
Selena Island, full of fire.

In the middle of the island, explosions were heard from time to time.

I saw golden rays of light hit Theon’s house.

Countless rubble splashed up, accompanied by a large amount of dust, covering all directions.

One wave after another rushed into the distance, kicking up huge dust.

Some of the pirates were unstable and fell directly to the ground.

All around, the pirates of the original Iron Hand Pirate Group were stunned, and their faces were terrified.

They never thought that the captain, who was still in the upper hand, would be knocked down all at once.

Looking at this violent explosion, it is hard to imagine that their captain can live safely.

And all this is the masterpiece of the green ‘snake’ that looks unpretentious.

Not only the Iron Hand Pirate Group was stunned, but even the people of the Lynn Pirate Group were stunned.

Especially Kim Lamy, open his mouth, can’t close.

Although she had heard Lynn say that she sat badly.

But can you not be so powerful.

One tail, pumping out a sea thief of more than 300 million Baileys.

This series of qigong waves is still so powerful.

Others don’t talk about it, if she herself came to withstand the attack of Liekong Sitting, it is estimated that she must have played within a few moves.

“Hmph. ”

Jack snorted coldly, not so happy.

If it wasn’t for Liekong, but for him defeating Theon, he would have been happy.

But if it was someone else, he was not happy.

At the same time, Jack also made up his mind.

After going back, you must practice seriously and strive to be able to be alone as soon as possible.

After firing dozens of destructive death rays, Liekong suddenly stopped, and Gu Bo’s unfazed eyes looked at the center of the explosion.

The smoke and dust slowly dispersed, and Theon’s figure also appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

The mansion that originally had tens of thousands of square meters has been bombarded into ruins by the sky.

In the middle of the ruins, it was Theon who was lying.

I saw Theon lying on a ruin, his eyes were white, and there was a lot of blood flowing from his body, and the whole person fainted directly.

Everyone swallowed, not knowing what to say.


Liekong sat at Jin Lami, then flew into the sky and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Jack was the first to react, and his fierce eyes looked at the people of the Iron Hand Pirates.

“Surrender or die.” ”

If Lynn hadn’t asked Jack to bring more people back, Jack would have killed these pirates.

“Captain, I surrender, I surrender. ”

“I surrender too, I surrender too. ”

Theon already ruled repressively.

Although he was kind to his subordinates, he often beat and scolded, and even killed people casually.

So these people naturally have no loyalty to Theon.

Seeing that their boss had been solved, they surrendered very unrestrainedly.

“Kim Lami, kill the guy, cut off his head and give it to the captain. ”

Before coming, Lynn had made it clear that he didn’t need Theon, and Jack naturally wouldn’t keep Theon.

Also blame Sain, who usually does nothing evil, just gave Lynn the opportunity to close people’s hearts.

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After all, to count an island, Enwei and Shi are the most important, and blindly killing will not solve the problem at all.

Of course, if Enwei can’t solve it, Lynn will also use violence.

“Yes, Brother Jack. ”

Kim Rami walked up to Theon and slashed off the head of Theon, who was in a coma state.

The pirates around did not dare to say anything, let alone stop it.

I could only watch Kim Rami move.

But the clever Theon, who didn’t even have a chance to surrender, was directly cut off by Kim Rami.

In this way, in the waters of Atvor, a famous sea thief was solved.

“Okay, Kim Rami, go to the next place and solve another pirate. ”

Jack now can’t wait to prove his strength by tackling another pirate.

At the same time that Liekong helped solve Theon, on another island, the battle was fierce.

Luke vs. Ross, who has a bounty of 400 million Baileys.

Although Luke’s bounty is relatively high, Ross is not bad, and the difference in combat power levels between the two sides is not particularly large.

And Ross is about the same age as Luke.

This also led to the fact that the battle between Luke and Ross was very fierce, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat for a while.

But strictly speaking, Luke’s strength is three points stronger than Ross.

In addition, Luke is also an animal Devil Fruit ability, and he has a great advantage against Ross of pure body art.

The battle only lasted one day and one night, and Luke finally defeated Ross.

Rose, are you surrendering?”

Luke looked at Rose breathlessly.

After fighting for a day and a night, his body was also very burdened.

And to convince you, that Lynn, I believe his future is promising.” ”

Ross is not stupid either.

Lynn can convince Luke as a teenager, and maybe another Rocks in the future.

Why should he refuse.

This is the world of pirates, the law of the jungle.

Luke is also happy, and getting Ross means that the biggest trouble has been solved.

He only needs to solve a few more weak pirates, and his mission is completed.

“Okay, Ross, you take a break first, in two days we will go out to solve another pirate group, and then I will take you to meet the new captain.” ”

“Got it, can I still refuse?”

Ross stood up with difficulty and patted the dust on his clothes

Then the two walked side by side to the side of the territory that originally belonged to Ross.

The next day, Luke took a day off.

It wasn’t until the third day that Luke took Ross and began to sweep up all the pirates near the waters of Atvor.

In less than two weeks, Luke and Jack swept all the other pirates in the entire Etvor Sea.

Thirty large islands in the waters of Atvor were all occupied by the Lynn Pirates.

The Lynn Pirates also became the overlord of the Atvor Sea and became one of the top pirates in the New World.


Lynn and Thor and the others were already waiting in the huge castle in the middle of the island.

Because today is the day when Luke Jack and others come back.

In addition to Luke, there are many new pirates, and Lynn naturally wants to see the past one by one.

Otherwise, his subordinates don’t know the captain, and it’s too humiliating to say it.

So there is today’s meeting.

Pirates’ Bad Doctor Conan begins!

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