited, and he couldn’t wait to leave here now.

He now first needs a large amount of blood to perform the Dirt Reincarnation Technique, which brings Ace and Whitebeard back to life.

But what about so much blood there?

What Kebi currently thinks of is the sea kings at the bottom of the sea, and only their huge bodies can provide enough blood.

However, there is still a lack of a resurrection site, just as the so-called iron shoes are nowhere to find, it takes no effort to get it, and the Warring States provided him with a good place – Fishman Island.

What Kebi didn’t know was that after this big event, his name spread throughout the world at a breakneck speed.

And not long after, all the streets and alleys were carrying domineering knives and spears, and they all said that they were Kebi.


On a desert island, Blackbeard looked at Doflamingo and said slowly: Thank you for saving your life. ”

“I can’t imagine that the famous Blackbeard will say words of gratitude!” Doflamingo scoffed, then continued:

“The enemy of the enemy is a friend, let’s destroy Kebi together!”

ps: These two are a little bland, overdone, and the blood comes again. Excuse me!

I suddenly thought today, could there be a common Devil Fruit ability that could combine together into a huge monster?

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